Read this: . This is the bible most (great) product teams follow in 2021 :-)
ITIL Foundation: ITIL 4 Edition; only thing I can find right now.
Oh, I'm not a one man shop, I'm a one man department in a larger IT shop. You don't know how many times I have to ask how far I can go before something's considered a change (or then again, maybe you do know).
The best way to advertise is to have something people want to buy and a very clear one-line value proposition on how it will change someone's life for the better. Building a Story Brand is one of the most approachable and easily implementable books on creating marketing content, with great examples, and even a step-by-step guide to your home page.
Generally, beyond that, most "free" marketing actually means that you put effort into it. For example, content marketing where you gather a library of helpful resources that attract people, and occasionally advertise your product/service along with it. u/bawlerblog posted a comment in this thread where the offer free content marketing advice (For tech related niches). Even if that's not your niche, there will probably be other people offering a free content-marketing strategy session who are hoping to sell their services that way.
The other thing people do is create a free download to attract people who will sign up to your email list (and who you can then advertise to). The easiest way to create this is to create a free guide/tool/step-by-step exercise PDF that will make someone else's life easier. This adds an extra step in advertising, but it has the benefit of allowing you to offer something for free rather than immediately asking for something.
I'd create a brand messaging framework to reflect back to and re-wireframe your website with new copy. If you can't hire a conversion copywriter + designer, I highly recommend reading Building a StoryBrand. I work in this field and it's totally worth the investment of time and/or money–whichever you prefer. I use this method and so far, all but 1 of my marketing clients made their money back within the first 2 months. Copy is powerful!
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Given that I am trying to bring the audience to speed quickly on something they would unfamiliar with, I would apply the principles outlined by something like Story Brand.
In the ad I would want to:
Identify how this product addresses a felt need, enables the person to achieve an aspirational perspective of themselves, concluding how your company could guide them and how your product accomplishes that goal. I think of the way apple interacted with the budding portable music player market.
On Spike TV, there is a series called Bar Rescue. His book is called Raising the Bar. I think this book will answer some of your questions.
FREE until Tuesday. #1 in Entrepreneurship on Amazon.
Brand Identity Breakthrough: How to Craft Your Company's Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible by Gregory V. Diehl
Does your business have a story to tell? It should! Every new product can be unique in its industry. Does yours stand out from the crowd?
After a life of exploring the way people exchange value in over 35 countries, Diehl teaches business owners how to have conversations about brand strategy. In Brand Identity Breakthrough, you will learn how to develop a strong business identity by combining your personality and values with the functionality of your products to become irreplaceable to your audience.
Whether you lead a growing company, or are just starting a business, Brand Identity Breakthrough will give you a smarter way to think about new product development and business model generation. With undeniable, well-organized logic, it will show you how anyone can sell more, and at higher prices, so long as they give customers exactly what they want.
• Learn how to build a unique selling proposition for your product • Learn the best methods for how to sell a product to customers, no matter what you offer. • Overcome the sales learning curve, and sell products in both physical and online marketplaces.
Try /r/Chefit. Because they get a lot of tourists, you might get better response if you actually give them some background on your personal situation and what type of cuisine and venue you are considering.
As far as creating a plan for your customer service philosophy, I recommend Danny Meier's <em>Setting the Table</em>. It's actually revolutionary. Every small business owner starting a foodservice operation should read this. I'm a chef and I'd love to start up a food truck or a small place, but before reading this i would have been focusing almost entirely on the food quality and the logistics of the venue itself. I would honestly have put little effort into developing a customer service strategy, because I would have just figured that would sort of fall into place naturally.