A bit of homework, but Ray Tracing in One Weekend is legendary (and free).
Disney’s short video on pathtracing can also help explain some concepts.
Another important thing is understanding the intersection that raytracing has with rasterization, since that is what consumers are seeing now with the new Turing cores. What the difference is, why people should care, etc.
It’s funny, I have been reading a lot online and observing people’s reactions to the new cards- and most of the backlash simply comes from not understanding what raytracing is. For graphics engineers in the industry, rasterizers (as brilliant as they are) always feel like a hack at some point or another- ray tracing is “the right way”, and that has us very excited
Jesse Schell's "The Art of Game Design" is incredibly informative. Also Mark Brown's YouTube channel is tremendously educative.
Your challenge is to show what value your position adds to the company. That argument is almost always going to be best framed within how that company operates -- not something anyone in this thread but you understands even on a basic level.
Just my opinion: Escaping the Build Trap provides a good foundation on which to build your arguments. UX sits very thoroughly under the topics discussed within -- and you can probably find this particular book on the high seas for free.
But if this is true:
> the design team does not want me
I don't see what convincing the CEO changes. Unless you're actually some sort of product management wizard, you're going to have an awfully hard time working with that team effectively.
You can just use the compute functionality of Vulkan (no swapchain) and maybe accelerate it using either VK_KHR_ray_query or VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline. You could follow the NVIDIA ray tracing tutorials or you may take a look at Ray Tracing in one Weekend. There are also a lot of examples on shadertoy.
Pick up Ray Tracing In One Weekend, Author's Blog & Amazon. It's a fun little ebook that walks you through building a very small, fun path tracer. He codes his version in C++, but you can build it in any language!
I got the book over Thanksgiving and used it as an exercise to learn OCaml. I'll be revisiting the book anytime I want to a new language again.
> Shirley's minibooks
I assume you are talking about this book ? I'm not familiar with it but any resources are good!
Learning D3D12 is good just be aware that it is easy to get bogged down in the "weeds" if you don't understand the full pipeline. The D3D samples are good to look at.
This book is really good. It is software agnostic.
Escaping the Build Trap was one of my favorite books I've read this year.
As the saying goes, start at the beginning:
A Theory of Fun for Game Design by Raph Koster. Not huge on the mechanics of how to actually make a game, but it's a great starting point to begin to actually think about game design and not games production, games art, games programming, or whatever. They're all part of what goes into making a game, but they are not game design. If you only buy/read one book about game design, make it this one.
If you're interested in this I can recommend the Raytracing mini-books by Peter Shirley. I ran through them back in '16 and it is probably the most comprehensive intro book/tutorial I've seen. Does go heavy on the math and actually shows all the code needed.
I've written a path tracer before, and I did it by modifying my ray tracer. A path tracer is really just a ray tracer that traces even more rays. The difference between them is really not that great. The same data structures can be used for either. There's a book called Ray Tracing in a Weekend, and it teaches you how to write a path tracer. The book's written by Peter Shirley, who's kind of an authority on the topic.
Nowadays, no one talks about ray tracing in the strict way that you do. People will some times refer to different things like path tracers, bidrectional path tracer, and photon mappers all as ray tracers. DirectX Raytracing is definitely not just limited to ray tracing as you described. If it was, it wouldn't be much use to anyone.
Unity Shaders and Effects cookbook. I'm linking you to the 5th edition because it's probably more relevant. I bought the 4th one for cheap on kindle and it was super helpful until I got to the 4th chapter which used cubemaps which have obviously changed between unity 4 and 5 probably 2017 as well lol. But I just bought a used physical copy of the newer one which I hope gets here soon.
Either one you go with will get you writing good shaders quickly as long as you can use your imagination. After the first chapter I got a lightsabre shader up and running easily. It also covers post processing effects later in the book and supposedly goes into making your own cinematic filter.
There is an Updated Unity Shader Cookbook for Unity 5 and standard shaders by Alan Zuconni.
Digital Modelling looks pretty good. I'm probably going to get it myself.
Teaches C# through Unity, reading it now and it's really good!
Nice write up. Look forward to the next one.
Just got Alan's book on shaders. It's a great resource! He even talks about fur shaders.
You can check out these set of exercises you can practice with: http://www.amazon.com/100-CAD-Exercises-Practicing-design-ebook/dp/B00TBYS84Q
Also, there are good tutorials here: http://computeraideddesignguide.com/category/solidworks/