im guessing the oil soaked into the bag with the pommel sitting touching it for so long. if you live somewhere with high humidity or store it near the shower that can be a problem. you could try a leather sword bag like in the old days. the leather would be treated with wax and oil so even if the sword was un oiled the leather would protect the sword very well.
top result on google probably not the cheapest
it's "for chrome and aluminium" but it is strong enough to remove the rust without scratching the steel. kinda like toothpaste you just rub it in with a paper towel.
It's cheaper and a lifetime supply that does the same thing as the PolyWatch. Fine for little scratches. You just put a bit on a Qtip and twirl it around the scratch. Eventually it gets a little gritty and that's when the abrasive starts working on the scratches. You'll probably do it a few times before they are good enough. Just a tiny bit of the product at a time, it goes a long way.
Someone bought these polishing sheets on Amazon and posted the results. Looked good as new. I bought them also.....they are sitting on my counter.
Cape Cod® Metal Polishing Cloths Foil Pouch 0.53oz
Yeah, I was going to suggest Mother's - not that I've used it on chrome faucets. Mothers 05101 Mag & Aluminum Polish - 10 oz: Automotive
Cape Code Polishing Cloth! Works great to get out scratches. I use on my 18k if there’s ever a scratch that’s bothering me
Buy some polishing clothes on Amazon, wear nitrile gloves while you polish it. When you're done polishing, wipe it with a clean microfiber cloth :)
it isnt normal and i like autosol.
will remove the rust and not scratch the steel and leaves a good polish. put a tiny spec on there and rub with a cloth or paper/shop towel then oil it. repeat till its good.
Looks great!
But next time just use some Mother's Mag & Aluminum Polish. Takes 5 minutes per headlight and results are the same.
The first time I restored my headlights I used the 3M kit as well and it's pointlessly hard for the same results as a polish.
Couple solutions: bring a can of compressed air to the back of your PlayStation and get dust out IF THE PROBLEM REMAINS: Order some thermal paste off of amazon ( should only be like 5 bucks) and search on YouTube “how to replace thermal paste on the ps4” or something like that. What thermal paste does is it pretty much absorbs the heat of your ps4 and keeps it cool, when the paste is worn out, your ps4 overheats and your fans work harder ( louder). Now this will require you to almost completely dismantle your ps4 (while it’s already dismantled, you may as well bring a can of air to everything on the inside) but that shouldn’t be a problem if you’re very careful and make sure you don’t lose parts(WARNING: when taking the ps4 apart you’ll see stickers that say you’re voiding your warranty, if it’s a pretty old ps4, it’s probably already ran out)
It’s an intimidating thing to do if you’re not a tech head, but it’s not that scary if you follow instructions clearly. I remember I did it and my PlayStation went from a jet engine to literally silent. Ofc you can choose to not trust me, because I’m just a comment on reddit)
Pretty sure I used this: Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Compound (Pack of 2)
And here’s a video on how to do it:
Bad MF right there but i have a recommendation for you. I use these to clean up my pipes.
You won't be able to get that 100% mirror look, but you can probably get 95% there with a couple of rags and a $6 tub of Mother's Mag and aluminum polish.
I use Mothers metal polish for final shine. Just a little lasts for ages. You can expect a pretty good shine on metal after getting it up to 400-600 grit. I typically go up the grits from 120 to 2000, and then hit it with some polishing compound and that'll get you to a mirror finish.
If you're using a buffing wheel, some wax-based general purpose buffing compound will be good for removing the scuff marks from sanding, prior to polishing. And if you're not after a chrome-like mirror finish, that may well be enough for your liking.
wipe the whole thing down with mineral oil then use autosol or a similar paste to clean the steel by rubbing it on with paper towel or shop towel. its modern but appears fairly well made and maybe even traditionally. the rust suggest its not stainless but a carbon steel possibly even hardened. where specifically did you get this? which shop or smith?
