Probably not bad if you're ordering something anyways and want to add it on, but if you really want one of these I'd pay $15 for this:
333 cu ft versus 48 cu ft means spending a lot less often pulling it out of the safe to recharge.
Pick up one of these. When it’s full you just plug it in the wall and it drys out the beads. If you have a safe a dehumidifier and a golden rod are solid investments.
Here it is:
They claim 3-8 weeks before needing a charge, unless my memory is wildly mistaken, I didn’t get anywhere near that length of time. But it’s in a small closed space with one to two mouth did the job just fine for me though. Rarely woke up with moisture on the windows.
Best dehumidifier on the market
Frigidaire 70-Pint Dehumidifier with Effortless Humidity Control, White
You also need this sensor. Keep the humidity level between 35-45%
AcuRite 00613 Humidity Monitor with Indoor Thermometer, Digital Hygrometer and Humidity Gauge Indicator
Number one on Consumer Reports and 4.5 stars with over 3,000 reviews on Amazon. It is quiet and has an auto mode based on temperature.
Single room dehumidifiers are tiny! I have one for my closet that is about the size of a big tissue box. It was $36 dollars on amazon, and it works really well to keep the funky damp smell off my clothes. It should totally help to dry your towels out. This is the closest I could find with a quick search. You can also get a little mist spray bottle and mist your towels with tea tree oil infused water. Its anitbacterial/antifungal so it'll help keep your towels fresh longer.
5 Gram Pack of 50 "Dry & Dry" Premium Pure & Safe Silica Gel Packets Desiccant Dehumidifiers - Food Safe Rechargeable Paper
Why the little packets of silica that come with a lot of products, especially electronics items are worth keeping and reusing for purposes like this. I keep them in my camera bag or in anything else I store my camera gear in. One can buy them online too.
Confirming what the other posts have said. It depends on the filament, ambient humidity, and how well it's stored. I'm in the Chicagoland area so we get some pretty high humidity during the summer but very low humidity during the winter. I use a plug in dehumidifier similar to but larger than this one (Looks like they stopped making the exact one I own) and an air tight plastic box. I have some ~4 year old PLA that prints well enough.
I use one of these in my safe. Eva-Dry Wireless Mini Dehumidifier, White (E-333) Who knows how effective it is but the silica inside does turn green and then turns orange again after being plugged in for a bit.
Or if you have a heater hole those work too.
Here is the one I have been using for the past few years without issue:
It does not run all the time depending upon what setting you have it on. I have our's set to 55% and it cuts on and off automatically to try to maintain that.
I use these and they work pretty well. Only annoyance is you have to plug them in and it usually takes about 12 hours for them to dry completely so they can be put back.
I'd also recommend picking up a silicone cloth. Give everything a good wipedown and it'll help keep everything clean.
I bought this dehumidifier that's renewable. Once it's soaked, just plug it in and heat evaporates all the moisture. It's not a perfect solution though. I in Florida where humidities reach crazy levels ☠️ and even with the dehumidifier it can only go down to 50%. Aside from investing a ton of money into an electric dehumidifier, there's not much more I can do. And with me moving to Utah in January (where it'll be nice and dry) it's not worth the investment.
Not an expert here, so grain of salt... wait for others.
I just purchased a clear tub from walmart, for like 6 dollars and holds about 14 spools. I also purchased a Mini Dehumidifier item from Amazon, it requires nothing except plugging it in for a few hours when the color changes. (not every few hours, just for a few hours after it is "full") That is much, much easier than constantly vacuum packing filaments.
The Humidity in my room was 62%! according to my little temp/humidty thingy, I put this (and the thingy) in the tub and in an hour it was 28%. I have had zero troubles with any filament.
As with everything, some of us go a bit over board and worry about the most minor things. Again, I am no expert but I previously had been using rolls of filament that had been in that 62% room exposed for weeks and had no troubles at all. I only did the tub thing because the organization of my filaments was getting out of hand and I figured what the heck..can't hurt.
If you're in a small-ish 1 bedroom apartment, I found that the passive dehumidifiers work just fine. Maybe get a couple and keep one in a general area and one in the closet to protect your clothes and shoes. I think you can get them at any hardware store or order a reusable one off of amazon.
