I see that you are a young man with an inquiring mind! I go into the five aspects of chaos in my book available for order here, as well as the 17 reasons why only tryhards choose Tau.
Huge congrats! One book I STRONGLY recommend that you read in your next steps down this plant-based journey is "How Not to Die" by Michael Greger. It really digs into the science behind the benefits of plant based diets and makes some great recommendations.
"In defense of food" and "Game Changers" started me down the path, but this book solidified in my mind that plant-based is truly the way to go. It will change your life, I guarantee it.
Actual source: How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives https://www.amazon.com/dp/045149492X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ee0XDb7M2H58A
For me, it's a bit cheesey but after reading the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, I truly felt that my life was changed. In total, I have tidied up my place twice, the first time only my clothes and the 2nd time, doing my entire apartment. Each time, I've felt a perspective change after. The biggest thing beyond tidying your house was how that book forces to confront your past decisions and change the way you make new ones. I try to do things that "spark joy" for me and this goes beyond shopping or spending money. Speaking of shopping, after you tidy, you are much more careful about buying new things, how you're spending your money and what you're bringing home. Once I finished my tidying festival, as Marie calls it, I was able to shift my focus on to more important things like FIRE and doing thigns in my life that sparked joy.
There used to be a couple of really informative groups you could gain access to via google docs run by (IMO) some of America’s top breeders. After a bunch of stupid politics and strain jacking following major legalization, one was wiped clean and the other disabled shortly after.
Fwiw 99% of good info you would find online can be found in this book anyway - just try this and don’t take advice from strangers who are ‘experts’.
Ahhh, I’m really sorry to hear this. Unfortunately it’s quite common for cats and owners to have differing political views. Fortunately, there is plenty of literature which can really help you both in learning to live together harmoniously. Firstly, you need to consider whether or not there is a possibility of your car bringing firearms in to the house, should your conservative cat follow party lines. I found this book, how to speak to your cat about gun safety very useful for triggering (no pun intended) a meaningful discussion.
Best of luck!
There are TONS of people who struggle with it. It's disappointing that she wasn't more understanding. I HIGHLY recommend, as a very first and cost effective step, reading Marie Kondo's book . It discusses the psychology and importance of a clean and tidy space. Her Netflix series is really great, but doesn't conquer the same issues as her book.
This book discusses the importance of a clean sink and the impact it has on everything else in your space! Good luck!!
The best book to read as a developer is The Design of Everyday Things. If every developer read it, the software world would be a better place.
Everything you need to know about a plant based diet (there is also a cook book)
If you you want to make absolutely sure your body is getting everything it needs, use https://cronometer.com/, free for pc & phone.
> I'd wager even intermittent fasting would improve blood sugar numbers in almost all type 2 diabetics.
It does. Dr. Jason Fung's book demonstrates that most type 2 cases he treats are off their meds after a month or so.
Plant-based diets typically reduce the risk of both the first and second-leading cause of death in the U.S. (heart disease and cancer), and it's also known to reduce the risk as well as the mortality rate associated with Alzheimer’s Disease (6th leading cause of death) and Diabetes (7th leading cause).
Commonality of design.
Both are objects meant for throwing by hand. It would follow there is an ideal size for handheld thrown objects, and therefore handheld thrown objects would be the same size.
Same reason doors you push and doors you pull have different handles and it feels wrong when the wrong handle is used for the wrong side.
Read The Design of Everyday Things to learn more.
You’ve gotten some very bad advice here, which you should ignore. Forget about being “alpha of the pack.” And do not flip your dog over on her back and say “no.” Those approaches are going to make things worse. You'll mess up your dog and mess up your relationship with her.
The common dog-jargon term for the behavior you’re describing is “resource guarding.” The best book on the subject is Jean Donaldson’s Mine! You should buy it or get it from your library (or via interlibrary loan). Also check out this blog post by Patricia McConnell.
Ignorance??? I don't know, but it's messed up that people don't know more about a Whole Foods Plant Based diet.This book saved my dad's life. He is no longer diabetic and his hypertension is controlled now.
You're going to need to buy this book if your cat keeps trying to mess with your guns.
No, she won't grow out of it, and will likely get worse without intervention. I had a terv who did this as a puppy, and I was able to completely fix it.
Here's what NOT to do - don't take her food away, don't stick your hands in her face while she's eating, don't try to mess with her. These things will all increase anxiety and make her not trust you while she's eating. This causes resource guarding to worsen. Those things are all common things suggested to puppy owners, but they're incorrect and potentially dangerous advice.
What you should do is techniques similar to this. That technique will reduce stress in the puppy leading to less guarding. This book is also a great resource on resource guarding.
It's fixable at 13 weeks, but you need to address it correctly. I would definitely advise getting a trainer involved too, as you should be getting professional advice, not just taking training advice from reddit.
I would recommend that you read https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Guide-Fasting-Intermittent-Alternate-Day/dp/1628600012/ And https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1771641258/
These books contains links to a lot of the studies that answers your questions in depth.
