> just as ignorant as the people you’re criticizing
never once did i criticize anywhere or claim it as “the way out” (idk why you quouted that, its nowhere in my comment) but okay pal. this might help you in the future. highly recommend you utilize it.
Lol I don’t have booze recommendations but I didn’t come empty handed
Cursive Handwriting Workbook for Kids: 3-in-1 Writing Practice Book to Master Letters, Words & Sentences https://www.amazon.com/dp/1790852579/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_42llFbQVVRX2C
I used this book to study for the English CSETs: https://www.amazon.com/English-Subtests-Online-Teacher-Certification/dp/0738612022
Ive only taken subtest II so far and i passed so I’d say it prepared me well. It mostly goes over grammar, the history/development of the English language, and strategies to teach English
I think what's missing is this perspective: https://www.amazon.com/Knowledge-Gap-Americas-education-system/dp/0735213550. That is, Common Core trains students to read short passages for "comprehension," but we've dramatically reduced time on other subjects. I have doubts about how many kids are actually reading books in their language arts classes when the emphasis is on reading short passages for tests. The solution proposed in the book is to better prepare them for the tests by spending more time on other subject areas, but I think the real problem is the idea of "reading comprehension" as a test construct. Let students read, discuss, interpret, and write about books on a variety of genres and topics rather than having to perform a narrow form of "comprehension" (i.e. choosing the "right answer" on a test).
Ah, I see we're in the not reading my replies in full part of the debate. Please consult this before commenting further.
Wait.... I'm almost positive that if you actually read what I said, that I gave Bellicheck credit, no? I said Brady likely had MORE to do with it, but I didn't say Bellicheck had NOTHING to do with it?
Maybe spend some money on this and then answer me back.
I used REA's "CSET English Subtests I-IV" book to study for mine and passed all but Test 2 on my first try and passed test 2 on my second try so over all it worked well for me.
Wow. That's insane. You need to send copies of Kelly Gallagher's Readicide to your admin. Readicide/Kelly Gallagher
Reading (like most things in education) became extremely political. It was actually conservatives who pushed for science of reading approaches (backed by science/data) and liberal/progressive educators that were pushing balanced literacy.
HIGHLY recommend Natalie Wexler's The Knowledge Gap.
>This is the craziest thing I've ever read
Well I have good news for you: You didn't read it at all. I quite literally say I don't think the state needs to be going around taking your kids to raise them the 'right' way. I initially pushed back on the idea that rational parents likely would not knowingly hinder their children's education and I expanded by saying that:
1) Even rational people are susceptible to mistakes.
2) Not all parents are rational when it comes to making decisions about their children.
3) Public education can help address issues that may arise from 1 and 2. ADDRESS. Not replace parents in an attempt to avoid 1 and 2 entirely.
If you don't mind, can I suggest some light reading for you so the next time you come to this sub, you are a bit more prepared to have a discussion before you start elevating your blood pressure for no reason?
I used this cset book and it helped me a lot I passed all the tests on my first attempt. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0738612022/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I can't completely speak to this, but my reluctant-yet-talented writer ended up doing a LOT better when I figured out how to effectively use graphic organizers to help them write. Check out The Writing Revolution by Hochman and Wexler (there's a huge preview available on the "Look Inside" piece on Amazon, enough to give you a solid idea of how it works). It's all about writing structures to help students write reports/nonfiction responses/summaries/book reports. It takes a lot of work on your end, the entire book is really a teacher's tool, but it can be adapted to whatever subject you're studying (history, science, economics, math, book reports) and is really clearly laid out. It sounds like your daughter has all the tools she needs to be an effective writer but doesn't like or is having trouble putting them all together.
The Writing Revolution by Hochman and Wexler has a decent book report format as well as a lot of other useful stuff. There's a huge preview of the book available on Amazon, although not the book report outline (I think).
