This was predicted in the 90s in the book the Sovereign Individual, it just took a a couple decades for the Information Age to have the information easily available. The printing press was the last time we had huge changes in easy access to education/knowledge. The church lost so much power ever since the printing press was invented, the internet and information age has further damaged the perceived infallibility of large organizations that acquired power long ago.
With a $20 phone people can now learn and communicate information at a rate that we never thought possible.
They predicted things like cyber money and nationalism itself crumbling while politicians increase the big brother attempts. Its playing out remarkably accurate for a book written so long ago. This is from the father of the guy that leads the NRG the shithole that invented Brexit. Why don't people understand that people like JRM, Farage, Murdoch and Trump are narcissists or straight psychopath. I still don't get it why people don't see their dead eyes. They are a real danger, they orgenize via internet, and behind closed doors and want to rule the world, and its sadly no joke or conspirecy. What do you think Putin is doing? Read whats above and you know what he does.
For those who are interested in the details of the case and would like to see a take different from the typical "Free Ross" one, I recommend checking out American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road.
I know right? He should educate himself about other coins before he opens his mouth.
This is a good book he could start on, from an author who's more open minded:
Read this book -
As most bitcoin books are either technical in nature or written by journalists who don't understand it well. This book answers the "why" of bitcoin, the economics and monetary policy that makes it so special.
Overview -
Jacob Rees-Mogg's dad Lord William Rees-Mogg wrote a book about it - ie about how to move your money off shore, not pay taxes, participate in the weakening of one's nation state by de-funding it, and profit on the demise of one's nation state. The book is the Sovereign Individual. Alistair Campbell has written about this matter.
Don’t trade. That’s gambling & speculating. Buy a bit of Bitcoin as a long term insurance against existing fiat system and just sit on it.
Or invest by doing some research. I recommend this book:
> Incompetency. Watching these "technologies" develop has been like watching the first organism crawling out of primordial oceans all over again. In terms of rediscovering the past errors of technology and economic behaviour.
Oh boy you would enjoy part of /u/dgerard's book Attack of the 50 foot blockchain where he dives into the wonderful world of blockchain-based incompetency. To wit, my favorite two examples:
> * Bitomat, then the third-largest exchange, were keeping the whole site's wallet file on an Amazon Web Services EC2 server in the cloud that didn't have separate backups and was set to "ephemeral," i.e., it would disappear if you restarted it. Guess what happened in July 2011? Whoops
> ...
> * AllCrypt ran their exchange off a MySQL database ... and were running WordPress on the same database, and their WordPress got hacked such as to allow access to the exchange data. The same thing happened to Bitcoin lending startup Loanbase.
The book:
This is not a dumb though at all. The Sovereign Individual, 1997 goes through these ideas when the internet started to gain traction. Companies like Paypal have been inspired by this book (co-founder Peter Thiel especially). Although the technology wasn't ready back then people were inspired to automate as much as possible and remove the government's monopoly on violence. Arguably, people will start to behave more & more like political actors. I recommend reading the book. IgniteDAO has also been inspired by this idea. To be the first legal DAO in The Netherlands also hopefully should give us an edge with the government. This is from the father of the guy that leads the ERG the shithole that invented Brexit. Why don't people understand that people like JRM, Farage, Murdoch, and Trump are narcissists or straight psychopath. I still don't get it why people don't see their dead eyes. They are a real danger, they orgenize via internet, and behind closed doors and want to rule the world, and its sadly no joke or conspirecy. What do you think Putin is doing? Read whats above and you know what he does. Trump is a wannebe part of this network like McConnell and Tucker. Putin, the Arabfamilies, UK elites, US big Money work together. And plz don't buy the Book just wanted to show its in the open. So this nice guy is a MP of the UK parlaiment and he is an evil person. He wants cheap shoes and food for the workers, so he and his nazibrothers can revel in riches. He should explain why he gets money from russia, that little prick.
You need to show them first why there is a problem in the first place. Show them the history of currency and fiat, the fall of the gold standard.
The disaster capitalism book:
>But in today's political landscape party lines just don't cut it any more - people are more single issue than that. We need a form of proportional representation in the future, otherwise our political system will continue to be paralysed for years to come.
Great point.
If you liked Hunting Warhead, you should check out American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road. The audiobook will keep you hooked until the end!
Ugh, I just went to Amazon to double check the delayed release date of Mastering Ethereum (it went from Dec 10 to Dec 25ish). Now it's pushed back to January 10th. You know he'll be discussing his book. Link for anyone interested in ordering it.
If you install the Moon Chrome extension, you can buy the book from Amazon using bitcoin. Moon supports lightning as a payment method. Just install Moon and then click here.
If you read this i guarantee you'd reconsider your position.
You're completely missing the point on what a non-sovereign money brings to the global marketplace. Do you do business internationally? Send money across borders ever? International banking absolutely sucks. What about the several billion people that are unbanked because it's a permission based system that they don't have the privilege to be a part of? How about you're living in a country like Venezuela, Iran, Turkey, Greece, etc that are experiencing hyper-inflation and seeing their savings absolutely devastated by poor economic policies instituted by broken governments?
