That came from data pulled off OkCupid and you can read more about this and other findings in Dataclysm, which was written by OkCupid founder Christian Rudder. It's actually a very interesting read and it covers trends in behavior beyond just that which applies to dating or attractiveness.
It's worth noting that the same data showed that a vast majority of men find women most attractive between the ages of 18 - 23 or so whereas women were pretty consistently attracted to men with a few years of their own age. There are also a lot of variables that affect what metric they're using to gauge "attractiveness" so I would take that figure with a grain of salt.
A large percentage of men don't even put much effort into their baseline appearance, either because they don't want to, don't have to, or don't think to. If we're talking about looks and looks alone, then I'm not entirely surprised. Maybe it's not 80%, but if you're comparing one group of people who have been conditioned to put a little extra effort into their appearance, to another that hasn't, or has even been discouraged from doing so, then I could see why perceptions of attractiveness would skew in one direction more than the other.
Basically, don't take a line from an OkCupid blog to heart.
First, while you may be able to find Postgres specific Database Engineer positions - you're probably going to have to switch to one of the big two (Oracle or SQL Server) to have your pick of the job market.
From there, study Relational Database Theory and Database Design (designing databases from the ground up). The book I suggest for beginners is Database Design for Mere Mortals.
You can then branch off into such things as Report Development with SSRS, Crystal, Actuate, etc. or ETL Development is also a possibility. Or you may go the more general route of wielding a heavy and expert knowledge of T-SQL (Microsoft) or PL/SQL (Oracle).
There are many disciplines within the area of databases. Lots of cross training usually exists between these areas though. So every database-related job is different. Some are just focused on a specific area and some require knowledge of everything.
Designing Data-Intensive Applications seems to be the industry standard, although it's not Go specific.
The attraction graphs look very similar to ones that I saw in a book I read recently -- Dataclysm: Love, Sex, Race, and Identity--What Our Online Lives Tell Us about Our Offline Selves. It's written by the co-founder of OkCupid, so loads of the data came directly from there. That's what the OP graphs look like to me. You can use the "look inside" feature and search for "attraction"; page 47 has one of the graphs I'm referring to.
A lot are clearly copy and pasted. If it doesn't reference or ask about something in my profile, I don't bother responding.
If you're interested in this sort of thing, you should read Dataclysm.
The best book to read as a developer is The Design of Everyday Things. If every developer read it, the software world would be a better place.
I can highly recommend Okasaki's book on data structures:, if you are looking for inspiration or techniques.
Commonality of design.
Both are objects meant for throwing by hand. It would follow there is an ideal size for handheld thrown objects, and therefore handheld thrown objects would be the same size.
Same reason doors you push and doors you pull have different handles and it feels wrong when the wrong handle is used for the wrong side.
Read The Design of Everyday Things to learn more.
i've been reading Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppman and i would recommend to all backend developers out there that want to step up their game.
(i also love that it's a language agnostic book)
Not strictly DE, but . I found the idea of dimensional modeling/star schema to be something people would talk about in the abstract, but never anything real. This book helped me out a lot. Perhaps not as useful as it was 10yr ago, but there’s still some gems in there.
Backend->Distributed is a logical progression.
They may be out there, but I’m unaware of “Junior Distributed Systems” roles as a category. Alternatively you could look at DevOps roles. I strongly recommend Designing Data Intensive Applications, although you are going to need experience prior to diving in.
Youth? Funny how data shows that men of almost any age prefer women in their early 20s while women have a more proportional age preference
This is the book they got it from:
The best one I've found so far has been <u>Purely Functional Data Structures</u> by Chris Okasaki. It's a bit of an academic work, but it might help you out. (I know you said algorithms, not data structures, but the algorithms tend to follow naturally from the data.)
The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman is a really good general design resource.
In fact, doors that are ambiguous in the direction in which they open are named "Norman Doors" after him.
Personally, I build a neural net from scratch using only python builtins and deploy it via an API. You could build some utilities to convert it to ONNX if you’re feeling hardcore. This book will help you with the neural net parts. This basically hits all the major areas except front end.
I recommend deploying your model because it will get you comfortable thinking about production requirements and their assumptions. A lot of people can train models. Way fewer people can train them and expose them to the world. Ultimately our goal is to get people to use our work.
I read a half dozen algo books years ago when learning. Mastery came slowly for be, but it was a fun process. My favorite for beginners is this one by Lafore. My favorite overall is The Algorithm Design Manual by Skiena.
Econ 490 ml is switching to python this semester. Prof said he'll likely be using these textbooks:
Anyone interested in the above should read Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems by Martin Kleppman
I picked up this book, written by the guy behind Pandas - Python for Data Analysis
Plus Mode has an awesome Python tutorial on their site that is tailored towards using Pandas within notebooks.
Are you a sleazy bastard? Christian Ritter suggests douchebags find each other but nice people tend to date other nice people.
