Why don't you get a 1440p display, cheaper sata ssd, cheaper cpu and mobo (ryzen 2, since you'd be playing on a higher res than 1080p ryzen 2 won't bottleneck and you won't need an aftermarket cooler) and you can step down to a 600/650w psu
you'll save: $176.88 on the cpu and cpu cooler (you'll also save some on the mobo). you'll save around $30 depending on the sata ssd you get (possibly more). save more than $30 and get this psu. So a total of around $295
you can get an Acer G247HYU for $230, you can find better deals on 1440p monitors tho
You'll get an overall better experience for slightly less money
Both of those errors are related to a bad PSU and/or CPU. Typically people think it’s ram because of the type of error code it is but that’s not always the case. Get a psu tester. If the power supply is good move to CPU assuming you have tested your ram in each slot one stick at a time individually then paired. Computer PC Power Supply Tester, ATX/ITX/IDE/HDD/SATA/BYI Connectors Power Supply Tester, 1.8'' LCD Screen (Aluminum Alloy Enclosure) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076CLNPPK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_oNEMDbQCJFC18
500W should be enough if OP wants to keep costs down.
The GeForce GTX 980 Ti's TDP is 250W, i7 6700 draws 65W, so between CPU and GPU it's only going to pull 315W, that leaves almost 200W for other components, HDDs are going to pull less then 10W each, much less for SSD.
The similar model EVGA 650W is reduced to $49.99 though, so for the extra $10 it would probably be worth picking up that instead for future proofing, but 500W will 100% run the system above otherwise I wouldn't have suggested it.
I only have a EVGA 500w 80+ certified PSU. That is too weak for the Fury, right? I can sell this PSU to my business (I need to build a new computer for it anyway) and use that money toward a better PSU if I wanted but what would be a good (and relatively) cheap PSU to run the fury. I prefer Newegg or Amazon Prime.
EDIT: Fuck it, I pulled the trigger. Was sitting on the money to buy XFX/Nitro+ 480 but I've been rocking this 6950 for too long and I'm tired of waiting at this point. This seems like a killer deal for $275 and free shipping (I used the Paypal promo). Here's to new GPUs!
Worth noting for larger setups you can do power more cheaply when running larger numbers of nodes by sharing a power supply between nodes with something like this with a bit of extra setup.
I was going to recommend the EVGA GQ 650 for $50 but this Enermax is Tier A compared to the Tier C for the EVGA. For those of you who don't care about the tier system, heres the EVGA 650 GQ for $50
Amazon price matched that Walmart deal so if anyone missed it, check it out! Also it's available on primenow meaning you can get it tomorrow! https://primenow.amazon.com/dp/B00EON40CS?qid=1494323845&m=AQCUSYIS91P2B&sr=1-0
edit: Amazon and Walmart are huge and it's good seeing walmart fight Amazon. In the end we all win.
2nd picture, rectangular chip, 4th silver connector on right side down, burnt connection and chip
You should check with the seller for a replacement power supply first, otherwise
or this should work from amazon but it won't fit in the box according to the reviewer, still 18.99
Then you are running a huge fire hazard. Here is link to the psu im using: https://www.amazon.com/eTopxizu-Universal-Regulated-Switching-Computer/dp/B00D7CWSCG Mosfets can be found on amazon/ebay aswell. Marlin is free software and soldering just need a soldering iron and your skills. I would not recommend you to use it before you do these upgrades.
When you have done these upgrades, then you can start to troubleshoot the other problems. I am sorry, but I do not know what's causing the sounds.
chances are that PSU does not put out its rated wattage -
48 bucks for an EVGA 80plus 500w psu if you can stretch it- never really want to skimp out on psus if possible even this evga is questionable for me - a psu failing if your lucky will only end up costing you the psu - but in reality psu failure can take alot of your hardware with it.
