Also, don't buy the one on Amazon with forward by Alan Dershowitz by mistake like I did.
Spends the entire forward making horrendously disingenuous remarks and attempting to spin the report into something that exonerates or proves Trump's innocence.
Egregious hit job.
There is no Mueller report yet and we don't know for sure if there will be one but Dershowitz is already on Amazon's incoming books with: The Mueller Report: The Final Report of the Special Counsel into Donald Trump, Russia, and Collusion.According to some twitter comments the publishing company Skyhorse is a russian backed company.The fuckers even put the logo and Department of Justice on the cover to look like is the official report.
You might find Mick West's book, <em>Escaping the Rabbit Hole,</em> to be helpful. It's all about how and why otherwise smart and reasonable people can fall into conspiracist beliefs, and how to approach the topic with them. It also goes into some of the details of the arguments behind specific conspiracy theories like the 9/11 ones. And it's a surprisingly good read, IMO.
I really do hope we get the votes in the Primary.
I recently read “On Tyranny” and it’s an amazing short read. I highly suggest everyone read this, it’s super cheap on Amazon: On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
Point is, Trump is following directly in the footsteps of many fascist leaders of the past and I expect one or many of the following to happen:
Suspension of voting due to “outside” vote manipulation
Terrorist attack that emboldens his base and allows him to take State of Emergency control of the government
The firing of Muller and taking the law into his own hands
You might say “That’s crazy” but look how far we’ve come. Compared to previous candidates and presidents Trump is becoming untouchable. Things that would have destroyed the career of other presidents haven’t done jack to him.
Fun fact:
Pizzagate's primary propagandist is Mike Cernovich, a Trump fanatic.
Lesser known is that Mike Cernovich allied with Epstein's ex-lawyer Alan Dershowitz in a legal quest to attack Epstein's victims. Both of them have been filing joint or related legal requests in a court case attempting to unseal documents on one of Epstein's accusers.
The victim of course has been defending herself in court against these attacks by highlighting to the judge how completely fucking biased Cernovich is against rape victims.
Another fun fact:
Alan Dershowitz wrote the forward to the Mueller Report published on Amazon. The credits for Alan were already on the cover before the report was even published, before he had time to actually read it. Look it up on Amazon, most people don't realize someone deeply biased towards the Trump child rape crew managed to get himself added into the report, before the report was out.
All coincidences, I'm sure.
>The only way it could be published instantly is if Dershowitz writes the introduction in advance.
You mean like this?
Because, i'm sure that wasn't created to be misleading at all.
The author of this comic, u/MrWeiner of [SMBC](, stops by here sometimes and has a book coming out on open borders with Bryan Caplan:
Straight up there is a physical copy of the Mueller report for sale on Amazon with an "introduction" by <em>Alan Dershowitz</em>.
Is it just me or is that fucking insane?
>In Arizona, Florida and North Carolina, measures are being floated to the press, grinding their way through the legislature, or being mishandled in ways that would restrict access to the ballot or otherwise make voting more difficult.
>Not coincidentally, these large, populous, varying-degrees-of-purple states will be essential in determining the outcome of the 2020 elections.
>“It’s a contagion,” Rick Hasen, an election law professor at the University of California Irvine who runs the Election Law Blog, told TPM. “What’s so shocking about it is that it’s spreading. It’s not just that one legislature is out of control, it’s that it’s a changing of the norms towards using maximal political power even in the face of a political rejection.”
This is what creeping fascism looks like.
I highly recommend reading Timothy Snyder's "On Tyranny" for more information on spotting and dealing with authoritarianism. It's a fast read, and inexpensive.
The book <em>On Tyranny</em> goes into this. Every day becomes a new normal. What we tolerate today is drastically different from what we would have tolerated 6 months ago.
Edit: if you haven't read this book, you should. It's only 6 bucks on Amazon, and you can finish it in a few hours. It is incredibly insightful.
False comparison both in scope and knowledge
Hillary doesn't know who buys her books.
The amount of money that's paid for to stay at the Trump hotels $1800/day is enormously larger than the fee one pays for a book $14.
Hillary wasn't in office when she was giving her speaking engagements (your source above)
Edited for sources as per rule 2
First quote on the "editorial reviews"
>"Let it come out, let people see it. Let's see whether or not it's legit…I look forward to seeing the [Mueller] report."—President Donald Trump
Is that a joke?
> Any good schools, manuals, insight or resources to truly know how to big-picture Army for a reforming shammer
Since you're in S3.. I've heard this is a great manual to keep at the desk.. Teaches you how to shift blame for any wrong doing/mishandling/issue S3 encounters with soldiers' paperwork
til that Bryan caplan wrote a ~~graphic nonfiction~~ weeb mangashit on open borders.
