Got it. Yeah - that just sucks from every single angle. Is there anyway you could get a smaller fridge for your vegan stuff and attach a lock to it? My husband lived in a boarding house for a short while and one of the guys had something like this. The owner flat out had a lock on a cabinet to keep his dry food safe.
That sounds extreme, but your food isn’t cheap, and it’s not like you can just grab any crap laying around.
Anyway, good luck hopefully finding a solution. Bugs in Florida heat are about the worst thing in the world!
If you need a lock for your locker, don't use a regular combo lock with the spinning dial. Those things are not fun to open when you are being screamed at and have 5 seconds to get dressed. Get something like this instead. Also get shirt stays (the ones that loop around your feet, not the ones that attach to your socks).
I bought a key lock that I hang from the handle of my car. So far so good. I haven't had any problems with people trying to pick it and get the keys (honestly since I go dawn patrol-ish in a relatively high visibility area, I don't think anyone bothers). It changed my surfing life! I initially would just take my keys, slippers, and towel out to the beach and hoped no one would go poking through it. Now I only need to take myself, my board, and slippers (to deal with the walk back).
It happens all to often and I slways tell people I see hiding keys not to.
Use the Wordlock! Safe as fuck. Fits all tour keys in it and lock it somewhere you can see it from the water, or somewhere hidden around vehicle
WordLock Key lock box – large capacity Secure Realtor Storage Lockbox with 4 Letter Word combination - Indoor / Outdoor Use for surfers, beach and sports
Unfortunately I’m not too familiar with them, but looks like amazon has a fairly cheap one that works for all sizes:
Yeah it seems like she’s crazy wasteful, I’d suggest getting ready for a confrontation (before installing the fridge lock if you’re up to it, otherwise she’s likely to bring it up afterwards). She sounds like a huge mooch
This is something Jazz never really brings up, but if you read through r/narcolepsy or the Facebook support groups you'll see a TON of people with this problem.
> Like they're literally preventing me from giving into the Xywav drowsiness sometimes
It sounds like you might be waiting for Xywav to kick in before you go to sleep? I've found it really, really important to only take Xywav once I'm already in bed AND almost asleep. (I set an alarm for 30 minutes into the future in case I actually fall asleep before I can take it.)
If that doesn't help, try eating a small, fat-free snack before taking the Xywav. Yes, that might make the Xywav somewhat less effective, but that's a lot better than staying awake to eat afterwards and negating the whole dose. If this works for you, then gradually make the snack smaller and/or have it earlier in the evening until you find the right balance.
Also, if your living situation allows for it, look into refrigerator and pantry locks. If you live alone, consider locking up all of your food 2 hours before you take Xywav, and put the keys in a time delay safe that you can only open the next morning.
It took me a while to figure all of this out, but I've come to realize that my routine and choices in the 3-4 hours before taking Xywav are the most critical component of my entire narcolepsy treatment plan.
After you unfreeze the key next time you use it, instead of refreezing it, put it in A container like this one and set the timer. Its much more difficult to get at than a block of ice
It's a key lock box like a realtor might use. Not exactly sure what they are doing there. Maybe they are used for bike rentals?
i use an usefull locker box to hide my stuff ! it's cheap and usefull to hide it for a long time\_=lv\_ov\_lig\_dp\_it\_im&th=1
I was playing along with your title, little boy! 😛 I'm sure you'll find a daddy one of these days, you're in pretty good shape and look to have plenty of years ahead of you. 😊
Until you find that someone, maybe you could get something like this to help out?
You can since you have 1/2 inch of insulation but should you? No. Try this non-destructive method.
Refrigerator Door Lock with Padlock - White
Usually you have a bolt on the opposite side you can move to lock it.
From the front I would just use a combo lock. That way you don't have to worry about key.
We use these at work and they last years outside.
Just spray some penetrating oil in it every few years. Also when it is unlocked. Spray some oil down in to the mechanism.
I am on ~4 burn years with these:
They stay outside year round too.
i use these locks. time savers especially in the dark. can create a custom combination.
Ben and Jerry's make a lock for their pints.
That may help you out.
My sister would cut the bottom out of spite tho lmao
box it's meant for phones and stuff but could hold keys and stuff. i have others too
May I present to you a ice cream pint lock that Ben and Jerry's made. It has a quote that says I'm sorry, but there is no "u" in "my pint" 😂
Put it in a timed safe like this.
Timer Lock Container,Multi-Function Phone Time Lock Box, to Prevent Dependence on Smartphone ,Ideal for Quitting Smoking, Wine, Candy, Excessive Playing of Smartphones and Games
Put it in a timed safe like this.
Timer Lock Container,Multi-Function Phone Time Lock Box, to Prevent Dependence on Smartphone ,Ideal for Quitting Smoking, Wine, Candy, Excessive Playing of Smartphones and Games
Put it in a timed safe like this.
Timer Lock Container,Multi-Function Phone Time Lock Box, to Prevent Dependence on Smartphone ,Ideal for Quitting Smoking, Wine, Candy, Excessive Playing of Smartphones and Games
saw this little timer lockbox gadget on sissy-lover, found one on amazon, too, but this helped me bunches to stay self-locked.
what i do; i only lock and unlock my cage in the shower, and put the keys in the timer-box for 24 hours when im done (you can go lower to start, it can help with just getting through a night with no jerking off). i give myself no choice but endure the whole day. eventually, it gets hard to resist using the key to cum before showertime, but with enough can-do attitude, closing the lid and locking the timer can feel like a submissive weight of the shoulders.
*click beep beep beep beep beeeeeeep* "Well, nothing I can do about it now."
now, i only fully remove my cage to cum once a week, on the night my weekend ends, so im not too stressed at work. my only condition for cumming; something has to be inside me :P
I like the idea! But I'd recommend a combination lock. If you got a Master 175D Amazon Link here you could just write combinations on pieces of paper. It has 10,000 possible combinations, so you won't even come close to people guessing it. Also there are a few other benefits: 1. This eliminates the need to buy extra keys. 2. You don't have to try to collect the keys 3. You can change the combination after each lotto (which prevents someone from making copies of the winning key and mysteriously winning each time!).
I know that box isn't prepped for a padlock, so you could either attach a hasp or get a locksmith to install a CompX EcoForce. Link here. It is a mechanical cam lock that should fit that door.
Source: I used to be a locksmith, now I wholesale locksmith supplies.
Ben and Jerry's sell an official lock for their pints...
Ben & Jerry's Euphori-Lock Ice Cream Pint Combination Lock Protector
Timer Lock Container,Multi-Function Phone Time Lock Box, to Prevent Dependence on Smartphone ,Ideal for Quitting Smoking, Wine, Candy, Excessive Playing of Smartphones and Games
If you have an empty cupboard / closet you could use something like this with that lock.\_1\_3?dchild=1&keywords=fridge+lock+padlock&qid=1634252590&sr=8-3
Exactly and also don't use smoking as a way to avoid other issues, that's a slippery slope when you're smoking all the time and there is actually depression that needs a different treatment or something else at play. Your body won't crave it, but you're used to it. This on the stash box might help the first few weeks:
Timer Lock Container,Multi-Function Phone Time Lock Box, to Prevent Dependence on Smartphone ,Ideal for Quitting Smoking, Wine, Candy, Excessive Playing of Smartphones and Games This is a good solution, lock it up for a predetermined time, put the keys in the safe and then you can’t unlock until time is up. Starts small and train your way up, I’ve been using mine for the last couple weeks and I’ve gone from 4 hours being my longest lockup too a little over 2 days right now 🥰