The Corsair RMX750 is also on sale for 149.99 in stock
I just ordered this: https://www.amazon.ca/Corsair-CP-9020179-NA-RM750x-Modular-Supply/dp/B079HGN5QS?th=1
Think I should cancel for this one instead? Seems like it may be better (toms hardware review seems promising) although I dont need wattage beyond 750, and even that is a bit much for new system.
I agree with the other poster. This is a cheap power supply. Don't let the Amazon ratings fool you. Never cheap out on the power supply. Why not at least spend 40 bucks more and opt for this.
The price ranges from 50-70 dollars btw. Remember putting it in my amazon cart when it was 54.99. So not really a sale tbh. Edit currently at 64.99$ on amazon https://www.amazon.ca/EVGA-BRONZE-Warranty-Tester-100-B1-0600-KR/dp/B00EON40CS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1476969917&sr=8-1&keywords=600w
Pricing similar on Amazon, minus the MIR. Just bought mine there.
The first piece of my first build! Been a console gamer for years and have had only Macs for work. Pretty excited!
Don't forget to check the bed control board on the back wall of the control box. Mine arrived with a wire loose.
There are 4 wires, two thin ones that go to the control board, and two thicker ones direct to the power supply, very short distance.
Also UNPLUGGED you might check the screws and wires on the power supply, one may have come off and shorted somewhere.
If that's true, it blew the power supply. (Bad news)
Good news - they're cheap to replace.
Here's one on Amazon that works:
I looked closely at your pics and all looks OK, it's probably the power supply. Be happy, it's the least expensive thing in there!
Seriously, look for loose wires, the big ones that are screwed on, not the little ones with white plugs. Look both at the terminal block of the power supply and where those wires go into the motherboard.
If no joy there, (and just to be thorough) check the wires to the bed and turn the printer over and check the bed heater with good lighting. You'll know if you see a problem ....
Good Luck!
Gonna be as many different suggestions as opinions; that said am using this style from Amazon and Molex style connector soldered in to replace the stock power connector. Replaced all my stock barrel connectors after melting one, don't think it's the best choice for a printer with heated bed.
This. My power supply was dead on arrival and wouldn't fire up. The ones that ship with the kit are kinda crap.
Bought this one on Amazon and it's been great for 1.5 years.
eTopxizu 12v 30a Dc Universal Regulated Switching Power Supply 360w for CCTV, Radio, Computer Project https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D7CWSCG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Gmb4Cb8FSPKHQ
I’d check the PSU using a tester. 12 dollar tester on amazon should work. Otherwise the motherboard would be the next test item. Seems like the motherboard is sending power to some of the components and not others. Maybe the power supply has a bad rail or isn’t sending the right voltage.
Also, replace the battery in your smoke detector.
This is what I have:
Corsair CP-9020179-NA RMX Series RM750x 80 Plus Gold Fully Modular ATX Power Supply https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B079HGN5QS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_6RPM75F5YEMCJ8QNYM04
I think it's cheaper than yours, and fully modular:
be quiet! Pure Power 11 600W, 80 Plus Gold, Power Supply https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07JJL3QRG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_VVVFDTKJRDQKDVMTD6VB
I would start with stress testing each component to ensure the hardware is working as expected. You can't start with the RAM by using this tool, https://www.memtest86.com/. From there test your CPU with something like Prime95. Next, move onto the GPU. I prefer to use FurMark as you can just run the test for hours on end. There's really no software to test a PSU, so you'll need a hardware tester like this one, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076CLNPPK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_DP2DCB1HFKXD0TX20RRC.
Generally when running stress tests you want to run the tests for at least an hour. Make sure you're closely monitoring the temps to make sure the software doesn't damage any of your components.
If you want to test your PSU, get this cheap tester. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076CLNPPK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Also I would suggest if you don't already have it download the Blue Screen View program. That will more than likely tell you what error you are getting if you don't see the BSODs, if any.