I got a book for you right here
The Big Book of Reading Comprehension Activities, Grade 3: 100+ Activities for After-School and Summer Reading Fun https://www.amazon.com/dp/1641524995/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_J6V2EVPHS89KGJTSJ6F5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That's my point. If you read this book it explains the problem; they are teaching reading comprehension as a decontextualized, abstract skill rather than in the context of actual content.
In other words, drilling in "main point" and "supporting evidence" while reading random passages about random topics doesn't help with comprehension.
In my observation (based on the work I've seen my daughter do) the passages they read are also often illogical, open to multiple interpretations, and/or incorrect, but students still have to choose a correct answer on a multiple choice test. From what I can see kids spend more time doing that than exploring content through reading, experiments, nature study, etc. Oh and many classrooms don't have many textbooks because school districts have stopped funding them in favor of buying more laptops.
>Bought a bunch of stuff, wants to race, then wants to build a class around stuff he bought.
your reading and comprehension is F minus dude. my suggestion was race stock mini b/t R2R. the outlaw austin group does this kind of shit, lots of clubs run stock slash, etc. this isnt an advanced concept. you just happened to ask what building a pro roller kit cost, which a) was not relevant to running stock classes and b) i just happened to be able to answer because i just built one. i think you just cant see the forest for the trees because you are hell bent on spending money to win instead of reading and comprehension.
Your lucky day! It is on sale! The Big Book of Reading Comprehension Activities, Grade 3: 100+ Activities for After-School and Summer Reading Fun https://www.amazon.com/dp/1641524995/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_W8YSBGNZ11CYGQ2ZE5ZV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The Big Book of Reading Comprehension Activities, Grade 3: 100+ Activities for After-School and Summer Reading Fun https://www.amazon.com/dp/1641524995/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GQS5473BAJPY0P20ZBT4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 You’re welcome… I’m sure your clients will appreciate when you achieve grade 3 reading comprehension…
Haha, I just told you what Starlink said, “targeting service” The subject was never what you thought it was… here is something with the mili and cookie… The Big Book of Reading Comprehension Activities, Grade 3: 100+ Activities for After-School and Summer Reading Fun https://www.amazon.com/dp/1641524995/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_2RZQKNX6VZD45C9DC6ME?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
And I used this one for the practice tests (i found a pdf online): https://www.amazon.com/CliffsTestPrep-CSET-English-Emily-Hutchinson/dp/0470139692
I still need to take the first multiple choice test and didn’t get my written portions scores back yet but I passed the other multiple choice with these. Good luck! I think the practice tests prepared me the most
What I said is true. That lots of people guzzled conspiratorial Kool-Aid is beside the point. Russian election interference is beside the point. Reading comprehension is your friend.
CSET English Subtests I-IV Book + Online (CSET Teacher Certification Test Prep) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0738612022/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ORhNFbJZXW20W
I used this test prep guide to help me with mine and I didn’t have to retake any of the sections. My best advice is to pace yourself appropriately and not try to do the entire thing in one day.
>>Possession of an illegal firearm alone is a felony
No it is not.
wisconsin 948.60 Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18:
>a) Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
You wanna try again? Also, not a fat ass, just a normal person. Funny how you fucks claim to be all for fat acceptance but when tides turn against you you go all fat-phobic.
So let's do a bit of research before we open our dumb mouths, eh, tophercook? Why don't you take your own advice?
Here is the source: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/948/60/2/a
Here is a first grade reading book just in case you're having trouble reading the above document
If I'm just making a quick note for myself, it's really scruffy, but both cursive and block are very neat if I'm writing something for somebody else to read. When I was young, my parents got me to write and rewrite stuff over and over following examples in books like THIS.
I think the primary reason people don't have good handwriting now is because we are all so used to typing stuff out on computers and mobile devices, so without using the skill it's unlikely to improve.
https://www.amazon.com/English-Subtests-Online-Teacher-Certification/dp/0738612022 this was the brand of the study book I used when I took the test a few years ago. I also passed the multiple choice portions of the test on my first try. It was the writing portions that I actually had to retake a few times.