what do you think these are worth. i got them for £52 in the boxing day sales and would never have spent more on them otherwise but it seems like a good deal. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Creative-Labs-EF0190-Aurvana-Earphones/dp/B002L16KWS/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1358071351&sr=1-4
If you want something inexpensive, I have the Rocketfish wired headset. It's nothing fancy, but it works fine for me.
If I assume you mean an extra dial or such on the actual headphones/earphones to control the volume, the earphones I have are compatible. (I have an HTC Thunderbolt)
Ge 26695 Voip In-Ear Headset With Inline Microphone
I had problems trying to find earphones that went in my ear that had a mic on them that weren't only iPhone compatible and I found these at Target for a reasonable price :)
(with all that said, I hope I understood the question correctly :X)