I own a fashion company focused on foundational wardrobe pieces. Here is a brief look at how I would build a capsule for myself:
No it’s not sinful to break a fast. God is happy that you’re even trying, a lot of Christians don’t fast even though the Bible tells us to. I believe there’s a difference between fasting with God and fasting for him, and when it’s with him, Grace is there to help you and to empower you. There is no way I could’ve done the fasts that I have except by his grace!
I have a podcast episode i did on it if you want the link message me. Give some tips on what is helped me. Most of all I recommend this book called The Complete Guide to Fasting written by Dr Fung. It’s very informative!
Also fasting is not to get something it’s to become someone. You’re already close to God by the Blood of Jesus. Don’t use fasting as works, it doesn’t get us stuff. It helps us to learn who we are by the finished work.
For me, it was when I read "The life changing magic of tidying up" by Marie Kondo (Amazon link).
Which I found out about from some reddit post about the best way to fold a shirt or something.
Anyway, I realized that a lot of possessions didn't equate to happiness, and then used that as a litmus test when purchasing things. e.g. "Do I really want this? Will it make me happier? Will it just be momentary? What else could I do with that money?" Sometimes the answer is yes, but I spend much longer thinking about buying something rather than impulse buying now, because otherwise I'll be holding yet another item in 6 months time going "nah, this doesn't bring me any happiness" and throwing it out.
I know this is a meme subreddit, but if you're considering not eating, look into fasting, you will see incredible results with a little bit of knowledge and preparation. This book is fantastic, and there is a very active subreddit for all the major fasting methods.
$10 amazon
How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives https://www.amazon.com/dp/045149492X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VeqJCb806D6DW
Consider this as a secondary support purchase- How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety:
If you want to get rid of the diabetes and lose weight at the same time, please check out this book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Not-Die-Discover-Scientifically/dp/1250066115
All of the info is free online at nutritionfacts.org if you don't want to buy or borrow the book. It's basically about using a plant-based diet to reverse disease. Everything is evidence based with links to the actual studies cited. I've been following this plan for less than a month (25 days now, to be precise) and my blood pressure has gone from 130/95 to 110/75 and I've lost seven pounds and counting. There's a whole chapter on diabetes, what causes it, and how to reverse it. I'm in the same boat as you, covid weight has not been pretty. Actually getting excited about losing weight now for once haha.
This is the only book you need to read: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Not-Die-Discover-Scientifically/dp/1250066115
TL;DR No animal products, organic, nuts seeds, fruits. He also has a daily dozen is what you should be having every day.
All his stuff if backed by science and there is evidence of Diabetes and other issue's been reversed.
Also check out tv show: Fat sick and nearly dead.
How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives https://www.amazon.com/dp/045149492X/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_42S512K8ZJK9M57H3MQ4
Ethfinance into health now?
Highly recommend reading How Not to Die. Easy read filled with citations on nutrition science and health. TL;DR: eat whole plant foods, especially fruits and vegetables and beans. Add some turmeric, pepper, and flax seed to meals. Avoid salt, processed foods and meat. These things are common sense but the science blew my mind.
r/microgrowery has links to some great resources as well as r/spacebuckets (sidebars). You just have to do a little digging. I ordered a really good used book on Amazon, Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible https://www.amazon.com/dp/187882323X/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_eOgXxb6RFX3V4, it included everything from germinating seeds to extracts and edibles. I got lucky and found a used copy for about $6. There are a lot of other great books out there as well. I spoke with the owner of a major grow op in Alaska and he told me that it is better to know how to grow one plant well than it is to know how to grow a lot of plants in a small space. However, commercial grow ops are going to have their own unique challenges. Things like dealing with government regulations and keeping everything extremely clean, to avoid losing whole crops. These are million dollar operations taken very seriously. Good luck my friend. May you find what you are looking for, both today and in the years ahead.
I've done counting calories on-and-off in the past. And what I've really taken away from it is I can be good at tracking...tracking all those extra calories I didn't need 😝
But I've had my biggest success with food this past year after discovering and reading about fasting. The Complete Guide to Fasting, by Dr. Jason Fung (Amazon Link) is very informative and easy to read.
You don't need to do long fasts, I never have and don't plan on doing anything past a day. But following a 16:8 (16 hour fast + 8 hour feeding window) had helped me immensely. It's basically skipping breakfast (just get some coffee (black or with a little cream, NO sugar)) and delaying lunch so it's more of an afternoon snack, if anything, then dinner as normal. Following a 16:8 schedule really helped me get out of snacking at work... Which is my greatest challenge. I simply tell myself I can have that afternoon snack, but not till 3pm. By then that 2pm craving had subsided... But if it's still there then it falls within my feeding window.
The best thing about fasting is that there are so many protocols to follow, some are even do popular they have a common name (leangains, warrior diet).
I don't track calories, but I do yet to make smarter food choices (low carb, less sugar, etc...). This year I have gone from about 150 to ALMOST 140. And it's been pretty easy. No stressing, no debating if I can have this, no determining what do I have to sacrifice in order to have an indulgence. The 10# may not seem like much for nearly half a year, but I succeeded with that along with managing a of stress at work, which led to lots of junk food, a long distance relationship, and a cross country move for work.
If you don't want to commit to a $20 go check out a copy from your local library or check or out some of the subreddits to learn more: r/fasting r/intermittentfasting r/leangains