They do sell 4 packs of 6 ounce bottles of reasonable-ish quality wine that sounds like it would fit your needs. If you have specific wines you like due to the flavors they impart to the dish, another option is to pick up a bottle of Argon for wine preservation (something like this )
Wine spoils due to oxidation and the argon is a heavier, neutral gas that forces the oxygen out before you re-cork it (and chuck it in the fridge after open for additional preservation as lower temperatures slow down chemical reactions). Usually you can get a couple weeks to a month out of a bottle if the argon is used properly. There are also inexpensive vaccum seal pumps for wine but... they never worked quite as well for me.
Also, wine isn't completely dead when it's "gone bad" (oxidized). You can save it in the fridge and use it to make sangria for your friends or even make your own red/white wine vinegar out of it.
Source: Professional Alcoholic and former winery/wine bar guy.
~~That's a link to something that makes ducks out of snow...~~
It's been updated.
Edit again: Here's a cheaper link from the actual makers of the cup. Looks like /u/coolBoyssss link goes to a re-shipper. I have $31.90 vs $23.00 for the Unemployed Philosophers Guild.
Three times an edit: Here's an amazon link from TUPG, in case you'd like prime shipping.
Since I've got no hat but two coupons for WD-40, what about wearing this hat:
With a can of WD-40 on each side?
Paired with Uniqlo OCBD, Chinos, and CDB's.
Dropshipping spam, Amazon is waaaay cheaper. Here's a legit link to buy. (ps, spam the report button to get it removed all you want dropshipper, I'll just repost)
Even Cheaper on Amazon or Canadian Amazon.
I have one of these
The "blade" part of it isn't anywhere near sharp enough to cut your hand, so you can palm the avocado while slicing. Plus, the other side has a built in scooper/slicer
I just got this 3-in-1 avocado slicer thingie and I think it's going to change my life. The part that cuts the avocado open seems to come out gunk free and the way it helps you remove the pit is borderline magic. The part that actually cuts it into slices didn't work perfectly, but the two avocados I used it on might have been slightly overripe (it's tough to find that sweet spot on firmness when you only want to go to the store once a week, ya know?)
It definitely won't go "bad", as in turn into something that could make you sick – nothing as high in proof as any full strength spirit really can. It will oxidize a bit and could potentially change slightly in flavor, but it's unlikely to be anything major or off-putting. If you wanted to get fancy, you could get something like Private Preserve or a similar product which uses inert gas to displace all of the oxygen in your bottle.
Should've told him to put it on the table in front of him and drink it from a straw. :)
Or buy a beer hat
I am surprised no one has mentioned this. This tool works amazing. Knife is plastic/not sharp but sharp enough to cut in half. The metal part removes the pit. The slotted part cuts and scoops it out.
OXO Good Grips 3-in-1 Avocado Slicer - Green
The link someone posted is some random website at double the price of amazon.
Avoid the random website. Can find it on Amazon for $16
Congrats! And normal pillows aren't typically meant to be sat on. You could look into something like this:
My advice would be this:
1/ buy a can of Private Preserve, which is a canned, neutral gas designed to flush the oxygen out of wine and spirit bottles so as to avoid oxidation and thus, spoilage. It's not very expensive and it works incredibly well when used correctly.
2/ Spray the stuff into the bottle and immediately re-seal the bottle using its original cap, assuming said cap is in good condition. If it isn't, find a suitable replacement (before you spray the gas).
3/ Seal the bottle for the foreseeable future using bottle wax, which you'll find on Amazon or at winemaking supply stores. No need to buy a ton of the stuff, just enough to completely coat the top of the bottle and the surrounding neck. Wax has been used for centuries for this specific purpose and we still haven't found a better solution for long-term bottle sealing.
p.s.: get the good bottle wax, the kind winemakers used to use. The good kind is hard to the touch and chips and breaks easily. The not-as-good kind feels like plastic and peels off instead of breaking cleanly. Both types will work, but the first kind is better.
