Unfortunately, quite a bit of this comes from my various reading of Italian books and magazines, so it's not very useful unless one wants to go there and try make something out with Google translate or something...
The best next thing about this would be what is in the book "The Littorio Class: Italy's last and largest battleships".
Bought this one book:
Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0775K67RF?psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ts_MPT7YGTJPXAS8XG0PH84
And I guided me through everything I needed to know and answered all my beginner and even some expert questions.
This book provides awesome discussions of motors, delay modification, and electronics:
Mike Westerfield Make: High-Power Rockets: Construction and Certification for Thousands of Feet and Beyond
Np. This book provides a good discussion, btw.
Mike Westerfield Make: High-Power Rockets: Construction and Certification for Thousands of Feet and Beyond
I’m just getting into it myself. There’s a lot of YouTube videos that help, but I also found this book that has been very helpful learning all the different techniques.
If you want to find out 'from the beginnings', start with Syrian Conflagration, and then go over to Moscow's Game of Poker.
I was looking for the scratch build book on amazon cus... i was, anyhoo I found this for those like me who have amazon prime
it is good but my handrighting still sucks. i developed it by just using a brush, a ink pot, and several hours of of practice. however this book may help with that: http://smile.amazon.com/Decals-details-plastic-models-Gunpla-ebook/dp/B00VQ0LECQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1459183523&sr=1-1&keywords=decals&refinements=p_n_feature_nineteen_browse-bin%3A9045887011
(this is a bit shameless self promotion as i am the one who wrought it this book. i did keep it cheap as its only 2.99 or free with kindle unlimited. it's a step by step book on creating stencles and can figure out how to make then using the decal sheets that come with the kits.)
If you're in the US, this is the link to Waka's Robot Factory. It's well worth $5. I also purchased Waka's Mech World, which is just pictures, but is AMAZING.