If you are an Amazon prime member, buy a $50 Amazon gift card and you get $10 for free. One book I really recommend buying with that $10 is Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief
> If you are an Amazon prime member, buy a $50 Amazon gift card and you get $10 for free. One book I really recommend buying with that $10 is Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief
As a simple step, I recommend trying The Love Dare book. It contains 40 days of small challenges you can take on in your relationship. It comes from a Christian perspective, but even if you don’t lean that way, it gives practical steps.
For example, Day 1: “The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It’s better to hold your tongue than to say something you’ll regret.”
Day 2: “In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.”
I'm sorry boo :(
Do you go to therapy at all? I stopped going after covid (I don't like doing therapy virtually) and noticed myself falling back into a slump lately.
I also HIGHLY recommend this book: https://www.amazon.com/Language-Letting-Meditations-Codependents-Meditation/dp/0894866370
A friend of mine gifted me a copy of it a few years ago and it's been super awesome. It's a daily passage thing, but you can also flip through it and find at least 3 or 4 different passages on whatever you're dealing with on any given day. Do you think your wife would be willing to read it with you over morning coffee/tea? My friend and I used to call each other every day and read the daily passage and discuss it for a bit. We both find it super helpful! I've recommended that book to multiple friends and they've all found it helpful.
But yeah, look into meds! Not gonna lie, it can sometimes be a pain to find the right one, but once you find it, it's awesome. And sometimes people do find the right one on their first try.
I bought the book: We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook. I strongly recommend this, as it's basically What To Expect summarized for us with some additional advice on how we can make mommy's life easier during the pregnancy. I earned the moniker "Daddy Doula" during the delivery in no small part thanks to the advice contained within.
I will also add that YMMV, as no pregnancy is the same, and your significant other will tell you what she wants. Listen to that above all else!
We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook https://www.amazon.com/dp/1939754682/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_2N3AQB045Z50HE77T5AK
Chaaaaa brah! Congrats!!!! My wife just got into her 5th month of pregnancy. It's been a fun ride so far! Be there for her emotionally and physically by that just do the little things around the house for her. Be concious in trying to help her as she may feel like crap for those first 12-14 weeks.
Also, anti-nausea stuff. Try the pops, ginger candies, etc... We went through a bunch of those anti-nasua candies. What seemed to work best was honestly. Crackers. lol
Juices and Sparkling Water seem to do well with her.
This book has been good. It's super easy to digest on a week to week basis. https://www.amazon.com/Were-Pregnant-First-Pregnancy-Handbook/dp/1939754682
I'm a first time dad too. Cheers pal.
100% yes
Read this book: https://www.amazon.ca/Codependency-Recovery-Plan-Understand-Codependent/dp/1641520833
(Ppl will recommend pia or melody beattie blah blah they are good to read too but not the be all end all. I’ve read a looooot and I recommend you start with what I posted and then move to others)
Your feelings are valid. This is a new virus and nobody knows how these breakthrough infections are going to end up statistically. Heck I live in the woods of Vermont, 38 weeks, am vaxxed, and I still wear a mask.
You are currently growing a baby, your husband could be a bit more compassionate and not as dismissive. Maybe try a book to give him some perspective. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1939754682/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_MGHRZCVB3SPFXQ5TN93Q
I got this book for my husband and he liked it. It's broken down by weeks and each week is about two pages in length, so it's easy to keep up with the reading.
So my husband was really into reading We’re Pregnant- Adrian Kulp (For Dads)during my pregnancy. And I enjoyed having him give me the highlights each week as well. Other than that there was a book I read on the toilet called Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week
Editing- I guess those aren’t really parenting books haha. Crib sheet by Emily Oster was pretty much the only real parenting book I read.
I super duper recommend this book for your partner. It gives a week by week breakdown of what you and lil bean are going through and lists of things he can do to help. Been super helpful for my partner and it’s our first time - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1939754682?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
My husband got one that I flipped through and liked and he seems to enjoy. Here’s the Amazon link We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook https://www.amazon.com/dp/1939754682/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Q7DOFb9X2PJH7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Have her switch to having small snacks throughout the day instead of full meals, take B6 and Unisom at bedtime, and eat easy-to-digest foods (soft fruits, watery veggies, Google more).
No, you can't force her to go to the doctor. I think I get what you're trying to say with having "some sort of say," but man, saying you're entitled to it is a weird way to put it. Best to avoid that thought process. You should have a sit down and talk about how you are concerned, and talk about how it's not hassling—this is what the doctor's job is.
