The book that allowed me to do this is the legendary "Gang of Four" Design Patterns book. Code examples are in C++ and it was written a while ago, but is still recommended as a fantastic resource for learning how to design software well.
There is also the SOLID principles, for object oriented design.
A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript by Mark Myers is amazing. You don't just read a book about JavaScript - you read a short chapter (1 - 4 pgs max), and then do interactive exercises on the internet. 1,200 reviews and 5 stars on Amazon, you be the judge!
I tried reading Jon Duckett's book but reading alone != competency IMO, using and applying after reading does lead to competency.
Also running through Code Academy's JS section can be pretty beneficial.
On a side note I think Daniel Cleveland's structured approach to the FCC front end cert. is an in interesting read.
Clean Code and The Pragmatic Programmer are both really popular
Per il secondo punto forse questo: ?
Skill - if you look at a book and can't even figure out what the topic is about then it's too advanced. EG: Entity Framework - if you don't know what an ORM is or why it would be a good idea to have a DAL then you might want to skip this and come back later.
Find a popular blog or podcast on your topic then browse through their articles and notes. They should be regularly recommending books or sites that are useful. Then take that book and google other sites for it. Find lots? Good book.
And yes, amazon reviews do matter. EG:
4.4 out of 5 stars, only one version ever published, and all the negative reviews are about the kindle version, and it's basically THE book for learning design patterns, even 20 years later.
> I’ve taken the 401 once and scored a 700 but now I have to take the 501.
Have you watched through all the Professor Messer videos? Did you take any notes?
(Edit to add: I recommend buying his notes PDF for $20, print it out, then add your notes onto that printed copy as you watch the videos)
> Does anyone have advice or links to free study materials for the test??
If you're determined to not spend a penny, you could look at the CompTIA exam objectives PDF, and then read the Wikipedia articles about each thing listed there.
Otherwise, the Darril Gibson ebook only cost $10 in Kindle format.
Interesting - while only features the paperback you can buy the Kindle version on the international Amazon sites like at roughly half price:
I'd be good to be able to buy it as epub or a similar open format directly from Andreas through openbazaar or directly on his site.
None of those wars included a full mobilisation of nearly all males and most females for fighting and war industry. It’s an aberration to even use the same word for these kind of conflicts, they where conceptually entirely different.
And I disagree about your analysis of the cause between the widening wedge between rich and poor. We saw a incredible growth of wealth for simple folks between 1850 and roughly 1960. That’s only possible in a system where you can accumulate wealth, money, to invest.
Since then we have inflation and things go south. It’s not just that things become more expensive. It’s that wages don’t keep up with inflation. It’s that you can’t save up for the future because just sending a kid to college is an impossible investment.
Personally I disagree with our entire economic model since the 1960s basically. The results simply do not convince me. All great periods in our history, classic Greek, Roman, renaissance, industrial revolution, they all happened under systems of sound money. And by the time they failed they had all invariably turned to soft money. It may not be the cause(though I believe it to be), but it’s certainly a symptom.
Explains it much better than I do, especially as I’m not a native English speaker. I recommend to read it, it goes quite in-depth on why it’s important to have sound money and what the consequences are, and historically have been, of not having it. History may not repeat itself, but it rhymes.
I know the Software Design and Principles class at Brigham Young University uses these two books:
I enjoyed them and I think they are helpful for improving application architecture. For example, if you notice that you are basically using a design pattern already you can formalize that to make it easier for the next person who comes along. Plus it helps you see where you violate boundaries.
Es super mas conocido asi que yo haria security + en tu posicion.Tienes que comprar
El mejor libro para esa cert y tambien use los videos de cbtnugget y para repasar los jason dion.Exito!!!
If you have never programmed before I strongly reccomend that you choose another book to learn about computer programming.
I recommend that you begin by reading "Think Java, 2nd edition". In my opinion Think Java is a good introductory book to programming.
Another supposedly good introductory book is Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++. However I can't comment much on it since I haven't read it myself.
I would recommend using Professor Messer's Security+ YouTube series. This is what I used to pass the test. Although, I did have some prior IT experience so I wasn't completely new to security. It may be a good idea to pick up a book first and then watch the Security+ videos. I'll leave a link to a book that I see recommended all the time on here. Once you're done studying I highly recommend Professor Messer's practice test. I can personally say that these were the best in terms of knowing when you're ready for the actual exam. Hope this helps!
Not sure which country you're in, friend, but that's the UK edition. I'm not sure if there's a newer edition or not, but this one's really good :)
If you have no mentors at work, or elsewhere, you can always find them in books.
Here are a couple of suggestions:
C++ is easy to learn and notoriously hard to master. If you have a very specific question, the internet is a good place to learn. If you are looking to master the language, online courses are very bad. A book written by an experienced programmer will be far better. This is mainly due to the philosophy behind C++. Unlike a language like python, C++ does not present a "correct" way to do things.
The problem with just looking at the rules and tutorials and then going at it alone are two fold.
