Interesting - while only features the paperback you can buy the Kindle version on the international Amazon sites like at roughly half price:
I'd be good to be able to buy it as epub or a similar open format directly from Andreas through openbazaar or directly on his site.
Pour le leetcode, fait du leetcode, c’est aussi simple que ça. Pour ce qui est system design, il y a des bouquins assez connus (comme mais si tu as < 5 ans d’expérience je vois pas pourquoi on te poserait ce genre de questions perso.
> Another way to say it is that a snapshots “USED” size only accounts for unique blocks contained in that snapshot. That’s why when you delete a snapshot the only blocks freed are the ones that were uniquely held by that snapshot.
Aah that makes sense. I'm currently reading through the Snapshots chapter in this book: FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS. The examples of snapshot space consumption only had examples 2 or 3 snapshots deep, so not too many cases where (like in my case) the blocks are probably shared between several dozen snapshots.
Estimation is an art. There are several techniques. You'd pick a technique depending on the project's size and other factors. Most devs have received no education in estimation, and just produce guesstimates. Using "expert judgement" should be the last resort. These estimates have little value and are often biased. If you go with this, at least provide best case, worst case and expected case.
Data based techniques are way better. For this you need historical data of your past projects: average time to complete a screen of size X, average time to create a web service with N methods, etc. That way you just estimate the number of screens/lines of code/whatever you need in your new project, and multiply by the average historical time. Of course there will be an error. But if you do this with every project, over time you will be able to calibrate your next estimates and reduce your estimation error.
There are several estimation techniques that are based on data:
If you have data, make sure it is data of Android projects, and using technologies similiar to what you are going to use (e.: don't estimate Compose UIs based on average time data for XML based UIs).
Estimations wil be better at the end of the project (cone of uncertainity).
For anyone interested, I recommend McConnell's often unknown little jewel on estimation: Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art
If you want to improve your personal programming craft, it's something that occurs over a lifetime. I've been doing this 25 years, and I still strive to continually improve, and learn new techniques all the time, or re-evaluate old practices.
It's taken me many years to get reasonably decent at writing APIs. You need to have a clear grasp of the problem domains, such that you can anticipate use cases. This is the biggest issue if you're experienced, especially if inexperienced in the domain you're working on.
There are many other factors, such as efficiency, and if your API allows clients to easily make mistakes, or whether it naturally encourages correct code.
I'd recommend an old classic: Code Complete, considered by many to be the best software-writing guide ever. It teaches you bedrock principles, which is most valuable for newer programmers who don't necessarily understand why doing something one way is preferable to another way, etc.
Since you are strapped for time, get this book. It’s very broad strokes but helped me grapple the main concepts. For more in-depth study, get Designing Data Intensive Applications.
This might be if some use to you. It's came to me highly recommended, but I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet.
Practice of System and Network Administration, The: Volume 1: DevOps and other Best Practices for Enterprise IT
Start there. For anything else you need to provide more information (how many devices, market vertical, etc.).
I apologies for the confusion I honestly read your post a couple times and thought you were a r/lostredditors.
I would recommend reading the book Code Complete (Developer Best Practices) 2nd Edition. I have read a good portion of the book and it gives a good foundation to become better at software architecture. The book is a bit dry, but many people I have talked to in industry have read this book and found it helpful.
For Visual Studio Code the documentation is a good starting point. In fact, it's not much different than developing locally. Just the IDE mounts a directory into a container, where all your prerequesites and requirements are installed.
The IDE plugins can be configured to be installed as well on every container rebuilt. I missed this at the beginning and it was annoying to install them on every container rebuild! :D
For Docker in general, I read the 2015 edition of this book to be introduced to the concepts and all the possibilities. It helped a lot to not get lost in all the possible ways one can use docker. There is a new edition out, which is close to the current docker version.
It's easy to start with a single container development environment, where you install everything you need. But it's also no big deal to have a docker-compose setup, where you break out the different services into one container each to be closer to a real live setup during development. It has both it's pros and cons...
Hi Mr. Gates- I recommend you read The Internet of Money, by visionary Andreas Antonopoulos. I have been devouring blockchain literature for ages now, and this is the best book on blockchain and cryptocurrency that I have come across.
It is a collection of speeches on blockchain technology and how currencies will work in the future, and I think it will change the way you think about crypto and bitcoin. Actually, I think it will blow your mind and you'll do a 180 on crypto. Check out the reviews.
I'm an engineer, a programmer, and a policy wonk and this book satisfies my every craving.
If you put it on your Amazon wishlist I will buy you a copy.
The only tutorial people will ever need is this.
I don't know if I started in a hurry, but I'm reading the Pro Git ebook as my first book in English. What do you think? Of course, as it is my first reading in an English book, it may take me a long time to read it entirely, but do you think it is advisable to start with a technical book?
A short "lesson". You add
files -> commit
changes(added files) -> push
to server -> then you pull
other's commits from server. There is a book called Pro Git you can get it for free on amazon. It explains a lot of stuff
It will all make a lot more sense if you do a bit of research ahead of time, before you actually do anything. Something like
Hi my name is William B. Skates and i'm the author of Excel VBA: Programming for Complete Beginners the book is focused on beginners who want to dive into the world of VBA and help them understand the various loops, string functions and arrays used in Excel VBA. The book is written in an easy to understand way by using illustrations to learn by doing.The book just entered its free promotion from 11/10 to 15/10. I would love to hear your thoughts down in the comments below.
In Excel VBA: Programming for Complete Beginners I touch on:
Hi my name is William B. Skates and i'm the author of Excel VBA: Programming for Complete Beginners the book is focused on beginners who want to dive into the world of VBA and help them understand the various loops, string functions and arrays used in Excel VBA. The book is written in an easy to understand way by using illustrations to learn by doing.The book just entered its free promotion from 11/10 to 15/10. I would love to hear your thoughts down in the comments below.
In Excel VBA: Programming for Complete Beginners I touch on:
Here is the post for archival purposes:
Author: nopara73
>I don't seem to be able to buy it. All roads lead to Amazon .
Ext4 has sort of just been around for forever (since it's revisions of Ext3 and Ext2) and I always just accepted it as "there". Sort of like NTFS for Windows, it's the thing you use with Linux.
For ZFS, I did come across this ZFS on Linux admin guide a few months back and it's been really useful in getting to the nitty-gritty. And of course, there's always Michael Lucas and Allan Jude's book on ZFS for FreeBSD.
The ZFS technology is that require ECC. You can use non-ECC hardware at your own-risk, but you can still use it with a relative safety. OpenMediaVault do not have ZFS technology. So you can use standard hardware.
ZFS have several advantages. You want to dig into more information read this book:
OpenMediaVault is a good option too.
I would say the definitive book on this is Steve McConnell's book. He discusses everything, from the "cone of uncertainty" making early estimates be off by an order of magnitude, to explaining different methods of keeping yourself straight when coming up with estimates to managing expectations (commitment vs. estimate, buy spending more effort estimating you can't get the estimate lower, only more precise, etc.).
That said, I have found that trying to get estimates to be precise is rarely worth the effort. Mostly a ballpark estimate, multiplied by a correction factor derived from empirical data and setting limits where to enter cut-our-losses mode is quite enough.
I ended up buying this book. Took about a weekend to read through it while simultaneously playing with Docker. But there are probably good free tutorials out there too.