Control System Design Guide by George Ellis.
This book perfectly bridges together the theory you learn in school with the practical design knowledge you need in the field. Note that it is mostly about process and motion control, not PLCs.
At least link to the most recent version?
A new version of the Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition 2nd Edition
by Peter Gregory (Author), Bobby Rogers (Author), Dawn Dunkerley (Author)
Here is a link to it on Amazon:
Sorry I wasn't clearer in the previous post.
Hope this helps.
I can recommend the book below although I haven't read it entirely due to lack of time. It is oriented for practical engineers. I found that most tuning methods require you to know the variables of your system and most of the times you don't have access to them or they are not consistent
Here’s a decent book I read a few months ago I really liked. It help me grasp how options work. I do a lot of paper trading for practice. It’s something I might entertain as a strategy when I retire off my TSLA shares. I’m still unsure how I plan to do it exactly, but it’s an idea I like to entertain.
Covered Calls for Beginners: A Risk-Free Way to Collect "Rental Income" Every Single Month on Stocks You Already Own (Options Trading for Beginners)
Thank you! I I really enjoyed CL Recipes (highly highly recommended), and I might as well buy PCL given I have read it enough
Other good candidates:
I could advise you buy the buy this book:
Covered Calls for Beginners: A Risk-Free Way to Collect "Rental Income" Every Single Month on Stocks You Already Own
Learn more:\_sw\_em\_r\_mt\_dp\_69C0Y3GFDH4W85KVWNMZ
I just read Covered Calls for Beginners (Kindle Unlimited) and thought it laid out the topic pretty well. It's only one part of the equation but maybe you are looking for information on covered calls as well.
Common Lisp features not implemented in Emacs Lisp:
(/ 1 2)
= 1/2
in Common Lisp, but 0
in Emacs Lisp. M-.
in SLIME mode can find any function that has been loaded by the attached Lisp process. The function locations are queried from the Lisp process, which collects this information as part of the aforementioned static analysis. Contrast with Emacs Lisp, where M-.
relies on a TAGS file that is only updated when you run etags
from the command line and then reload the new TAGS file in Emacs.The above list is not exhaustive.
> The software manages how the electric motor works, and they are ahead in optimizing that.
If you believe that, you don't know much about electric motors or software.
There's nothing mysterious about controlling electric motors or any other systems, we learn that in engineering college courses, it's all in the standard textbooks.
Tesla is way ahead of everyone else in marketing electric cars, that's all.
Control System Design Guide by Ellis is a must have. He is very skilled at explaining in an intuitive way.
This is what i used whan i started monkeying around with it
Now, I will say that I have gotten the new edition of a book cheaper than the used. You can see how close the prices are here, but also note that I'm not looking at the "official" new book, and that my school has set up a pretty awesome way of buying their books. We've started this project where we can look at all of the notes online on the project website, or buy a bound copy in the bookstore for around $20-$30. Since these are science and engineering textbooks, I'm pretty confident that I'm not being overcharged by that much.
That said, that's the only book I've found that's an exception, and a lot of what you're saying is very true.