People, if you haven't read Bill Browder's <em>Red Notice</em>, it's high time you do. This lead to the Magnitsky Act, which is one of the biggest things that Putin and Russia's oligarchs want removed.
If you think that any US citizen that Russia wants to "question" will come back the same person (or come back at all), you're deluding yourselves. Russia has repeatedly tried to get Browder arrested and sent to Russia using fraudulent Red Notices, which Interpol have repeatedly refused to honor because they're so obviously corrupt.
Russia wants Browder, and they'll use any means to get him. Sending Americans over to be "questions" gives the sham of an "investigation" they're running legitimacy.
Don't let them succeed.
There are several accounts of North Korean prison camps from defectors who escaped them. Here are some translated drawings from one such escapee.
You could also look up the book Escape From Camp 14 though the subject of the book has admitted that some of the details are not correct.
Basically, most of the personal accounts you'll find get lots of scrutiny for being sensationalized, but if you look at the commonalities of the accounts, life in there does not look "light" in any way, shape, or form.
Her dad was Robert Maxwell, one of Israels biggest Secret Agents ever.
Her daughter works for the same people. This is why she hasnt been touched. This is why she hasnt been apprehended. This is why Epstein was left alone for as long as he was. Israeli Secret Service can operate in the US with impunity
Escape from Camp 14 is a great read; not only does it detail what life is like in the political prison and labor camps, but the struggles that North Koreans face after successfully defecting to the south.
"North Korea’s political prison camps have existed twice as long as Stalin’s Soviet gulags and twelve times as long as the Nazi concentration camps. No one born and raised in these camps is known to have escaped. No one, that is, except Shin Dong-hyuk.
In Escape From Camp 14, Blaine Harden unlocks the secrets of the world’s most repressive totalitarian state through the story of Shin’s shocking imprisonment and his astounding getaway. Shin knew nothing of civilized existence—he saw his mother as a competitor for food, guards raised him to be a snitch, and he witnessed the execution of his mother and brother.
The late “Dear Leader” Kim Jong Il was recognized throughout the world, but his country remains sealed as his third son and chosen heir, Kim Jong Eun, consolidates power. Few foreigners are allowed in, and few North Koreans are able to leave. North Korea is hungry, bankrupt, and armed with nuclear weapons. It is also a human rights catastrophe. Between 150,000 and 200,000 people work as slaves in its political prison camps. These camps are clearly visible in satellite photographs, yet North Korea’s government denies they exist.
Harden’s harrowing narrative exposes this hidden dystopia, focusing on an extraordinary young man who came of age inside the highest security prison in the highest security state. Escape from Camp 14 offers an unequalled inside account of one of the world’s darkest nations. It is a tale of endurance and courage, survival and hope."
It can also be extraordinarily depressing. But it is informative.
Also worth checking out his book: Red Notice. I listened to the audiobook and it was short but really entertaining and informative about all the shit that goes down in Russia
For anyone that does read The Art of Invisibility I would also recommend reading Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker
It’s honestly a good read.
Dave Cullen's book Columbine is a fascinating read/analysis and goes into a litte more detail on this.
Basically Harris was the psychopath/leader and Klebold was the manic depressive/follower, not that that excuses his actions.
It takes guts to speak up as she has. Harris' parents have never spoken publicly about Columbine.
Yes, everyone should pick up Browder's book, crazy crazy story
For those who are interested in the details of the case and would like to see a take different from the typical "Free Ross" one, I recommend checking out American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road.
I'm not apologizing for him. His acceptance of Palin is a crucial step to why we are here now. I'm pointing out that of everyone in recent American politics, he's one of a significant few that did the literally one thing that has significantly angered putin. Read Red Notice [1], its insane the lengths Putin went to to punish Browder for unveiling his criminal antics and McCain was one of only a few that stood behind him (Browder).
You saying he's been completely asleep against Russian agents trying to take advantage of us is wrong by dint of this. However, Your underlying sentiment that he's not doing enough though isn't wrong. But we just have to be careful that we don't become so desirous of seeing things in black and white that we take on the stupider and purposefully ignorant aspects of the dumb right.
We should be able to see in nuance. We should still condemn but we shouldn't need to speak in grandiose terms of evil to make our point. The point is makeable while still being cognizant and not dismissive of the facts. The only people that need to bend facts and timebox peoples actions are people who don't have enough of truth on their side to make their point. We're not that and we don't need to be that to make the point that Republicans needed and need to do more.
[1] Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice
I highly recommend Bill Browder's book, aptly named Red Notice:
It goes into great detail about his background, his investments in Russia and subsequent uncovering of widespread corruption, what happened to Sergei Magnitsky, and the process of getting the Magnitsky Act passed with the assistance of John McCain.
A thrilling, inspiring, sad and infuriating read.
> They were bullied students who killed the kids who picked on them and then some.
This isn't actually true. Dave Cullen's book <em>Columbine</em> goes into a lot of the myths that came out of Columbine because of the hysterical reporting in the immediate aftermath. Harris in particular was a bully himself, and the FBI concluded he was likely a clinical psychopath.
Fuff and fuffery.
The fact that Epstein's procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell, was the daughter of a man called, Israel's SuperSpy in the title of a book published 2 decades ago, or that the source of most of Epstein's billions was a co-founder of a 30 year old group dedicated to advancing the cause of Israel remains.
Quibbling, however validly, about one non-crucial connection out of many relevant connection is pure pettifoggery. The bulk still proves nothing in isolation, but provide a plausible explanation as to why Epstein
Currently reading this. Basically his mom ruined him for life starting at a young age, destroyed any semblance of a family to chase after dangerous dudes. Man grows up with deep hatred to punish women and manipulates them for his stable of hoes, furthering the cycle of ruined families.
