This is a great book and you should read it if you get the chance.
NO tried to sue Glock in the 90s, blaming them for a surge in shootings in the city. Glock said that if they did they would bring up in court the one-for-one program and point at how most of the shootings were being done with Police trade-in .38s, and what did the NOPD think Glock was going to do with them? Sell for scrap value?
I have a pretty great book about (mostly) German wonder weapons of WWII. The book goes out of its way to explain why most of them were stupid or impractical.
Hans von Luck was a busy man during WW2. He was in most of the major campaigns and battles of the war. On D-Day, he commanded a regiment in the 21st Panzer Division which was on the east side of the Orne river (the flank of the British side). When Pegasus bridge was taken (an incredible story by itself), it was his tanks that tried to retake it. His autobiography is a must read for WW2 buffs.
According to Hans von Luck, who worked with/under Rommel, basically the assassination was to end the war with the West/negotiate for peace, and then persuade the Allies to fight the USSR together to defeat communism.
No, I'm not. I just read "the book". :D
If you want to learn more about long range shooting, there's a great book by Ryan Cleckner called "Long Range Shooting Handbook." I highly recommend it.
He also did several great videos for the National Shooting Sports Foundation that are on YouTube. And he's got a podcast that's really good too.
Also there’s tons of 3d printed 9mm carbines (FGC 9, Cobra 9, etc)
Kleckner’s book on long range shooting.
Also his material on YouTube
In the event of tube bursting i was going to be critically injured in either stance so that’s why I did 5 remote launches first. I appreciate the support
You can find a amazon link here link
Skip the scar 20, or any other semi auto sniper rifle.
If your want 300 norma and are worried about breaking the bank... you don't want a 300NM.
300WM.... is not the 300 to buy, 300prc is.
Don't want to break bones carrying it? Well its going to be an uncomfortable gun to shoot a lot then. My 300prc is 25lbs.
Honestly it sounds to me like you should do a lot of research and reading before you spend any money. Go buy this book. Read all of it before you spend money.
I have the book. I’m pretty set on what rifle I want. But he says in the intro “read the whole book before you buy if you’re serious”
What scope rings did you buy? I see Vortex. What height?
Stop. Dont buy anything yet.
Go to the side board and read the FAQ
Then go to Amazon and buy this book. READ it.
DO NOT BUILD A 300 RUM or any other magnum. Just don't. To get good at long range shooting you need to put rounds down range, a lot of them. And you need to do it with a round that won't cause you to develop bad habits or get frustrated a quit.
Start with a 308 or a 6.5 creedmoor. Dont argue. Just do it.
Once you are a moa or better shooter at long distance. Then build your magnum. Not before then.
I am speaking from experience , yeah im just some dude on the reddits but I have seen this play out too many times in real life.
Now to answer your build question. Remington is a crap shoot. Some good some terrible.
You would be better off building on a r700 PATTERN custom action, like a Tenacity or an Orgin, or building off a trued r700 action from Northwest Shooting Supply.
Actually I keep meaning to read Downfall.
In "The Fog of War" McNamara admits that he could have been prosecuted as a war criminal for fire bombing Japan, but we won the war so he got away with it.
Frankly, look at any war and both sides commit criminal acts, e.g. murdering people. But wars seem to have differing standards when it comes to criminality.
Me too I prefer my Beretta and S&Ws too but I just admire Glock after reading up on them. They’re reliable and light and I actually appreciate the minimalist design of the Gen 3 and earlier.
Glock: The Rise of America's Gun
I'd say ASC practice , ballastics app on phone
And this book
Long Range Shooting Handbook: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Precision Rifle Shooting
Nice I just read one on Glock: The Rise of America's Gun might as well pick this one up too...after 6 months inside I’m just bored of no new content on Netflix lol so I’ve been on a reading kick the last 2 months.
Earlier this year I posted videos of shooting a live Panzerfaust, here’s a my book on how I was able to build it and also other technical information.
Bull fucking shit it is. TM 31-210 is available on Amazon and is pretty much the improvised explosives bible.
Also, here is the free download since Fuck Bezos.
To take the original post, I think it's kinda stupid.
Let's compare the Holocaust and Hiroshima (fun!). I am not going to talk about the level of violence/cruelty or whatever because I think it's a moot point. I think we can all agree in a vaccuum both the systematic elimination of jews/gypsies/etc & the nuclear bombing of a city are horrible events in history. It really doesn't matter which one was "worse" or whatever because it's hard to quantify and really doesn't matter for the sake of my arguement.