My roommate and I had this little guy in our bathroom to keep the moisture down and it worked great!
I saw a post on here recently where someone built a tall cabinet and had 1-2 rolls of filament in each compartment. It looked really nice btw. But, it made me think of my super ghetto / cheap way, and not everyone has a tall cabinet. I have a storage tote and fit around 25 rolls, and use an Eva Dry renewable dehumidifier. Unfortunately it looks like it's not in stock on Amazon right now, but there are other ones that are similar in stock.
This dehumidifier needs to be dried out once every month or so, and you do that by plugging it in over night. My filament is always in great condition when I go to use it, and never have any issues with smoking or adhesion now that I've been using this. I often see people asking about a cheap/economical way. I've tried many different methods and this one seems to be the best bang for the buck.
Don't use Rice. Do this:
Additionally if you want to absorb moisture. Use those Silica Gel packets that come in most of your amazon purchases. Or if you don't care about money, you can buy them from amazon.
EDIT: Spelling
EDIT2: I wonder if buying Silica packets come with an additional Silica packet in the box, not part of the order.
This is the one I got off amazon. It had pretty good reviews. Seems the biggest issue some people have is if they set it to "constant" run mode it can ice up on you.
I use this in my safe. The beads change color when they're saturated, then you just plug it into an outlet for a few hours to recharge them.
Im in same boat and have an older dehumidifier w hose draining into sump pit. My buddy recommended this one as an upgrade, but some of the reviews mentioning hose feature use are dicey, especially considering Im running about 10’ to my pit…
I don’t know what that is sorry. I can personally recommend this. As for your mushrooms idk man it’s hard to say without any pictures
I store my spools that I don't use much in this storage with one of these thrown in. I can take it out and plug it into a wall outlet to dry it out. For my most used colors I just 3D printed a couple wall brackets for a couple dowel rods and leave those spools on the wall.
If you can go with any kind of enclosed space, I can't recommend these enough They are much better than silica gel packets that need to be baked or wastefully thrown away. I have several of them in things like pelican cases, tool bags, storage bins, and closets. The ones in sealed containers can go two months before re-drying, the one in a closet I dry every couple weeks, your experience may be different.
I bought THIS thing to cut down on moisture when I was living in Florida. Since moving to Alabama where I don't have central heating and air (just a window unit), I went ahead and bought a full on dehumidifier, but this thing works fine to lower the humidity 15-20% (I THINK, it's been several months since I used it). Just plug it in to any outlet and it will burn the moisture out of the beads. And if you need to raise the humidity, I'm pretty sure things that create it are like $30 or so.
Lube that bitch up, and throw in some of those delicious forbidden snack packets and you’ll be GTG
So I had a bathroom exactly like the one you're describing. No fan, and just a window. The window was on the side of the tub, meaning someone outside could look in if it was open (the window was frosted). My first attempt was a little dehumidifier I kept plugged in in the bathroom. It helped a lot with the addressing the dampness / steam / etc. post-shower, but it took awhile. Ultimately, I had to resort to getting a screen to put in the window so that I could keep it open, and the steam would go out while I was taking a shower. Both of these combined made it so that even if there was some steam post-shower, it quickly went away instead of leaving things damp.
Regardless of the above, you'll need to get the mold treated.
5 Gram Pack of 50 "Dry & Dry" Premium Pure & Safe Silica Gel Packets Desiccant Dehumidifiers - Food Safe Rechargeable Paper
Cheap and effective
Are you intending on using it for a dessicant drying chamber or long term storage? For a drying chamber I recommend DampRid, but make sure the fruits are separated from the dessicant by a paper towel or something. For long term storage use something food safe like this.
What you have pictured might work for a drying chamber but I don't have experience using it.
I would seal it in a bag or container with a bunch of these.
Damp rid is just a bucket of this chemical in crystal form that attracts humidity. It’s just a cheap first thing to try out.
You can actually see how much water it is attracting to gauge how bad the problem is.
I sorta think global warming is leading to a lot more moisture that we are having to deal with. Versus past generations.
DampRid Fragrance Free Moisture Absorber 4 lb. Hi-Capacity Bucket - For Fresher, Cleaner Air in Large Spaces