4/ Store the bottle upright (not on its side) in a dark room with as little temperature variations as possible, just like you'd store wine (except wine is stored on its side, unlike spirits). A cellar is generally the best option, if you have one.
5/ When the day comes, remove said bottle from storage, break the wax seal and enjoy a drink in front of a chimney fire or something just as cool and tell the kids cool war stories about their dad.
Sorry for your friend. Hope this helps.
Be safe!
I would definitely get one. I have an office job and I have to sit for multiple hours a day. I have had this cushion for about two years and it’s still holding up. I would also suggest getting up to walk around a little every hour or get a standing desk.
Everlasting Comfort Memory Foam Seat Cushion for Back, Coccyx, & Tailbone Pain Relief - Work, Desk, Car, Gaming, and Home Office Accessories - Sciatica Chair Cushion Pad (Black)
Yes please where the hell do I get these and someone please say Amazon!!!!
Thanks!! Found it!
Star Trek Transporter Heat Changing Mug - Add Coffee or Tea and Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Uhura Appear on the Planet's Surface - Comes in a Fun Box
This might change your life. We bought this one on Amazon. It took a while to arrive (maybe two weeks?) but it's worth the wait. You just fill the filter with grounds, pour cold water in so it seeps through the grounds, and put it in the fridge overnight. Bam fresh iced coffee every morning.
We now have both iced and hot every day. We drink a lot of coffee...
Couple of options - you could go the cold brew route and buy something like this. That way you can keep cold brew in your fridge. Basically just take your coffee grounds, put them into the brewer for half a day or so and it's ready to go.
Secondly, you could always go the Vietnamese iced coffee route. My favourite way of doing iced coffee. That being said, I think the key is the evaporated milk. You can get a Vietnamese coffee filter on Amazon pretty easily.
Everlasting Comfort Office Chair Seat Cushion for Back, Coccyx, & Tailbone Pain Relief (Black)
I’ve used that for both my car and desk chair :)
No idea if it works but if you plan to have bottles open for a while, this preservation spray is an inert argon-based gas that reduces oxidation. Same stuff that goes in a Coravin, if you’ve seen those. I’ve got it in a few bottles that I know I’ll drink sparingly over time
I got one of these tailbone relief cushions when I bruised my tailbone, and now I'm just using it for posture and comfort. Anyone who sits in my chair at work says it's soooo comfortable and they want one.
I am a big fan of This type of brewer if you already have a kettle to boil the water and are new to loose leaf tea. It's easy to use and easy to clean, and easy to brew either Western style or pretty close to Gongfu style (for the timing of the steeping, to see if you prefer this style before investing in Gongfu teaware).
I bought this last week and it has made chair sitting a pleasure again! Total game changer.
Edited sorry for ugly link, I need someone to teach me how to make pretty links.
I would echo a lot of the recommendations above but also get a cushion to make it more comfortable when you have to sit like this one
I don’t know much about cooking with avocados , but I just watched an episode of America’s Test Kitchen and they rated this tool as the best avocado knife, pitter, and scooper.
I own this teapot and that's about it. Is there anything else you would suggest to ensure that I'm brewing it correctly, either equipment or advice-wise?
This is always the right (first) answer. You can preserve wine well for $11. Coravin is a completely different use case than wanting to extend an open bottle for a while. I generally finish bottles with my wife also enjoying wine and I always keep a can of this stuff around. It works fine.
Thank you all for your feedback! To address a few common themes I see in these comments:
I got a cold brewer off amazon, a big glass jar with a filter compartment that sits in it. All I have to do is fill the jar to the top line with filtered water, put 80g of coffee in the filter, drop it in to the jar and pour more water through the coffee till it's full. Stick in the fridge for 16 hours, dump the grounds, and I've got cold brew. I used a lined venti cup to measure to the second line, fill to third with cream, top with ice. Delicious.
Dropshipping spam, Amazon is waaaay cheaper. Here's a legit link to buy. (ps, spam the report button to get it removed all you want dropshipper, I'll just repost)