Next time you can just do it yourself and use Mother's Polish.
Literally just rub some on your headlights and polish for 5 minutes each with a towel and it does just as good of a job as any sanding kit. Even easier if you have a polish ball with a drill.
Most of the time the UV sealants wear off pretty quickly and you'll end up having to do it again probably in a year or two at most to keep them looking crystal clear.
I actually ran across a similar comment a while back, and discovered Cape Cod Metal Polishing Cloths (I think this is the link on amazon). I had accrued a number of scratches and these cloths work great if you keep up with it. Worth the small cost!
Ich hab mir den hier geholt: von Autosol
Nimm dir pro Endrohr ca 10min, du musst auf jeden Fall ein bisschen schrubben wenn der Vorbesitzer das gar nicht gemacht hat (meine waren richtig schwarz). Und versuch garnicht erst auf ein perfekten neuen Chromelook zu kommen. Schau am besten immer von 1-2 Metern entfernung drauf um zu sehen wie das Endrohr aussieht, wenn man da so vorhockt und jeden kleinen kratzer sieht macht man sich verrückt. :D
zum schrubben habe ich die raue Seite von nem Schwamm zum abspülen genommen, die zum Töpfe reinigen, und zum polieren dann die normale Seite. Ging gut!
Viel Spaß mit der Karre :)
You have a max temp of 70.50° C.
it would be worth removing the cpu cooler, cleaning the old thermal paste and putting new paste on.
Amazon has 2 tubes for 10$.
Have you checked your windows event viewer for critical, errors, and warnings under Windows/System?
Could also be a bad stick of RAM.
I think at this point the only thing that is going to save the outside of that is some automotive mag polish, like this; Mothers Mag & Aluminium Polish 5oz
For the lime scale, try several treatments of supermarket kettle cleaner.
Mothers aluminum polish and lots and lots of paper towels... I got a package of special buffer heads to attach to a drill, but just by hand worked better... Will take a few hours, but the results are staggering
I just refreshed my old Kirby (read: needlessly rebuilt)
One thing that I would recommend for you is Mothers Aluminium Polish.
I went out and got special buffer heads to attacchi to a drill, totally unnecessary... Ended up using paper towels for the whole thing (lots and lots of paper towels), and 2 evenings of polishing...
But check out the difference! It’s not perfect, and one day I’ll polish more, but 2 evenings was about my limit apparently...
Alternatively if you don’t have AC+ to fall back on, you could buff the Silver’s stainless steel bands with a metal polish like and get quite good results
Try Barkeepers Friend soft scrub. pick small spot and rub it for 30 seconds, rinse, and see how much it removed. If it was successful do the rest. If these are aluminum then the dishwashing detergent has pitted the surface. No aluminum in the dishwasher. You can also try Simichrome polish if that is the case. apply it with a twisting motion in the direction of the brushed pattern.
As others have mentioned use a fine automotive polish. I've used this Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover on our old and new stainless steel fridge and it was amazing. Buffed out some rather deep scratches. Go nice and easy on it.
I've always wanted to try putting something like Mother's Polishing Compound on the lock faces and then opening and closing the knife repeatedly to see if the compound would polish the lock face perfectly.
So, people may hate me but I've tried toothpaste, I've tried Brasso, but what really worked for me was this stuff. Cape Cod Polish Co Metal Polishing Cloth.
Be very very gentle. This stuff is powerful but easily cleaned the hard residue on my blocks. I then wiped it up with a soft lint free cloth, and then using a light bristle brush cleaned it in distilled water.
So, there’s this stuff. It probably won’t take the rust completely off, but it will probably make it look better. Just be careful, that shit is rather toxic.
Not to complicate things for you by suggesting yet another rust removal method, but Nevr Dull has always been my silver bullet when it comes to rust removal and one can will last me ages. For extreme build up it may not be the fastest or most efficient solution, but it's one of those thing I stay stocked up on like duct tape, etc. It's always handy.