Here is the United States link:
They Mostly Come Out At Night (Yarnsworld Book 1)
P.S. - OP, next time you may want to put the links in the comments of the post. I guarantee more people will get it if they can just get it from the post.
My debut dark fantasy, They Mostly Come Out At Night, is FREE for the next couple of days.
It is available on Amazon stores worldwide:
The book was a semi-finalist in SPFBO2, and I am constantly blown away by the support it receives on the sub. Hope you enjoy your trip into the Magpie King’s forest!
Without swaying you one way or the other, u/MittenUP, all I can do is link you to the first book at let you make your own inferences from reviews and the like!
Hope you find it interesting!
The Dungeon Lord name kept me from reading the series for quite a while. The format of common noun + common noun usually heralds nothing good, but while the series is pretty mediocre, it's top-tier LitRPG because most LitRPG is trash.
For a while, I didn't read Mother of Learning, as the title puts me in mind of those translated light novels that are always rendered in broken, over the top, anime style English. The opening paragraphs and even the first chapter aren't really anything remarkable either, but once the story gets going it gets really good.
I've been working on The Good Guys, it is 7 books long currently, and quite enjoying it. There's also a second series, 2 books currently, set in the same world named The Bad Guys, but I haven't read them yet. They are set in a fantasy world with people from our world transported there, no VR or anything.
Oh no! I have to say you're in the minority, as I credit the cover for 90% of the success of the initial book, back in 2015. As for forming an opinion for you, I recommend checking out the landing page of the first book, and checking out the synopsis and reviews there. Hope you find it interesting!
The Wings of War series (4 books) seems pretty promising, the digital version of the first book is like 4 usd, though I got the whole series for like 5 usd on a massive sale. I'm about half-way through on the first book, pretty good so far.
> Each entry in round one has a 1 in 30 chance of making it through to the final ten, and in a contest largely hinging on judges’ personal tastes, it’s anyone’s game.
Surprisingly, I have a harder time finding self-published books that are interesting to me from cover and book description. That cover and description are great and then I am hugely disappointed by the book, has rarely happened to me yet. Probably just lucky.
Decided to look through 4+ star fantasy releases on amazon of the last 30 days.
This books main character seems to be a dungeon... what?... that's a peculiar perspective, even if the book wouldn't be any good. Somebody called it a "Dungeon-centric novel"
Was hoping you were announcing that it was actually released... not i gotta wait till December.. QQ
As for recommendations...
Just finished the two Underworld books. They were pretty good. Looking forward to the next one.
Also am in the middle of crystal shards and it's good as well. A couple nice twists, and a good take on dystopian litrpg.
Benjamin Medrano writes F/f+ harems. It's essentially the same as a standard harem in this genre, and most readers are from here, but it's an all-female harem for those guys who can't stand even one dick in their harem novels.
Também sou fã de sci-fi , vou conferir sua dica. Ano passado li os livros da série The Expanse e são ótimos. O ultimo livro da serie saí no final do ano.
Nesse hiato acabei encontrando um genero de livros que não conhecia , o LitRPG. Que é basicamente um isekai ocidental. Esbarrei na série de livros "The Good Guys" escrito pelo Eric Ugland e nessa brincadeira já li 11 livros dessa série e 6 livros de uma serie irmã "The Bad Guys".
Nunca pensei que fosse achar uma série de livros tão divertida, mesmo não sendo fã de fantasia.
Infelizmente não há tradução para o Português, mas fica a dica.
so it turns out "free" sales go to ALL amazon markets!
here's the link to book 1 on .MX!
Hi Everyone!
Midway through the pandemic, I found myself feeling a bit stuck. After wanting to do so for years and looking for a challenge, I decided to try writing a book.
Now, months later, I am happy to say that I'm currently writing the fourth book in that series, and book 3 comes out in a week on June 8th!
To celebrate book 3 coming out, I am putting Book 1 on sale for the week (0.99).
You can find book 1 here:
The series is slower-paced and what many would call Slice-of-Life, but each book adds more action as the main character progresses in his magical powers. I've received some excellent feedback about the book, and I thank anyone who continues to give it a chance.
Here's the description on Amazon:
An Affinity.
Most humans never get one, but the Goddess gives everyone the opportunity when they turn 16.
With an Affinity, humans are given access to their internal energy and Skills. Magical powers that allow you to interact with the world in ways you could never imagine.
When Terrence receives his Affinity, he is shocked to discover it has never been seen before within the Kingdom. Worse yet, his Affinity reinforces the thing he was made fun of for his entire life - His weight.
Follow Terrence as he uses his Affinity to progress with the hopes of becoming a Dungeoneer – someone who explores and conquers Dungeons.