I had this happen a couple of times to me in one year. I found out later that it likely originated with Target when they got hacked a few years ago and then the other was from a Wendy’s POS terminal when it came out that all of them in the area in which we lived were discovered to have malware installed which skimmed customer numbers.
I actually read a book about credit card hackers called Kingpin.
It’s a really interesting read and it makes you realize that basically, if you ever use your card, there is a chance it will get stolen at some point.
So your advice is definitely sound. Just check every month at least. I would also turn on transaction notifications. That’s how I caught what was happening both times. I set the limit to $5 so basically any transaction except for buying a candy bar or something alerts me. Good way to keep an eye on things.
These are the flight logs subpoenaed from one of Epstein's pilots. On that flight log was a trip to this location (Zorro) on a plane with a tail number (N474AW) that has deep ties to both the state department and a CIA contractor that had a history of child trafficking. The US government knew about Epstein.
If you want to go further down the Epstein rabbit hole, you can look into how Epstein and Robert Maxwell know each other.
The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodward is a wonderful book focused on Caribbean pirates (This book was used as a source for another question posted a couple of months ago on this sub). Woodward, C. (2008). The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down. Mariner Books.
Pirates by Peter Lehr is a global history of pirates up to the present including the push and pull factors into piracy. Lehr, P. (2019) Pirates: A New History, From Vikings to Somali Raiders. Yale University Press.
These are two more general pirate books that I found fantastic and came highly recommended. I have always been interested in Pirates, but have not formally studied them. So I am interested in other responses and recommendations of books on the subject too. Additionally this is the first time I am posting in this sub, I am unsure if this fits the community rules/is in depth enough of an answer.
Edit: added links
If you liked Hunting Warhead, you should check out American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road. The audiobook will keep you hooked until the end!
Just read the real life history of the people featured in the show. The Republic of Pirates is as gripping as any fictional narrative. Additionally, the audiobook is fantastic.
Robert was bankrolled by Mossad if you read the book about his espionage activities,
he was demanding money from Israel when his businesses faced bankruptcy
former handler of Robert - Ben Menashe has said that one day the old Robert came to them with his daughter Ghislaine and her boyfriend at the time - Jeffrey who wanted to work for Israel as well - it was in the 1980-s-1990-s
Bill Browder's Red Notice is a great look into the world of how Russia in general is Cronyism/Oligarchy to the extreme. His experiences led to the Magnitsky Act in an attempt to counter some of this corruption on the world stage.
Really it's going to boil down to which translation you prefer. Some will prefer a more literal translation, others will prefer a more idiomatic one. Lionel Giles's 1910 translation is still a classic, and it's the cheapest version on Amazon and is readily available online. Look at the versions below:
> 孫子曰:兵者,國之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。故經之以五事,校之以計,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰將,五曰法。
"Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State.
It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.
The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.
These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline."
Compare with Ralph Sawyer's 1988 translation of the same passage:
“Sun-tzu said: Warfare is the greatest affair of state, the basis of life and death, the Way (Tao) to survival or extinction. It must be thoroughly pondered and analyzed.
“Therefore, structure it according to [the following] five factors, evaluate it comparatively through estimations, and seek out its true nature. The first is termed the Tao, the second Heaven, the third Earth, the fourth generals, and the fifth the laws [for military organization and discipline].”
My favorite drink is whatever alcoholic beverage I can get my hands around on a big ass cruise ship.
American Kingpin, the story of Ross Ulbricht (better known as Dread Pirate Roberts) and how he built and crashed the online drug market known as The Silk Road, is out and on my amazon wishlist. Hint hint. Just kidding, I'll probably buy it myself for lounge-reading on the boat.
I think I'm starting to get sick - sore throat, congested head, stuffed up nose - and I'm freaking out because I don't want to be sick on vacation.
I ordered American Kingpin on Amazon for some cruise/beach reading - did any of you follow the story of Ross Ulbricht/"Dread Pirate Roberts" and The Silk Road drug marketplace? I ordered a few times from there years ago when it was still operational. I find it fascinating. Can't wait to read it.
So it's officially been two months since I've tapered, and two months since I had my period. You would think that I would be stable on my sub dose by now, but I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms at night again. I posted on a suboxone taper facebook group asking if anyone had ever done a medically-assisted rapid detox and linked to the website online. I swear, people on facebook are so dumb. They assumed I meant the Waismann Method, or that I was talking about a rapid taper. One person told me to take the money and go on vacation, because tapering "isn't so hard" - if I could punch someone, I would. I feel like I'm being belittled and it's really frustrating.
Well thats what happens when your Dad was Israels top Mossad agents.
Also her sisters are maybe the two most powerful women in cyber-security
Where is her mugshot btw? How come we have mugshots of every random crackhead that gets arrested, but none of her? Where is literally ANY FOOTAGE of her in jail? A picture?
She isnt in jail most likely. Epstien didnt commit suicide (he most likely has a new face and a new identity on some UAE Island). Were being played.
Oh if I was to recommend a book I’d have to recommend another one! It’s a about the person who set up the Silk Road! Fascinating read!
I just finished American Kingpin - highly recommend it, if you haven't read it: link
I had seen Deep Web (another great resource), but the book made me dig into all the government's exhibits, and it's totally f-ing crazy. It would literally be rejected by a movie studio, if someone turned in a script with all these insane twists and turns.
Here are some of my suggestions based on topic:
General Overviews:
Period Sources:
Pirate Life and Context:
Pirate Figures:
Assuming you're mainly interested in the Golden Age of pirates in the Caribbean/Atlantic, if I had to pick just one to recommend above all the others it would be The Republic of Pirates (the Kindle version is on sale for $3 right now, by the way).
Hope these help!