Here's the book I was given, and I definitely recommend it. I get lots of ideas for fast, simple projects just browsing through it!
Theres a book called Mega Mini Cross Stitch which seems popular and has a huge variety of little patterns in.
Otherwise it’ll probably just be a case of going on pinterest and searching for patterns or samplers individually.
Thanks for the support everyone. The pattern is from the "Pusheen: A Cross Stitch Kit" which can be found on Amazon (Pusheen: A Cross-Stitch Kit
Kit is Pusheen: A Cross Stitch Kit, available on Amazon here. I haven't cross stitched for a couple of years now, and I wanted to start out with something a bit smaller. Really happy with the way this turned out. If anyone has any advice please let me know!
I got the feminist cross stitch book too… and I LOVE it… maybe I’ll start with cross stitch for a start hmmmmm
Both these books are so good!!!! I really need to start doing it!!!!!
I’ve recommended Makoto Oozu’s books a few times since the patterns are both tiny and fun.
Mega Mini Cross Stitch: 900 Super Awesome Cross Stitch Motifs
I got this book from Amazon, but your local library system may have it. It has a good section of flowers. There are some pattern books that are all flowers too, but I don't know much about them
2001 Cross Stitch Designs : The Essential Reference Book
i got the pattern from amazon i really like for the price and good for beginners (obviously)
I work at a big chain bookstore and we carry them! They’re tiny little boxes and at my store they’re kept on an acrylic spinner with other small boxes, mostly collectible things. Also I did a quick search and found this on amazon and I’m pretty sure it’s the same thing :)
I did this in 14 count black cloth, and used pink floss for the flowers instead of red like it asked for. I got the pattern from a book on Amazon called "50 F*ucking clever designs for your sassy side"
Subversive Cross Stitch: 50 F*cking Clever Designs for Your Sassy Side
My first time finishing, and it’s these cute Pusheens! Finishing sucks, and my fabric was too thick to fit in the frame, so I had to cut the back, fit the fabric in, and then tape the back on. The backs to these are atrocious, but I’m pretty happy with the fronts. Let me know any tips or tricks to make it easier in the future!
I got the patterns from the pusheen cross stitch kit. You can find it on amazon
I have a book, “Mega Mini Cross Stitch” by Makoto Oozu. It has just what you’re looking for. I got it on amazon.
ETA link:
I started with this book.
Great intro to proper technique, as well as a thorough breakout of all the different embroidery styles and how to do them. Can’t recommend it enough.
Pusheen: A Cross-Stitch Kit
The instructions are clear and I think the size of each pattern is perfect for beginners!
Happy cake day!
I think you need to get yourself this pusheen cross-stitch kit! It’s super cute and looks like it would be a great first cross-stitch to try out! Also, it’s only $9.90 so if it’s something new your trying out it’s not too expensive 🤷🏻♀️
Thank you very much! Here's the link to the book on Amazon for anyone interested. :)
Mods informed me my original list got deleted for posting the pattern with the picture.
I did this in 14 count black cloth, and used pink floss for the flowers instead of red like it asked for. I got the pattern from a book on Amazon called "50 F*ucking clever designs for your sassy side"
Subversive Cross Stitch: 50 F*cking Clever Designs for Your Sassy Side
Makoto Oozu has two Greg books of miniature patterns that will help with the pattern planning part.
Mega Mini Cross Stitch: 900 Super Awesome Cross Stitch Motifs
Yes here it is. Well worth it to learn this way. It's not quick but it will last forever and look great.
I really love this book for technique advice. Also covers a lot of styles of embroidery if you aren’t sure what you want to get into.
This was one of three designs from this kit by Running Press.
The good: The designs are super cute! They provide enough materials to do all 3 designs. The materials are okay - about what I would expect with a not-very-high-end kit.
The bad: The instructions are not great. The "how to cross stitch" section is just paragraphs of text, spread across teeny tiny pages, with no diagrams! They also say to stitch with 1 strand, which seems wrong (I used 2, although more on that in a moment). On the pattern pages, the grey and the dark brown are hard to tell apart, and the legend just says "Color 1", "Color 2" etc. Would it have killed them to say things like "Light Grey" and "Pink"?
The ugly: The needles!! This kit came with 2(!) needles... both of them wildly inappropriate sharps with tiny eyes that are nigh impossible to thread with ONE strand of floss, much less 2. Unfortunately I was on vacation and did not have any other supplies with me. I persevered and double-stitched with a single strand, but it was aggravating.
On the bright side, if the point of cross stitch is to pass the time, I guess I got extra value! At least I didn't stab myself and bleed all over Pusheen.
It's my understanding this pattern is in a book that the Stitchrovia owner sold? Cross Stitch for the Earth: 20 Designs to Cherish
I haven’t cross stitched in a few years, but got back into it after my brother gave me a cute little pattern for Christmas! I then moved on to this one (which can be found here in this book. I’m a full time student with no income to buy floss, so I used what my grandma had in her scrap tub! Of course, the colors are wildly different from what the pattern calls for, but I enjoy my edits! I made plenty of mistakes as well as a few purposeful adjustments to the pattern and I love how unique it turned out to be! Happy stitching!
Pusheen: A Cross-Stitch Kit (RP Minis)
Here's the official kit I started from. The hoop is terrible but it was a nice little kit otherwise! Plenty of extra floss that I used for the extras.
Pattern from Mega Mini Cross Stitch
This is one of my faves! It looks great fantastic job. I have this book with a guide to everything cross stitch including washing and mounting/framing your pattern. Also has some patterns so quite good value
Beautiful work!! I feel compelled to point out (though folks have probably already seen it) that Stitchrovia (Emma Congdon) has a whole book of wonderful eco-themed patterns coming out soon! Amazon Link:
Pattern is from this kit which caught my eye by the checkout at Barnes & Noble and I was a sucker, so I bought it.
The Amazon listing preview shows the patterns. They are all gorgeous!!