That is an excellent question.
You might like to look up this excellent book on the topic:
I actually know the answer to this! Sexual arousal and orgasms in humans is an evolutionary trait because humans were otherwise too uninterested in mating. Source:
Three seconds of Google:
Black Swan Nassim Nicholas Talib
-_-... What. The. F*ck. Man...! Thanks for saving me the trouble of looking the author up.
Better book and qualified author:
Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race
There is a study, it’s just massive so they turned it into a book.
If you want a better understanding of the topic, Sean Carroll's book Endless Forms Most Beautiful is a great intro to the topic.
If you’re interested in learning more about some possible causes of this I would highly recommend reading Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Black Swan. It is an amazing book discussing how these once in a lifetime events (black swans) are much more common because of modern business and economic practices, and how the probability of these events are drastically under predicted because of incorrect assumptions made by modern economists and statisticians. Truly an insightful book.
Man upptäcker oftare at polymerer är farliga än naturligt förekommande molekyler därför att polymerer er mycket annorlunda än någon andra grupp av materialen som vår kropp har utvecklats till at omgås genom hundra tusen år. Du kan till exempel läsa något av Shanna Swans forskning eller hennes bok.
>write about politics, culture, and entertainment through a leftist lens
This is one of the things that I had to learn, that you can cut the numbers to get any conclusion you want. Hence the replication crisis. There is a lot of evidence showing that “blue flu” causes these crime spikes. There’s new evidence showing that the greatest effect on outcomes: grades, incarceration, income, mental health—came from interventions on parents. But teaching single moms how to parent better is extremely unpopular.
There is a very good book on the topic written by one of the pioneering scientist researching fertility, called Count Down. Basically sperm count in the western world have been declining on the average of 1%/year since 50 years ago. The main cause is, well, to put it roughly, everything derived from oil and petroleum, from plastic to pollution.
Definitely would recommend it for a read, as it's well written and detailed with solutions of how and what to avoid to reduce the effect of the environment on one's health.
Lol, I wasn't aware you are a girl.
I will tell you a few things just because you seem like a nice person.
Cheaters are people without social conditioning. They cheat because they think just about themselves, witch in fact, and you will agree with me, is a common trait in a lot of people. To think just about themself I mean.
We are animals 100%. Look at OUR history. Every evolutionary biologist will tell you that. Our mind didn't change from the ice age but our society did.
If you are a bit curious, read this book, it's really good.
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
I was a nice(naive) gay just Iike you are now. You will get burned, if you didn't yet.
I know you know that you are a nice girl, BUT the majority is NOT. Nobody will respect you because you are nice, BUT will EXPLOIT you because of that. Change you stance before the bad experiences leave a unreversabl mark on your personality.
If someone is disrespecting you in a relationship, leave them I imidiatlly or at least emotionally.
Misogyny (no disrespect) doesn't exist.
My girl, assholes are part of evolution. If being an asshole was a bad trait they would dead out by now. Like neanderthals did.
*7. You seem like a smart girl, if you like books and have free time read the book I linked. It's written for everybody to understand.
Take care.
After your comment, I did a little digging. Check out page 78 of this report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer:
6.1 Cancer in humans There is limited evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of glyphosate. A positive association has been observed for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. 6.2 Cancer in experimental animals There is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of glyphosate. 6.3 Overall evaluation Glyphosate is probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A).
My initial comment was based on reading this book:,close%20to%2045%2C000%20healthy%20men.
From that, I personally took the lesson that a bunch of even mildly toxic chemicals can be harmful in subtle ways we are just beginning to understand.
The Black Swan actually addresses this rather well. It talks about a mediocre politician/government worker who diligently anticipates problems, avoids them, and essentially has a seemingly dull or inconsequential career as a result. It compares that to a person who allowed a crisis to occur and then fixed it, looking like a hero in the process.
Clearly we'd rather deal with the boring person who was diligent and avoided crisis situations, but we tend to applaud the John Wicks of the world.
That has not been my experience. Any research into genetic influence on outcomes is immediately tarred as racist. The idea is to shutdown conversation as quickly as possible.
As an example, this review (from two professors, in NY Book Reviews) of this book. The review uses "eugenics", "racism" and "Galton" as many times as it can. Meanwhile the book is very tame -- and spends a significant number of pages explaining why none of what it says has anything to do with race. But it makes the mistake of talking about how genes seem to be related to outcomes, which is verboten in "polite society".
But isn't the climate science settled among the scientific community? It depends on the amount of greenhouse gases that can be stopped from being emitted, but based on current pledges by countries, the modelling is that there will be 3 degrees or warming by 2100.
