Lol, forgot about the second half of your comment. The arm is this gibraltar splash tree that is pretty tough to dial in, but works really well. Word of advice though, do NOT get more Alesis rack mounts, they're terrible the hole is too small to fit practically any boom arm. They're also plastic and are 30$... where as the gibraltar rack mounts work perfectly, are cheaper, and all metal.. and you can use whatever arm you want.
I had one of these drum stands:
That uses a mounting bracket for electronic gear:
And I used that to attach a nice piece of shelving board, 18" x 11". But really, at this point you don't necessarily need music gear; could look for a smaller profile standing desk.
No worries. Since I have no idea how new you are to this... talking about this kind of thing:
That's just the cheapest one I pulled off Amazon. Lots of different options at lots of price points.
Good luck!
/u/burnt-store-studio - So, I reached out to a drummer from one of my old bands I hadn't talked to in years - I figured he'd at least get a little joy out of me being clueless on this.
What we're looking for is actually pretty common, but it just doesn't look obvious at first - At least, it did not for me.
This is what he directed me to here. I expected a smooth, pre-built gap for this base to slide into, but it's more like my experience helping set up drums in general: A lot of loosening things and then tightening them around other things. If you look at the head of that unit, you'll see the gap where the base for this unit goes in. If it doesn't make immediate sense to you, let me know and I'll take some photos.
The toms use the Pearl style tom mounts. So I think I need to change something or if I go with something like this:
Gibraltar 3-Mount Adjustable Stand
But a snare stand would work as well I would think.
thanks! The pictures are at different angles, and I was wondering if the booms were longer/shorter all that.
Could I ask you one more question? How tall can the DW 6700 Boom stand go? I notice that it only has one height tube. I like to put my ride kinda high, not extremely high, but a bit over shoulder height (seated) and angled toward me. I'm used to Yamaha stands like this that can go plenty high.
Do you find that the 6700 boom is shorter compared to what I suppose is the average or regular cymbal stand height?
When purchasing a cymbal, do I have to be mindful of which stand I get? Or does any stand go with any cymbal?
Here is what I'm looking at;
I've got a really cheap Pearl stand that is pretty decent for the price. It's probably their lowest tier stand but it's definitely stable enough for gigging as long as you don't plan on hanging toms or multiple cymbals off it.
I can't find it online anywhere but it's very similar to this PDP stand:
Would be decent for cymbals that aren't too heavy (for example I wouldn't use it to mount a 3000g ride 5ft high, but it would be totally fine for normal cymbal placement).
I bought this recently and it was a pleasing intersection of price and quality
Custom Classic B-3F Double Braced Cymbal Boom Stand