!ping WEEBS
Om du verkligen vill prata med dom här kanske den här boken kan hjälpa. Annars är det väl bara att acceptera att alla människor inte har den bästa informationsdieten (men dom vara bra och älskvärda människor för det).
ngl kinda hyped for Caplan's open borders manga thing.
He didn't. He wrote it for a slanted take on the report:
Read the product description there.
If you like that, you're going to love this:
The Mueller Report "the final report of the Special Counsel"
It says that Mueller and the US Dept of Justice are the authors and it includes an Introduction by Alan Dershowitz.
Fake books! It states that the publication date is March 26, 2019 and it is labelled as a best seller already probably due to presales. I don't have an Amazon account so I don't know how to report it.
>who submitted a four page summary that deliberately left out much of Mueller's findings
The summary is intended to give a SUMERIZATION of the RESULTS of the investigation. it was never intended to be the be all end all report and the Muller report is released. So what are you whining about? That the 4 page summary he released didnt have the information YOU were specifically seeking? Probably because it wasnt intented to confirm your bias. It was intended to summarize the investigations ultimate findings and give the country the short hand version as quick as possible. Why are you pretending like hes currently sitting back there in his AG office clutching the rest of the Muller report as if I cant LITERALLY buy it on Amazon RIGHT NOW and have it delivered to my house, same day.
Wanna have yourself a laugh? Look at the amazon reviews...
" was going to read this book.....I really was. But just as I got started, I found myself under sniper fire, passed out, and fell and hit my head. After that I got double vision and had to wear glasses that were so damn thick I couldn't even see to read. Then I had an allergic reaction to something and started coughing so hard I spit out what looked like a couple of lizard's eyeballs, my limbs locked up, and I passed out and fell down again, waking up only to find out I had been diagnosed with pneumonia 2 days earlier. It's a good thing I was able to make a small fortune making this random small trade in the commodities market (cattle futures or some such thing) and then, miracle of all miracles, a few banks offered me a few million to just talk to their employees for a few minutes - and all that really helped out because I swear I was dead broke and couldn't figure out how I was gonna come up with the 6 bucks to pay for this book, let alone pay the $1,500 for my health insurance this month. I still want to read it, but, hell, what difference at this point does it make? I hear it sucks anyway."
Is anyone else super excited for Hillary's book!??!?!?!
This thing is already #1 best seller on Amazon, I was laughing. I literally saw the tweet like two seconds after it was posted, pressed the Amazon link, and it was already #1 best seller in civics. Now it's just #1 best seller period. Hooray!
Related, the book On Tyranny: twenty lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder is worth the $6 and a read through.
Which is why it's such a shame that, at least in America (and from what I understand many other countries) it's such a unifying position in the wrong direction. Very few positions have such bi-partisan opposition!
I know YOU didn't come here to plug this, but I have no such scruples:
Hey everyone! Check out this book:
I am so sorry this happened. It is not ever easy to identify or find a way to change the system.
I do believe both/all students need to be involved in the conversations as generally the broader the "us" the better the outcome when dealing with aggressors/violent individuals acting out in a relatively closed community.
Good book to address any difficult topic: How to Have Impossible Conversations.
Please keep us updated.
It will be like after the 2016 election where Hillary wrote a whole book on what went wrong and blamed absolutely everything and everyone except the primary cause - except the front cover of the book gave away the true ending.
It was an ironic hint at an almost self aware moment for her. I can't help but think whomever designed the cover was in on it.
I'm glad you linked to this again—looks like some good reviews have been added in the last couple of days! Check out the main page...
>I bought this thinking it would be a how-to book. I wanted "How to set up your own Foundation for fun and profit." Also, would like to have seen a chapter on "Ten easy steps to setting up your own secure server in a bathroom." I do hear there's going to be a sequel, tentatively called "The Art of the Shakedown." Should be interesting.
And 318 people like this:
>This could be the first "book" in history to have more reviews on amazon the actual sales bwwwwaaaahAAHA lol
I've for quite some time thought that the "ego" or "esoteric knowledge" thing was part of it and it may be but I'm reading Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect and the author points out that although there has been a study done on having special knowledge that the relationship between the need for this knowedge and conspiracy belief is very weak. I'm paraphrasing a bit but I was surprised to see that. This is one of those cases where the media promoted this with a sensational headline when the evidence wasn't very strong. I can't find the specific article but I think it was from
Jesus - this isn't a hoax!
But I thought that Barr was going to exercise discretion as to which parts would be released - perhaps this is a redacted version.
In any case, it will be good to have this behind us, so that the real fireworks can begin - it's the end of the beginning! Can't wait for the indictments - of Obama DOJ/FBI officials who concocted the Russiagate vendetta.
e geniala cartea asta si vorbeste exact despre asta