Then there is the issue of whether the "precautionary principle" should be applied. Read the book Countdown by Dr Shanna Swan for a great example of this. BPA is found in many plastics and it took about 20 years before the scientific evidence shows that it can cause health problems and lower fertility rates. The plastic companies simply replaced BPA with another bisphenol plastic that has similar if not worse impacts on health and fertility rates.
But of course, an argument can be made that lower fertility rates is a good thing due to human overpopulation. More plastic pollution and even more climate change can help bring human population back down from where it is now.
If you want to know more about this i can recommend
Yeah that's what the technocrats who argue in favor of these things always say. I think Nassim Taleb's book The Black Swan is most on point in response, what the Fed is doing is not adding stability but subtracting it, by removing necessary feedback mechanisms for market corrections. Each time they suppress an economic slowdown, we go farther down a wasteful path of misallocated capital and make the eventual correction considerably worse than it would have been without the Fed's intervention.
hey stupid considering sperm counts have fallen 60+% since the 1970s and so have testosterone levels, and by 2045 , Americans wont even be able to reproduce without IVF, id say as a culture we better severely shake the tree , to figure every single possible intervention that might move the needle to reverse the trend
are you capable of assembling a single fact in support of your opinion?
I dont mind ad hominem at all, but making it the entirety of your rhetoric is not only incredibly weak sauce but also the metaphorical equivalent of basing your entire diet on ketchup, ie confusing the entree for the sauce that makes it more interesting and increases palatability
Also, because she was mentioned in the article, Jesse Michels interview with Shanna Swan is worth a watch:
> OP is claiming there's no genetic basis for human behaviors.
Probably correct.
> humans don't have instincts
We instinctively listen for our childrens' voices over others on the playground. We instinctively react to the stimulus-response of pain.
>This is from our genetics, our natures.
You need to read more books. Start with this one
For anybody trying to answer who might need to know what book is being referred to, I believe it is this one:
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley
"It is not a good habit to stuff one’s text with quotations from prominent thinkers, except to make fun of them or provide a historical reference." --- noted critic of socialism Nassim Taleb (The Black Swan, chapter 13)
A genetic determinist? No, I bicker with them constantly when they try to deny the immense power of training and the value of expertise. Genetic determinism is a naive and careless overreaction to perceived blank slate thinking.
Someone who believes, in accordance with mainstream research, that both genes and upbringing influence intelligence, and understanding the role of both matters when aiming to create a more just society? Yes. I recommend Dr. Paige Harden’s excellent book on the topic.
And now I’m off to bed. I rather wish you would have spent this effort engaging with the topic at hand than spending pages of text telling me again and again that I’m unworthy of conversation, but so it goes. Take care.
He is talking about male and female nature on a very high level. One that the vast majority of people do not have the intellectual ability to perceive and process without having their emotions get in the way, causing them to have a "mUh MiSoGyNy” meltdown.
I mean, how many people truly have the intellectual ability to understand the following book?
> I personally think prenatal development and hormones influence both gender expression and the attraction to it.
I kind of agree with you in some way. You should look into a book called "Countdown", you might like it if you arent already familiar with it
its all about prenatal hormones and endocrine disruption.
You can study this subject by reading Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race by Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D.
Obesity itself may be a result of environmental contaminants. There is a strong inverse correlation between obesity and testosterone level, but it is not actually obvious that obesity causes the drop in testosterone level. It could be that both are caused by some external factor like toxins, or even that the drop in testosterone has lead to an increase in obesity.
The best source on this right now to read is Count Down (link). It goes into pretty significant detail on all of the different categories of chemicals that have been shown to disrupt fetal development or impact sperm count. It's incredible how many there are, ranging from fire retardants to pesticides to plastics.
The good news is that there are a few major developmental windows that can screw up male endocrine development - there is maybe a month during gestation when most of the damage can happen, then at age 2, then at puberty. If you manage to not screw up those developmental windows, then your T levels and sperm count usually turn out fine. The bad news is that these chemicals are everywhere and the best you can really do short of living in a cabin away from civilization is trying to minimize your exposure.
Glad to see you have a plan!
While I am here I shall recommend one more book for your reading list: The Black Swan, by Nassim Teleb. It's ~$30, but I managed to find a copy for ~$5 at a local bookstore. It is not perfect (no book is) but the ideas therein are certainly worth your time.
The main in utero cause of sexuality and gender changes is already known, and it's hormones. In the presence of endocrine disruptors during certain critical phases, a biological male fetus can end up masculinizing less than it otherwise would which contributes to homosexuality, gender nonconformance, and so on. This is partly because the 'default' phenotype is female and in order for the fetus to develop as male a certain gene (SRY) on the Y chromosome has to trigger male hormone release and gonadal development.
(source for anyone interested)[]