Lets say the Holocaust never happens. What is the result? Millions of "undesirables" are not systematically enslaved/executed/tortured etc. Ok, pretty good outcome.
Now Hiroshima never happens. This results in the continued firebombing campaign by the US on the Japanese mainland, in preparation of a land invasion that projected between 1.7 million US Casualties (400k deaths, both figures on the low-end) and 5 million Japanese Casualties (also on the low end). Source = this book
> A study done for Stimson's staff by William Shockley estimated that invading Japan would cost 1.7–4 million American casualties, including 400,000–800,000 fatalities, and five to ten million Japanese fatalities. The key assumption was large-scale participation by civilians in the defense of Japan.
Fun fact, the Japanese military had standing orders to execute all POWs being held if Japan was ever invaded. This was about 100k allied prisoners.
You decide which event was more or less moral.
I'm not sure what country you're from, but I'm not any more legally liable for someone's actions than the Jeff Bezos is for having FM 21-210 (a us military manual on how to build improvised munitions) for sale to the public.
Jeg har læst "Frozen Hell" inspireret en del af Ukraine krigen. Den er god.
Bogen er kendt som en af de bedste engelske fremstillinger af vinterkrigen mellem Finland og USSR. Parallelerne til Ukraine er slående. Sovjet overfalder en mindre nabo men tager på trods af en på papiret overlegenhed enorme tab og taber stor prestige.
Man ender med at vinde og påtvinge finnerne en hård fred, men Finland undgår at blive opslugt som balterne eller at blive trukket ind i Warsawa pagten som andre dele af østeuropa.
Den er værd at læse, det er nogle fuldkomne sindsyge slag som foregik i karelen i 1939. Nogle af slagene involverede tungere artilleribeskydning end under Verdun.
Yeah the magpul bipod is…ok. I’ve heard really mixed things about it. General consensus from what I can tell is it is absolute hot garbage while unlocked and not too shabby locked. Due to its lightweight feature set and well weight, I’m about 99% sure it’s meant for hunting guns or AR-15s where you’ll only be taking 1-2 shots with it and then moving. If money is tight, it’ll do for now, but really start looking at a bipod from Harris (roughly the same price) or Atlas (a bit more expensive around the 300-400 price point). They’re more meant for precision shooting and have a lot more features/stability compared to the magpul one.
Yeah I would absolutely recommend getting a FFP optic. The venom will do if money’s short but really the Seekins HAVAK HIT deserves some better glass than even that. Liberty Optics has some really great deals on the Razor Gen II and Gen III. These are ~2000 but they’re really all you would ever need/want out of a long range precision optic without spending even more fun money.
Finally, get this book it goes over a lot of basics for long range shooting and I found it immensely helpful in understanding some concepts. I’m a fudd so I linked the paperback version, but the Kindle version is only 10 bucks if that interests you. Besides the at, get good ammo and go shoot some!
I thought Frozen Hell was good and was available for “free” on Kindle Unlimited.
The Long Range Shooting Handbook by Ryan Cleckner might be a good place to start.
He typically documents the build process and distributes plans as physical books. He's already written one book on home built panzerfaust and another on an early MANPAD launcher called the Fliegerfaust. His past builds got DD stamps from the ATF on a Form 1, so as long as your background is clean there's no reason you couldn't get a stamp and make the attempt yourself legally.
Or you can just download TM31-210: US Army Improvised Munitions Handbook from the front page of google and read all about how to make bombs without ever joining the military. You can even buy it on Amazon. $1.99 on Kindle.
You said that the bombs "ultimately just sped up the decision". From the beginning, I have been very clear about it being a "2 factor decision". All factors were important - after all, even the Soviet invasion and the bombs were dropped, there were still many concessions that had to be made - but the bombs were an incredibly significant one that definitely affected the terms of the surrender, rather than just helped move along the eventual terms of surrender that would have inevitably happened based solely on the Soviet war declaration alone.
As for the source, that direct quote is also referenced this book, it's just that the book isn't available online. Why not go to the worlds foremost experts in blowing shit up
Pretty sure I’m on yet another watchlist for buying this as well as Army’s guide to improvised munitions and Army’s guide to unconventional warfare
Highly recommend [The Gun by C.J. Chivers]( on the history of the AK-47 vs. the AR-15. Lots of interesting stuff about gov't sponsored design, proliferation, and one of the many ways infantry were getting screwed by Washington.