If you aren't matching then get more attractive. It's actually not that hard for men because we usually blame our lack of attractiveness on others (like you are doing here) instead of taking some pretty obvious steps. Think about the number of men in your life who are simultaneously:
Not that many right? If you can make yourself above average in all of these categories (not even exceptional, just competent) you'll do fine.
Te lanzo algunas ideas:
*Paginación con SQL sin usar Skip limit o similar. *Función que comprueba si una página está online o no cada X tiempo. Emite una alerta si pasa más de Y caída, que esta alerta sea emitida como recordatorio cada cierto tiempo, otra alerta cuando se recupere, etc. * Alguna función que haga uso de una estructura de datos probabilística. P.e usa un Bloom filter para tener un contador que admita ciertos falsos positivos a cambio de consumir menos memoria.
Te recomiendo este libro
Mentoring is great fun, you can't easily fail at that since it's always playing to your strengths. If it's something way out of your comfort zone, start and lead a reading group of e.g. DDIA and you can learn and teach at the same time. Beyond that, asking here for experience with specific systems will usually net you some good advice of what pitfalls there are and what tools would pair beautifully with your needs.
As a fellow europoor, I'm also in need of a salary correction.
I suggest you to make it a separate question (but describe your situation again), so you can see multiple opinions.
For a quick start, look into books talking about System Design aka design of high-load systems. Kleppman is the most famous one:
Practical CS topics - databases, PL concepts (OOP, FP, type system...), CPU architecture, parallel and distributed programming.
There are also a few areas of Math useful for programer - statistics, linear algebra, a bit of discrete math and analysis.
I interview people related to distributed systems and also work in a big company as backend. From my perspective what I see in a candidate is not how they come up with a perfect solution but how they reason about different solutions and how they find problems in them. For example, let's consider you have to decide what database to use for an application. You could start with deciding SQL or nosql, you should consider number of updates per second and maybe if the content is not big you could go with a postgres db. If number per requests grow after some time, and you start having connection problem you can always increase your db size but still keep only one instance and one source of truth. What if this is not enough. Well now, if you are using AWS, you can use aurora and maybe have more that one replica... So, basically you have to think of problems. Scale, concurrency and consistency. This unfortunately it is something that I learned by working on it, and I sucked so much on my interview on this when I did not have any experience.
If you want, I'm in EU timezone, we can have a chat sometime:)
This is a very good book
I am very sorry to hear you are feeling awful at the moment.
You have done nothing wrong.
You will always be kind, caring and very intelligent.
Nothing will change that.
Your command of English is outstanding.
A difficult, rare skill that is very impressive.
I only have admiration for the amazing person you are.
You have obviously identified things in your life you are not happy with.
To give you a greater understanding of modern dating, you might like to read this book.
Maybe a library or bookshop has a copy, so you can see if you are interested in reading it.
You have done the right thing by not going with people who don't value you.
Always and forever, stay away from narcissists.
They destroy everything eventually.
Find friends and find possible matches with people who value the things you do.
I wish you all the best and be extremely careful regarding personal safety.
Persistence is key. Try not to give up even though things don't initially work out.
You will succeed eventually.
Wouldn’t recommended this at all. Agree with the other person. It’s not a good book for teaching and understanding more of high level refresher with a lot of questions. I personally don’t like the style it teaches and it assumes too much.
For learning the basics of the data structures I found this book really good, explained things very clearly.
Distributed systems is one of the hardest CS courses you can take because distributed systems is freakin hard. One of the projects is implementing some of PAXOS. LOL, freakin PAXOS??? LOL!
You really want to prep for that class? Read this book:
Also, go read some DS papers like Dynamo, memcache, zookeeper, google file system, etc etc.
You're welcome. And prepare to lose your mental health.
Yeah. There is something hilarious about an extremely highly up-voted post calling 85% of all people idiots. Presumably a decent chunk of them up-voted this post.
Also presumably the OP considers them self in at least the top 15% intelligence of all people - and they work in retail...sure guy.
A customer walking into a store they've never been to before will face some level of confusion/disorientation compared to a retail worker where that store is their entire world - they know every corner of it. Doesn't make either of them "dumb as rocks".
I worked with mechanics who struggled with pretty basic math but could take an engine apart with their eyes closed. Which of is more "intelligent"? People are people. We are good at different things.
There's an interesting book, The Design of Everyday Things, which really describes in detail how people interact with objects/environments. A big theme is that if someone is struggling to interact with your object/environment/system they aren't stupid - your thing sucks.
This book covers it pretty extensively with sourcing.
Mie mi-a recomandat fostul meu CTO cartea asta:
Nu regret ca am citit-o. E una din cele mai utile carti pentru orice programator care vrea sa capete o intelegere cat mai avansata asupra elementelor cheie a aplicatiilor web moderne.