Discover a unique world where Terrence and his friends learn about their new abilities, Affinities, AND themselves.
Their Skills will grow, and if they work hard enough, they might eventually Rank up!
Thanks for reading, and have a great day :).
Tl;dr - new series by an unknown author on sale for .99 cents from June 1-8
This one, grab this one: Whole series is great, fantasy with a non-human lead. Super cool and great covers!
**They Mostly Come Out At Night** is a folklore-inspired dark fantasy, set in the mysterious forest of the Magpie King.
Here's the US Amazon link, but the book is free today on all Amazon stores:
The Good guys by Eric Ugland. The MC is similar in that he does not put points in Inelegance. Its has lots of aggressive aggressive physical combat.
The Author has a goofy sense of humor. He loves puns almost as much as Dakota. If you like it you will read all 14 books in like 2 weeks.
One month to go until the last book in my series 'The Weight Of It All' is released on December 6th, both on kindle and in audio. It's been a long time coming (trust me, I know lol), but I wanted to make sure that the audio released on the same day as the ebook.
I'm also using this month to finish the first book in my next series, so look out for that soon!
Anyways, for now, you can check out books 1-5 in my series 'The Weight Of It All' on kindle, kindle unlimited and in audio today.
Amazon link here, starting from book 1:
Here's the description from book 1:
An Affinity.
Most humans never get one, but the Goddess gives everyone the opportunity when they turn 16.
With an Affinity, humans are given access to their internal energy and Skills. Magical powers that allow you to interact with the world in ways you could never imagine. When Terrence receives his Affinity, he is shocked to discover it has never been seen before within the Kingdom. Worse yet, his Affinity reinforces the thing he was made fun of for his entire life. His weight.
Follow Terrence as he uses his Affinity to progress with the hopes of becoming a Dungeoneer – someone who explores and conquers Dungeons. Discover a unique world where Terrence and his friends learn about their new abilities, their Affinities, and themselves. Their Skills will grow, and if they work hard enough, they might eventually Rank up!
One month to go until the last book in my series 'The Weight Of It All' is released on December 6th, both on kindle and in audio. It's been a long time coming (trust me, I know lol), but I wanted to make sure that the audio released on the same day as the ebook.
I'm also using this month to finish the first book in my next series, so look out for that soon!
Anyways, for now, you can check out books 1-5 in my series 'The Weight Of It All' on kindle, kindle unlimited and in audio today.
Amazon link here, starting from book 1:
Here's the description from book 1:
An Affinity.
Most humans never get one, but the Goddess gives everyone the opportunity when they turn 16.
With an Affinity, humans are given access to their internal energy and Skills. Magical powers that allow you to interact with the world in ways you could never imagine. When Terrence receives his Affinity, he is shocked to discover it has never been seen before within the Kingdom. Worse yet, his Affinity reinforces the thing he was made fun of for his entire life. His weight.
Follow Terrence as he uses his Affinity to progress with the hopes of becoming a Dungeoneer – someone who explores and conquers Dungeons. Discover a unique world where Terrence and his friends learn about their new abilities, their Affinities, and themselves. Their Skills will grow, and if they work hard enough, they might eventually Rank up!
The Weight of it All series. Only some people awaken to powers, and when they do they only get a single affinity, and only a single skill. Through practice and levelling up they can add more skills that directly relate to their affinity, but thats it (unless they get an incredibly rare and extremely hard to unlock general skill). Enjoyable series.
Heavy (The Weight Of It All)! The story follows a young boy who goes to a magical school in the hopes of becoming a Dungeoneer. As the story progresses, he and those around him become stronger as they face their ever changing world. Monsters, dungeons, and eventually a war, this 6-book series will definitely surprise you.
The whole series is on Kindle unlimited and the final book releases in one month on December 6th!
Amazon link here, starting from book 1:
Here's the description from book 1:
An Affinity.
Most humans never get one, but the Goddess gives everyone the opportunity when they turn 16.
With an Affinity, humans are given access to their internal energy and Skills. Magical powers that allow you to interact with the world in ways you could never imagine. When Terrence receives his Affinity, he is shocked to discover it has never been seen before within the Kingdom. Worse yet, his Affinity reinforces the thing he was made fun of for his entire life. His weight. Follow Terrence as he uses his Affinity to progress with the hopes of becoming a Dungeoneer – someone who explores and conquers Dungeons. Discover a unique world where Terrence and his friends learn about their new abilities, their Affinities, AND themselves. Their Skills will grow, and if they work hard enough, they might eventually Rank up!