First of all, C++ does not double check your work. A wrong code can work. For example lets say you set a variable, deleted the variable and then used a pointer to access the deleted data. This code will likely work. This is because C++ did as you instructed it to. When you said delete the variable, C++ went to the OS and told it that it was no longer using that memory space. However, the OS did not need that space yet so did not alter anything. Hence, your code worked even though it is erroneous. Mistakes like this can turn horrible very fast.
The second reason why being guided by a book is better is simply because C++ is an everything language. C++ allows a lot of programming paradigms which means one problem has a lot of solutions. The problem is knowing which approach would fit best. That is where a wholistic book rather than a short and catchy tutorial will guide you best.
I would recommend the book that the creator of the language wrote. It is good at teaching the mentality that goes along with the language.
I know this isn't what you're looking for, but I had a similar problem. What I found that really helped was doing drills; practicing really helped me see how it all fit together. There's a book called A Smarter Way to Learn Javascript that has an accompanying website where you can do drills. It's not a replacement for FCC, but it worked well for me as an enhancement.
Check out Darrill Gibson's book:
As far as sources check out this post over at r/comptia
> Were you attending lectures the whole time?
It attended lectures in person, I think it would have been a lot harder to do remotely.
> Did you land a job in the field if you dont mind me asking.
After graduating it took a few months before I landed a job as a software engineer, I put that down more to the fact that I really hadn't coded that much. But six years later I'm earning 150k as a tech lead so it worked out for me in the end :)
> Im a bit bummed that the only grad diploma in my city is at a polytech, which will be even less appealing than the same at a university
University/polytech will teach you first principles and theoretical background, which are super helpful. But at the end of the day, what really matters is experience. I've recently been interviewing potential junior engineers to join my team, and honestly I barely look at the education section of their CVs. What really interests me is any practical experience they have, and of course how well they do on the technical test.
Whatever course you end up doing, you need to write lots of code. Start side projects, try make a website, take odd coding jobs, build up that portfolio. And finally, read Clean Code by Uncle Bob. It'll change your life.
I give a copy of this book to every new-grad my team hires. If they give it back to me because they already have a copy, they are instantly my new best friend.
Hmm I'm not sure about the "why". For me, Javascript was also an abstract idea and it wasn't until I applied it to a webpage, that it clicked.
Try adding a simple button to your page. Give that button a unique id. Then, in a script tag, use Javascript to listen to the button click and give you an alert whenever it's clicked. That's it. There's no other reason for Javascript other than to get things to do things.
Hope that helps. There's no true way to understand Javascript without hands on practice. It's been 6 years and sometimes Javascript still kicks my butt because it's constantly changing.
A lot of people have been recommending resources to learn. This book was a life changer for me. Read the product description and see if that's the learning style you seek.
*I recommend the physical book, not kindle.
Clean Code is often recommended. You can also try looking up the author Robert Martin (or Uncle Bob as he's sometimes known) on YouTube: try this
Did you read Gibson's 601 book? Gibson's 501 book is highly recommended but there were several poor reviews for his 601 book on Amazon n one suggested Neil's book instead.
I'm doing this along with building random beginner projects. It's a dope book and has cool quizzes at the end of each section.
Read OOP Design Principals, it's what's taught at Computer Science University and sets you up to do create proper code:
So whenever a new employee starts we get them to read through Clean Code. There is a lot of good advice in this thread. But as for naming keeping things easier to maintain its a very good read if maybe a little outdated.
This book, A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript, if my favourite intro to JS. The chapters are short and concise, and after each chapter there are a bunch of exercises you answer to ensure you're absorbing everything that was just taught. I recommend the ebook so you can read a bit and then complete the exercises in the online form.
I love all the pictures nformation people have nowadays. It's awesome but can be a bit overwhelming. I started as a kid in the 80s when every pc came with basic. Basic ( not to confuse with visual basic) was procedural and made you think like a computer thinks. (like c). You wanted to learn more you bought a book or read magazines with code on them.
If you want a holistic overview of code and how computers work, I suggest the book Code by Charles pet old. It's a very fun read that starts with Morse code and ends up in binary/hex and how memory works
If you just want to grasp c#, try a head first book. Learn about classes And how to structure them.
It's a huge topic and I can answer any questions
Hmm, I just looked at the site , apparently they do make the Ucertify material haha, I was just talking about the study guides Ill link one example. I did order their ucertify material for net+ as I want to use the lab.
Many do suggest taking the net+ first, I am taking the sec+ first. Its your own choice. As far as material you can start with the free sec+ 601 vids by Professor Messer, and look for the next Udemy sale,
and there are some pretty cheap study guidies on amazon. like below, but you may not like ebooks.... I have downloaded them on my pc and tablet plus many come with practice questions. Good luck,
Professor Messer also has study guides that are great for your final stages of preparing for the exam
Use quizlet flash cards. There’s already a lot of them premade for the comptia exams, but you can add your own too for free!