It’s called a ssscat. I have one. Use it. Love it. It gets bonus points for occasionally scaring my wife even more than the cat.
Hmm. When does it scratch you? Just randomly? Maybe you're getting too rough with it or touching it too much and it's trying to tell you to give it some space?
Are you playing with it daily? I strongly recommend playing with it for at least 5-10 minutes every day. It's the equivalent to taking it for a walk and helps curb a lot of behavioral issues. This is hands down the best toy you can get - My cats are also partial to chasing rolled up tinfoil balls that I throw for them.
For behavioral stuff I recommend checking out some books by the My Cat From Hell guy Jackson Galaxy. He's an actual expert, so his advice will probably be more helpful.
get some enzymatic pet stain remover. Its designed for the job.
Ssscat. Although the replacement canisters are kind of expensive, I recently found out that the top is fairly universal and apparently you can just use compressed air from Staples or something. We have gotten to the point that we don't even need it on our counters anymore, and mostly use it if we want to keep the kitties out of a room temporarily, we just set it outside, and they stay away without scratching at the door. We usually don't even turn it on anymore.
I got one of those roller balls for my fat cat, set to the smallest hole size. Means she had to kick it around a bit to get each piece, which really slows her down
This is the cage I got for mine. It's a little pricey but it's great quality, metal and solid. Also very easy to assemble and clean with the way both doors on each level open up.
You should go to a dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis because it really could be anything. That said, an easy thing you can do at home to check whether it's bacterial (aka "normal" acne) or fungal (malassezia) is to look at it under a black UVA light. I got this one on Amazon for $10. If the whiteheads glow orange, they're bacterial, and if they glow blue, they're fungal.
Check out this thing I used from Amazon! I have a climbing, chatty tortie who LOVED placing her ass directly on my dish towels/dishes and this fixed it.
Yes!! Came to say the same. Damn thing is $3 on Amazon and my cat goes insane for it. All the expensive toys just sit gathering dust.
Cat Dancer 101 Cat Dancer Interactive Cat Toy
Hilarious! Here's the product:
Clean every touchable surface with an enzyme cleaner.
Seal up the house and run a professional grade ozonator, you’ll probably want to place it wherever the smell is the worst.
Take him outside and brush him a few times a week, then give him a bath every once in awhile and brush him again
Buy this
ChomChom Roller Dog Hair, Cat...
Mosquito Bits. Sprinkle them on the top of the soil or add them to the water you use to water your plants. By far the easiest way to deal with fungus gnats and a 30z container could last for years.
I’ve purchased these little things that sense motion and spray air to keep mine from jumping on a table where he was constantly knocking down a lamp! He jumped up maybe twice, was sprayed with air, and has never jumped up on the table again since! link
Can I make a suggestion? I put my cat on a diet last year after we found out he is overweight. After that he started doing exactly what your cat was doing. On Amazon I found a cat meal ball that you put the cat food in, and adjust the amount that comes out and then the cat has to work to get the food out. It has saved our lives! No more 4 am whining, no more sitting by the bowl crying. It allows him to eat slower so he realizes he doesn’t need to eat everything right away.
Here is the link: PetSafe SlimCat Meal Dispensing Cat Toy, Blue
I believe Air Wick makes them you can buy them almost anywhere. Drug stores, grocery stores, Wal-mart, Target, etc.
EDIT: There is an actual item made for the sole purpose of repelling pets. It's called a Ssscat
Sorry to hear about your dog, so hard to lose a pet. As for keeping my place clean, I swiffer and sweep once a week (more if needed) and use a stick vac on area rugs. For furniture and my duvet covers I use this thing to keep everything clear of cat hair. I’ve never not had a cat during my life and I’ve never found anything (including vacuums, rollers etc.) that works as well as this thing does in picking up pet hair. Even works on clothes.
A hard freeze would help. But seriously..
I somehow have got the problem under control by a professional service but I also supplement it with this:
Summit Responsible Solutions Mosquito Bits - Quick Kill, 30 Ounce
Idk how well it works but anytime it rains I go around like a mad man pouring that in every puddle. Mosquitos love me and this is the first summer/fall I haven’t bathed in bug spray.
There are very few mosquitoes in Seattle. We don't even have screens, like most of our neighbors. If you have a lot of them you might have a source on your property or near it -- standing water where they breed. We have a sump pit in an outdoor stairway that I regularly add "Mosquito Bits" to. Find the standing water near you and do the same!
We have this cage or one very similar: Midwest Deluxe Critter Nation
The pans avoid the issues of bumblefoot but we still pad it out with fleece. Our rats chew through the fleece so we end up buying more pretty regularly but it’s plenty of space for our 4 rattos :)
A 2 story critter nation should be plenty. You can officially add a 3rd story no problem if 2 isn't enough. Or connect 2 or more side by side.
A 2 story CN Cage is ~$250.
Edit: Apparently they've gone up a bit ($300)
Hopefully your local shippers aren't trash and kick yours off the back of the truck....
Hahaha this reminded me of this old thing my mom used to have for our cats. It’s motion activated canned air and it is the funniest thing I have ever seen. You just stick it on your counter facing the part where your cats would jump up and then when they do, it’ll just spray a quick, loud burst of air that sounds like a hiss. Your cats will indubitably flip their shit and get off the counter.
Oh man, thanks for the memories. Here it is on Amazon.
If that’s the intake that I think it is, this should fit nearly perfectly:
Fluval Edge PreFilter Sponge
I think you're doing all that can be done unfortunately.... intakes can be super dangerous. I've lost a few fish to my intake before, and started purchasing the fluval edge sponge to go over thw pipe to protect all of my fish and inverts. You can get them here from Amazon for a good price. I'm sorry about your Molly! I hope he/she pulls through!
yup that makes tons of sense i was just to excited to think lol why i posted here. im getting now
I use Rocco & Roxy stain and odor eliminator. It’s mostly for pet urine but it works really well for any organic stuff like vomit.
Rocco & Roxie Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator - Enzyme-Powered Pet Odor & Stain Remover for Dog and Cats Urine - Carpet Cleaner Spray - Enzymatic Cat Pee Destroyer - for Small Animals
I had a terrible fungus gnat situation and putting Mosquito Bits on the soil before I watered eliminated them. Neem, hydrogen peroxide, and yellow sticky pads didn't work for me, but this did. It kills the larvae.
Yup. I used to have cats that I fed at 8am and 8pm. Pretty much every 6:30 the 'cat alarm' would go off. Sometimes, at 6:30am, I would stagger out of bed and shake the food ball which is how I fed the sweet, but greedy, asshole. Kibble would fall out, he would eat it and proceed to bat the ball around (and not howl) long enough for me to return to sleep.
I loved that dramatic asshole for his final 7 (of 18) years he owned me!
You can get a plastic ball that holds dry food, and they have to roll it around until the food drops out. I think it could work since only a bit comes out at a time, it shouldn’t get too sticky
This stuff works so well for fungus gnats. Just sprinkle some in your watering can before you water and viola!
e: ....voila!