I've used Supernight LEDs a decent amount and, while they don't have as true a color as much more expensive brands, like Adafruit, they're an excellent value. What you need to know about RGB LED strips is that they're powered by 12V and use more current the longer the strip your powering. I metric I use is on the Adafruit website, here. So, if we need 60mA for each 3 inch segment and you want to power 50 feet (damn), then let's do the math.
50 feet is 50*12 = 600 inches
Our estimated current draw for each 3 inch section os 60mA, so 60mA/3inch or 20mA/inch is our scalar.
A rough estimate for the current you're dealing with is 12A (again, damn).
You should look in to using something like this. That little dude will give you all the power you could need. Really you probably only needed a 15A, but the only 15A with any reviews on Amazon was a Supernight brand and also cost 20 bucks, so I thought for 5 bucks more I'd probably just build it like a tank and have confidence in my power supply.
As to whether I'd trust the Supernight controller to handle 12A, I'm not sure. I've never used their controller before, but it's possible.
Also, check this out for other tips about the printer.
I think the heat beds are aluminium now, maybe I am wrong. Anyway, order that stuff, it will make the heat bed work less to get to temperature.
You will also need a power supply, I use a 30 dollar one from amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Universal-Regulated-Switching-Computer-Project/dp/B00D7CWSCG
Rule of thumb:
Any mother that has a Z like a Z97 is meant for overclocking whereas H series are just standard.
Like I said I built a pic last weekend with an i5 4690 and an ASRock H97 Pro4 and it went flawless so you wouldn't be disappointed there.
Edit: plus it would match your RAM.
Second edit: you might be pushing it with 450watt and a r9 380. If you can afford it, I can recommend the EVGA G2 series enough. Top tier in terms of quality and fully modular so cable management is a breeze. I would look for other builds and see if anyone has gone 450watt with that video cards.
Power supply recommendation: EVGA 220-G2-0550-Y1 80 PLUS GOLD 550W ECO Mode Fully Modular NVIDIA SLI Ready and Crossfire Support Continuous Power Supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=17-438-053
Another edit: Even better, the 750watt version of the G2 is the same price as the 550watt version on Amazon.
EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G2 80+ GOLD, 750W ECO Mode Fully Modular NVIDIA SLI and Crossfire Ready 10 Year Warranty Power Supply 220-G2-0750-XR https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IKDETOW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_qsyHwb8X08VYH
All looks good, I would suggest getting this power supply instead
simply because it has a proven track record for being reliable (291 reviews on newegg at 5 star average and tons of amazon reviews). Another thing would be to wait on the GTX 960 until the benchmarks come out on the Radeon RX 480 because it is the same price and the 480 could perform better.
This looks like a solid build, but I would consider the EVGA 650W GQ (80+ Gold, ECO) a better choice. You can get it on Amazon for $69.99.
Does it have to be new? I just bought this for $55 on Amazon Warehouse Deals with 20% off.
FO4 will definitely keep you involved. I've gotten 150+ hours on it already and I haven't even played the DLCs. Just getting into building all the settlements up. Also, if you have Steam (which I am assuming is where you have your FO4), grab Evolve since it's free across the board. Fun little arena shooter.
Also, on Amazon you should grab this PSU. I ordered it for my old desktop (since I pulled its out for my new build this weekend). Great price and should do you well. It's non-modular, but the price might get it to you for the new build sooner.
As for the ordering on Amazon for the GPU, I have no idea how long it will take. I really am not sure what Amazon did. They didn't even have them listed (for almost all model 1060s) before they were on back-order. So I am hoping that just means they got their shipment later than other retailers and they will be up soon.
You don't have to spend an arm and a leg on a PSU to get one that isn't going to completely fail you or damage your other, more expensive parts. Amazon has the EVGA 500w for $37.48. It's a low-cost option that won't damage the goods. Check the JonnyGuru site for reliable reviews on power supplies and see for yourself.