Depending on your wife's personality, she may be finding it difficult to have all these people telling her what to do—it makes it feel like other people don't trust her. Remind her that you do trust her, and that any information or advice you get from the doctor is just to help you help her better.
Learn how to communicate now, pronto, at just a few weeks in, otherwise you're gonna have a real tough pregnancy. I found it was easy to read this week by week guide and talk about what I had just read—took the edge off of it sounding like my neurosis.
I got this book and it was a really great guide, and helped put my mind at ease on a lot of issues. Enjoy the ride, my dude.
giving my husband a baby book and having him come to my doctors appointments have made it really real to him that this is happening and my body is changing. I highly suggest - We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook.
I read it first, and by third trimester the author suggest husband is doing all the housework, and i'm like ok this is the book i'm giving to him lol. Joking aside, it is easy to read, gives them info about what is coming up, gives them a timeline on when things need to get done, and is basically another voice in their heads from a male point of view.
I am reading books on Church doctrine and such on my own, and reading the Bible daily with commentary from the Saints and Fathers with <strong>this book</strong>.
So since we’ve all convinced you you’re not crazy (I hope) may I HIGHLY recommend this super accessible, short, bathroom reader style book for your partner?
This was truly the best gift my husband received. It simplified pregnancy week by week in a few short pages made up of bullet points. Most importantly, it gave actionable suggestions on how they can be helpful! A lot of men feel overwhelmed and truly don’t understand the process. And you’ve seen pregnancy books - they’re huge and overwhelming. This book totally ensured I had a supportive partner who knew how to meet me where I needed him.
Fixing the codependent and anxious behaviors can be incredibly hard and feel so overwhelming.
I'm not sure if you're really into books, but I've heard excellent things about this one and this one. These are pretty highly rated and her work has been very helpful for people struggling to let go of their codependency and care for themselves.
I took my test first thing in the morning before he was up. He’s a zombie in the morning so I wanted to wait at least until after breakfast and caffeine. Then I was looking for book recommendations and found this one called “we’re pregnant” (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1939754682?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) and was able to pay a couple extra bucks for same-day delivery. When it arrived in mid-afternoon, I told him it was a present for him and watched him open it.
My husband has this! I’m not allowed to read it, he doesn’t want me to know all the secrets 😅 but he showed me some chapters and told me about the content and it’s seem super cool and he really enjoys it!
Thanks for this! Sounds amazing:
Spiritual Enlightenment, the Damnedest Thing: Book One of The Enlightenment Trilogy
Never read the Pengiun edition but the original was written in middle english and translations of the text can vary widely! The first copy I picked up was practically unreadable for example.
The translation by William Johnston which also includes the equally amazing "The Book of Privy Counseling" by the same anonymous author is the one to get in my opinion and the most commonly recommended version I see from those who have made a deep study of the book (William A. Meninger for example).
I hope this could help, but I apologize if this is not accurate to your situation. This has helped me dealing with managing how others feel about me and ruminating over the past. Best of luck, friend! You are a great person and the way your sister in law makes you feel is not okay! You are a great human being and you deserve a peaceful mind!
I've recently been using this one since the only commentary is from a saint or scholar. It's not the entire canon, but is just the readings from the lectionary.
I took some pictures of mine a while back: https://imgur.com/a/KA1hKKE
Highly recommend this book if you haven’t seen it already! My husband loved it!
We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook
If your partner hasn’t read this yet I HIGHLY recommend it. My husband had a lot of great takeaways and praise for this particular book.
There's an excruciating pointlessness to her back and forth that will become more obvious once you break the spell.
Might I suggest Spiritual Enlightenment: the damnedest thing by Jed Mckenna.
‘Enlightenment’ is simply the total surrender of ones personal narrative. That’s it. Boom. Done. Don’t need to be a monk. Don’t need to go to a monastery. And the only time to do it is now.
We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook https://www.amazon.com/dp/1939754682/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_DEMNQPCBCR0C2VQMW4NM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
My husband really likes this and so do I. It's a page or 2 week by week. What's happening with baby, what's happening with me. He says things like "oh the book told me to expect you to be more gassy now" lol. It is quick and easy to read with tips how to support you.
Hello there! We loved this book "We're Pregnant!" and the follow up "We're Parents". You sound like a really awesome Dad ready to take care of your wife :)