I got the countertop and adjustable frame separately because it's cheaper this way and I can get the ideal size I wanted (74"). Link below:
Adjustable legs and Countertop
I did need to put a finish on the countertop though. It's a little work but it turned out just what I wanted :)
Standing instead of sitting
This has been a game changer for me
VIVO Black Height Adjustable 36 inch Stand up
Desk Converter Quick Sit to Stand Tabletop Dual Monitor Riser (DESK-V000V) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0784HWPN6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_pgikSGYmRIFHG
What about sit/stand riser for the desk?
I use an L shaped desk. Got mine off Amazon for $80. IKEA has some nice desk as well. Just a little more money. I have 3 monitors and room to spare Check here
I use this standing desk: converter: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0784HWPN6/
I quite like it.
You and I are about the same height.
Make sure you look for one with a pretty high weight limit, if you intend to put a lot of stuff on it. I have a dual monitor arm on mine, which includes a 24 inch screen and a 32 inch screen.
had this one from amazon for a few years, easiest setup, looks good, cheap
I got a Vivo from amazon 189.00, plus a dual monitor mast 25.99. It has functioned very nicely so far (5 months) and a few co-workers have also ordered them.
I got this desk off Amazon. I love it so far. It was cheap, it’s pretty sturdy, the only different thing is I didn’t install the keyboard mount.
There are standing desk converter like these available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0784HWPN6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ESo9EbWFZHTNJ
You can also add a shelf on the wall right in front of it and place the monitor there
Get you something like this.
I don't know anything about these (this was just the first one I found when searching Amazon for Standing Desk Converter), so no endorsement, but it's somewhere to start a search. It's $129, but your back will thank you.
this one, its cheaper now actually, 350!
Plutôt qu'un grand écran panoramique, j'ai préféré 2 écrans, un horizontal, et l'autre vertical. Ça me laisse beaucoup d'options selon les sujets sur lesquels je travaille, et se révèle particulièrement avantageux pour gérer les emails, conversations IM et les recherches plus complexes sur le web.
Je recommanderai aussi si le budget le permet un standing desk, soit pour le bureau complet, soit juste le support à mettre sur le bureau. C'est agréable de ne pas rester assis toute la journée.
kkk se for o msm grupo, todo dia n é muito bom(n da tempo pra regenerar)
mas se a situação permite, n seria o caso de considerar um treco tipo stand up desk? TBF o sonho de consumo são aquelas mesas motorizadas kkkk
I got it off Amazon like 3 years ago. It's nice and I like it. Pretty sturdy and came with optional cup holder and headset hook. It's by Eureka.
Your post is a bit old, but I should like to point out the existence of kneeling chairs and standing desk converters.
I did a similar butcher block desk with a stand up desk base and love it.
VIVO Electric Dual Motor Stand Up Desk Frame for 40 to 84 inch Table Tops, Frame Only, 3 Stage Height Adjustable DIY Workstation with Touch Screen Controller, Black, DESK-V103E https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073K1JSW7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_5N07RB4ZNYQZRCYAAK15?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Have you thought of getting a standing desk? I have one and it really helped. If they are too expensive, they also make these
VIVO 32 inch Desk Converter, Height Adjustable Riser, Sit to Stand Dual Monitor and Laptop Workstation with Wide Keyboard Tray, Black, DESK-V000K, 32" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075JYG2TB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EBVF0515K0AGP367FD91
They come in lots of shapes, sizes and prices.
Congrats on the new job!!!
I'm a little over 6' 2" and bought an inexpensive desk riser. Works fine. I got one that rises 20" as some of them only go up 17" or so.
As a side note - since I've been using this, my blood pressure is dropping and my posture is improving.
IKEA Karlby, Walnut 74" countertop mounted on electric legs ordered from Amazon. Would be happy to share build details if requested.
YES! I use a standing desk. I'm a software engineer, so I spend all day at a desk, and then when I draw, I'm still at a desk. Getting a standing desk has been an absolute lifesaver for me. Now, if you're worried about posture, they won't help much there. My posture is still horrendous, but at least my back doesn't ache as much.
Motorized standing desks can be around $300, but you can get a converter for only around $100. These can just be placed directly on your desk, and adjusted manually. This is the one I use, and it works great. The bonus is that I don't need to plug it in, which is great because I have very limited outlet space.
She's doing a great job at that.
The frame is the VIVO DESK-V102E, and the desk top is the Birch Butcher Block Countertop by Hardware Resources. I stained and applied a matte polyurethane finish on the countertop.
I bought one of these a year ago. It really helped with my posture and standing usually helps relieve my sciatica.
Just be sure to look at the measurements to see if they'll fit your current desk and computer equipment.
I got the same top and used this....... ( I love it. Absolutely solid for me.)
new desk i got this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071KGDGNK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and a butcher top to put on it, maybe paint the wall a darker color, put sub on the ground and do some cable management, if your not wanting to get a new desk maybe drill a hole to run your keyboard and mouse cables through, i really recommend the new desk though, that ikea one might work best for you because it seems you like the storage space for the stuff on the right
I have the Gerton top as well, and attached it to some vivo legs I got from amazon. It's single motor and works pretty well
I built that desk myself. It's basically black stained 2x12's for the top and I attached these crank legs to it.
You'll want to check the weight for everything and how practical it'll be... but for sub $200 the best you can do is manual. 132LB isn't a lot but might work for you.