Heavy (The Weight Of It All)! The story follows a young boy who goes to a magical school in the hopes of becoming a Dungeoneer. As the story progresses, he and those around him become stronger as they face their ever changing world. Monsters, dungeons, and eventually a war, this 6-book series will definitely surprise you.
The whole series is on Kindle unlimited and the final book releases in one month on December 6th!
Amazon link here, starting from book 1:
Here's the description from book 1:
An Affinity.
Most humans never get one, but the Goddess gives everyone the opportunity when they turn 16.
With an Affinity, humans are given access to their internal energy and Skills. Magical powers that allow you to interact with the world in ways you could never imagine. When Terrence receives his Affinity, he is shocked to discover it has never been seen before within the Kingdom. Worse yet, his Affinity reinforces the thing he was made fun of for his entire life. His weight. Follow Terrence as he uses his Affinity to progress with the hopes of becoming a Dungeoneer – someone who explores and conquers Dungeons. Discover a unique world where Terrence and his friends learn about their new abilities, their Affinities, AND themselves. Their Skills will grow, and if they work hard enough, they might eventually Rank up!
The Good Guys and The Return of Amaranthine come to mind when you say stupid. Both have their fun moments. The first one is Montana is transported to another world and in a bid to find his place in the new world ends up a lord, the dialogues have a very natural feeling as well. And the second one is a powerful being who one day wakes up with all his powers lost. And no one believes that he is who he claims to be.
Elorin become pretty powerful. He does work with a group and the creatures he fights against tend to be more powerful but he finds a way to beat them. Its weird in the fact I think he becomes OP pretty quickly but everyone else is also OP. Anyway, there are 6 books so it might scratch the itch.
Good guys by Eric Ugland. Has a similar combat vibe. The combat is all physical. You will enjoy the combat the same. It us strength based rather than explosion based. MC is not a gamer like Carl. MC makes lots of Noob mistakes like Doughnut so the comedic relief is actually similar. Like the way Doughnut gets the Tiara with out thinking or loses cool stuff for dumb but funny reasons. That happens here.
20 books so its popular. Read till When he uses a legendary god given shield as snow board to see if you find the MC as funny as Carl. The world building is well done that is evident by the second town. one more
You might try Monsters and Legends character starts out as powerful enough he has destroyed the world he is on. Of course the next world he goes to he isn’t quite that powerful but he is up there.
You might try Monsters and Legends.
I thought the progression was excellent and well thought, especially as it differentiates between classes and skills. It does have RPG mechanics so if that is a deal breaker sorry.
Also has a shift from present to past. I think it’s well done but your mileage may vary.
My series 'The Weight Of It All' is on sale this weekend, ending tomorrow, August 22!
Book 1 is free in all regions
Book 2* & 3 are discounted to .99c in the US and UK.
Find the first book here:
Universal link:
The first book in the series introduces Terrence, a boy who has received the Affinity of WEIGHT from the Goddess, Tom a more veteran Dungeoneer with an Affinity of SWORD, and many other characters, all with unique Skills, Affinities, and backgrounds. The first book is slow and slice of life, as it introduces the world, but later books include a lot more dungeon diving, monster fighting, dungeon collapses, and war. As the series continues, the stakes are raised considerably.
Anyways, check out the series for free this weekend. Thanks for reading!
Series teaser:
On the continent of Terna, the Goddess is real. Through her power, a small percentage of the population receives an Affinity the year they turn sixteen. With these Affinities, they receive a Skill and a Rank. As they use their Skill, through effort and continued use, they can Rank Up, earning new Skills and more Energy. Energy is used for Skills, along with other superhuman feats.
*Book 2 is currently only discounted to 2.49. There's an issue on the platform that Amazon is looking to resolve.
Heavy (The Weight Of It All)! The story follows a young boy who goes to a magical school in the hopes of becoming a Dungeoneer. As the story progresses, he and those around him become stronger as they face their ever changing world. Monsters, dungeons, and eventually a war, this 6-book series will definitely surprise you.
The whole series is on Kindle unlimited.
Amazon link here, starting from book 1:
Here's the description from book 1:
An Affinity.
Most humans never get one, but the Goddess gives everyone the opportunity when they turn 16.
With an Affinity, humans are given access to their internal energy and Skills. Magical powers that allow you to interact with the world in ways you could never imagine. When Terrence receives his Affinity, he is shocked to discover it has never been seen before within the Kingdom. Worse yet, his Affinity reinforces the thing he was made fun of for his entire life. His weight. Follow Terrence as he uses his Affinity to progress with the hopes of becoming a Dungeoneer – someone who explores and conquers Dungeons. Discover a unique world where Terrence and his friends learn about their new abilities, their Affinities, AND themselves. Their Skills will grow, and if they work hard enough, they might eventually Rank up!