If you think bitcoin is all about speculation you haven't done your homework. It's about taking back control of your finances and being your own bank.
El mundo está adoctrinado a creer en el papel moneda. La política monetaria es controlada por los gobiernos y la manejan a su conveniencia.
Ahora que las criptomonedas bajan la barrera de entrada para muchos tipos de inversión, los gobiernos y los bancos centrales hacen todo lo posible por descalificarlas.
Pero no pueden. No han podido. Y no podrán.
Estamos ante un gran cambio de paradigma. Es difícil de comprender, por eso este sub (y la mayoría de las personas) le temen. Pero es el siguiente paso de la economía.
Y si llegaron hasta aquí (los downvotes dirán si llegaron o no), lean The Bitcoin Standard
Creo en las criptomonedas porque son una alternativa a la centralización y control. Sí, son riesgosas. Pero es el primer paso para que cada quien se vuelva su propio banco.
The book: Cryptoasset Inheritance Planning by Pamela Morgan is pretty good in this regard, recommend checking it out, might give some good ideas.
Awesome exposure, great for awareness about CL. And it's going to be on Amazon later this year! (already available for preorder: Somebody please make a Kindle version, please!
learn the book the bitcoin standard
its simple on exchanges you have uncovered bitcoins and covered bitcoin.
if you take btc to you own wallet the coin can no longer be double lent it is out of the exchange suppley!
btc is limited , and CAN NOT be created out of thin air like bank can with fiat money.
If you are referring to the intra-bank transfers, Saifdean outlines it The Bitcoin Standard and this great talk. If something else maybe you could give me a question.
I think you're looking for this. It's basically the economic side of Bitcoin;
My favorite drink is whatever alcoholic beverage I can get my hands around on a big ass cruise ship.
American Kingpin, the story of Ross Ulbricht (better known as Dread Pirate Roberts) and how he built and crashed the online drug market known as The Silk Road, is out and on my amazon wishlist. Hint hint. Just kidding, I'll probably buy it myself for lounge-reading on the boat.
I think I'm starting to get sick - sore throat, congested head, stuffed up nose - and I'm freaking out because I don't want to be sick on vacation.
I ordered American Kingpin on Amazon for some cruise/beach reading - did any of you follow the story of Ross Ulbricht/"Dread Pirate Roberts" and The Silk Road drug marketplace? I ordered a few times from there years ago when it was still operational. I find it fascinating. Can't wait to read it.
So it's officially been two months since I've tapered, and two months since I had my period. You would think that I would be stable on my sub dose by now, but I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms at night again. I posted on a suboxone taper facebook group asking if anyone had ever done a medically-assisted rapid detox and linked to the website online. I swear, people on facebook are so dumb. They assumed I meant the Waismann Method, or that I was talking about a rapid taper. One person told me to take the money and go on vacation, because tapering "isn't so hard" - if I could punch someone, I would. I feel like I'm being belittled and it's really frustrating.
cheers! Preorders are up on Amazon too. (Available worldwide.) The current draft is kinder to Ethereum than previous drafts, but gets stuck into smart contracts a lot more. /u/vbuterin's comments over on /r/Buttcoin greatly improved the Ethereum section.
This is great work u/amandamichelle90. I've been in this community for a few weeks, unaware of this amazing crypto universe being created before us, and the amount of HODL, DCA, fuck/shit, shit/fuck posts is overwhelming (underwhelming?). Thank you for condensing this glorious new world into something most folks can understand.
For community members that were not fully around for the Internet revolution in the late 90's, hold on this is going to be one amazing journey.
I was completely ignorant of what Bitcoin actually is (I thought it was for ransom ware, drug purchases, anonymous trading, etc.). After reading The Bitcoin Standard, whether Bitcoin survives or not, its a beautiful work of decentralized art.
I also didn't fully grasp the power of Blockchain technology until reading this article about Ethereum and everything that is being built under and on top of it.
Sure, it will be great to make money of these technologies and investments, but just as equally we can take part of this historical evolution/revolution in decentralized software.
Read "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous. If that doesn't clear up any misconceptions... find a new wife.
You can get a sense of the book at his Bitcoin Austria book launch here.
You've hit upon the fundamental question to this particular issue: is Bitcoin useful or not? People who don't see any use for it will come to the conclusion that it is a waste. Yet, other people keep adopting it.
For those interested in this question - why more and more people think it is useful - I'd suggest reading The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous.
It depends on whether you want to learn the basics of programming first or the basics of ethereum first. It also depends on how you best learn - tutorials, videos, books. I guess I would suggest "Mastering Ethereum" by Andreas Antonopoulos.
I suggest this book that covers the subject extensively:
Because what we think about is "how to I leave the keys to my heirs?"
But there are additional problems to be considered, too.
For example, discoverabilty. You might have different cryptos in different wallets/exchanges... How will the executor know of the full list?
Will the next-of-kin might be technical enough to handle the matter with confidence and without risking to lose money or will they need helpers? How can I designate trustless helpers?