~~That's a link to something that makes ducks out of snow...~~
It's been updated.
Edit again: Here's a cheaper link from the actual makers of the cup. Looks like /u/coolBoyssss link goes to a re-shipper. I have $31.90 vs $23.00 for the Unemployed Philosophers Guild.
Three times an edit: Here's an amazon link from TUPG, in case you'd like prime shipping.
Dropshipping spam, Amazon is waaaay cheaper. Here's a legit link to buy. https://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Transporter-Heat-Changing-x/dp/B01M4IE5NP (ps, spam the report button to get it removed all you want dropshipper, I'll just repost)
Even Cheaper on Amazon or Canadian Amazon.
I got one of those rice washing bowls from amazon a couple years ago and it really was a game changer for me. I just put the rice in and rinse it for 30 seconds or so, drain out the excess water and dump it in a rice cooker. So easy and the rice comes out amazing every time. I could never go back to instant rice at this point
Did you wash your rice with water til it ran clear?
Excess starch makes rice sticky/thick, remove the excess by repeatedly rinsing/stirring in cold water & make sure there are no stones/debris in the rice itself before cooking.
You don't need it to do so, but a rice washing bowl has been awesome IMUC.
The link someone posted is some random website at double the price of amazon.
Avoid the random website. Can find it on Amazon for $16
Here and now that I'm looking at my order I've come to the conclusion I'm a giant fucking dumbass.
Yes please where the hell do I get these and someone please say Amazon!!!! https://www.amazon.ca/Star-Trek-Transporter-Changing-Coffee/dp/B01M4IE5NP/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1544549472&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=star+trek+transporter+mug&dpPl=1&dpID=51SF2F49PcL&ref=plSrch
Thanks!! Found it!
Star Trek Transporter Heat Changing Mug - Add Coffee or Tea and Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Uhura Appear on the Planet's Surface - Comes in a Fun Box https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M4IE5NP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_eNWcFb18NZEJR
Nope, that's probably 12 cups and/or one pot. But... As long as Daddy ain't giving directions in ounces or milliliters, you can always find a bigger coffee cup to drink out of. Lol.
For instance... Here's one that is 11x9 inches. :)
its times like these where i fall back on a trusty. site . www.shityoucanafford.com .
i love the. idea of someone drinking coffee out of one of these im half wanting to buy one
These are the ones that I use:
Freezer safe and microwave safe, very reasonably priced, and comes with a vent on the lid so you can microwave the food without worrying about splashes.
I think I have six of these things now, all sitting in my freezer with a variety of soups and sauces.
When I choose to defrost one I can easily add extra fresh ingredients in to add flavour and texture, throwing spices to change the flavour profile, or even just enjoy it as a soup with some ciabatta.
I use this. I have a tofu press for when I want to make crispy baked tofu, but you can also just use hand weights and two cutting boards. If I’m just using tofu in stir fry, I just drain the excess liquid before using it.
Just Crunch Anti-Soggy Cereal Bowl - Keeps Cereal Fresh & Crunchy | BPA Free | Microwave Safe | Ice Cream & Topping, Yogurt & Berries, Fries & Ketchup and More – White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EDQCOX8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_BMl.FbNDP5SJG
He needs this. I bought one for my mom. She used to use to different bowls for cereal.
Over on r/ultralight, of course, any grams saved is worth any price.
But for a more middle-ground, look to any of the aluminum grease pots for $7 or $8. They are very close to the weight of the the titanium options and do a much better job of spreading heat across the bottom of the pot reducing scorching on the bottom.
Thanks! Although trying not to shop too much on amazon, it was a great deal for someone getting into gong fu brewing. Here's the link if you're interested.
Dropshipping spam, Amazon is waaaay cheaper. Here's a legit link to buy. https://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Transporter-Heat-Changing-x/dp/B01M4IE5NP (ps, spam the report button to get it removed all you want dropshipper, I'll just repost)
Dropshipping spam, Amazon is waaaay cheaper. Here's a legit link to buy. https://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Transporter-Heat-Changing-x/dp/B01M4IE5NP (ps, spam the report button to get it removed all you want dropshipper, I'll just repost)
Dropshipping spam, Amazon is waaaay cheaper. Here's a legit link to buy. https://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Transporter-Heat-Changing-x/dp/B01M4IE5NP (ps, spam the report button to get it removed all you want dropshipper, I'll just repost)
I have to put in my perinial suggestion, replace your Stanley pot with an Imusa 0.7 quart aluminum mug. 2 oz. $2.14 on Amazon.
14 lbs is pretty good for a budget gear list like you have. You can definitely take these suggestions and build on what you have. I commend your desire to just get out there with what you have. I was just through Walmart today and there are several budget packs there less than $100 if 34 liters turns out to be too small. Best wishes for your trek and semester off.
As discussed in the manual for this rice cooker, you only need to wash unpolished white rice. This is because the dehusking process that removes the husk and the bran leaves behind some of both and washing removes these. Polished white rice is already washed for you, and brown, black or wild rice do not need it because their husk and bran have not been removed.
That said, I recommend this washing bowl.
Inomata Japanese Rice Washing Bowl with Side and Bottom Drainers, Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004QZAAS2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_V5MHsU84CKRea
Or this aluminum cup/pot: https://www.amazon.com/IMUSA-R200-12W-Aluminum-1-25-Quart-Silver/dp/B009SBB7HM/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=29NOR5LKW1IEA&keywords=imusa+cup&qid=1662675589&sprefix=imusa+cup%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-3
Needs a bit of tinfoil for a lid, but it’s awfully light, durable and cheap.
I got the coffee mug that displays this scene when it's heated up a while back. It is absolutely hilarious to anyone who's at least started this game. Though, for some reason, it's the smallest mug in the world, keep that in mind if you plan to get it.
Engage! Wait, wrong...oh, never mind
I noticed you're doing a double-clap to get the last bit of grinds out of the NicheZero. There's a 3-armed flywheel that pushes the grinds out when its turning so you'll get maybe a 1/3 of the grinds out when it's stopped.
Wanted to suggest another method that I use. I bought these pinch bowls and used one of them like a plunger to push the last grinds out while keeping the red safety button pressed down to keep the machine turning. Just an idea.
I find these to be just a little too flimsy for my taste.
As an alternative, I’d recommend some silicone pinch bowls like these ones. They are a little more solid and the bowl shape is better for sliding components out of them.
A big microwave mug thing that I can keep in my drawer at work and use to heat up soup, noodles, etc, at lunchtime. No more hoking around in the work cupboards to try and find a half-decent bowl to use, I have got one of my own, and I always know where it is:
it's basically one of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sistema-Microwave-Soup-Mug-656/dp/B005D6Y1OM/ref=sr_1_5?crid=T0IYWDYI8M6W&keywords=microwave+mug&qid=1650210647&sprefix=microwave+mug%2Caps%2C425&sr=8-5