Adjustable Cat Recovery Collar Soft Cone for Cat’s Head Wound Healing Protective Cone After Surgery Elizabethan Collars for Pets Kitten and Small Dogs
Edit: this is the one I got! Try searching “cat donut collar” quite a few pop up!
+1 on this. It's much more pleasant for them. Not enough to make them forgive you for cutting off their privates, but it's a step.
oh boy do i have some good news for you! these bread shaped ones are my personal favorite. the review photos are a goldmine.
If you've got a blind dog you probably already have things like this, but a Dog Halo is great for blind dogs.
I've got one for mine, he's not blind but he's stupid and runs into things. It saves their head the bruises!
We invested in one of these tubes after our little guy ripped open an armpit tumor. These are a lot better for the dog's awareness of their surroundings.
Beautiful boy; wishing him a speedy recovery. Our Blenheim does get separation anxiety, but manages quite well with lots of napping. We leave the TV on for her so it itsn't too quiet.
Let you Vet know of this condition (but it seems you suffer more of it than he does) and they'll likely not leave him alone for extended periods. He's likely going to be sedated most of the time and will not realize how much time has passed... They will be monitored as they come out of sedation and will not be left alone during this period; be ready to be there when this happens.
Suggestion, get a ComfyCone instead of the hard plastic cone provided; he'll be more comfortable when sleeping, which will happen a lot after surgery.
Hang in there; this is for the best.
Doggo Frendos!
Don't get hard plastic cones. They're heckin uncomfortable! There's a better cone!
The COMFY CONE!! bork bork bork! (that's Fizzgig the Samoyed saying "it'sa good cone!")
(that link should be a plain link, with no referral/affiliate heck added)
(I am not in any way associated with amazon or the comfy cone humans. I am just a frendo of doggos who wants to see them be more comfy with happy borks)
Are you going to get her something like this?
Tutuba Halo Harness for Blind Dog, Safe Blind Dog Harness Guide Device,Protective Vest Ring for Dogs-Prevent Accidents & Build Confidence
Reddit would go nuts for vids of her in this while relearning her surroundings.
My old lady cat who is no longer with us had her eye removed at 18. I had two other cats so when I wasn’t home I put her in a dog kennel so that she would be safer. I also used a soft inflatable e-collar & it worked out so much better than those awful plastic cones. She healed well & so will your cat.
I've used the blow up ones from Amazon. If you have a pet supply store near you, they'd probably have them too. My dogs never minded the blow up collars.
Here it is:
Adjustable Cat Recovery Collar Soft Cone for Cat’s Head Wound Healing Protective Cone After Surgery Elizabethan Collars for Pets Kitten and Small Dogs
We had great luck using an inflatable collar like this:
Our dog was really freaked out by the traditional cone but tolerates this one well! We also have a surgical suit, but haven’t needed to use it yet. Good luck!
Poor Charlie! All of /r/Pugs is rooting for your recovery.
To let him sniff where he wants to pee, I would recommend a recovery collar like this which lets them sniff things, it's made a lot of difference for our Laddu:
Hi I just recently had this issue myself (he can escape a cone, then learned how to escape his onesie). I bought a suit off of Amazon (if you’re ok purchasing from Amazon) that has managed to stay on. You can find it here
check with the vet to see if they have a different e-collar that works better... also try local pet stores like Petsmart or Petco...
my male cat went through the same thing when he got neutered. I ended up getting one that was like a round seat cushion which was tightened with two strings. He could not get out of it... come to thing of it, he didn't even bother trying.. :)
I can't the one that I used before, but it was 10 years ago, so they probably discontinued it.... however, this one on Amazon is very similar to what I'm talking about:
By the way, it's absolutely for cats to figure a way out of the collar... is this your first cat? if so, you'll soon learn that they cat get out of pretty much anything. (but on the other hand, there are also cats who don't even bother to try)
Good luck!
They have. Soft cones are more comfortable and reversible so pets can eat, drink and sleep in them. But the plastic ones are super cheap so that's what the vet gives out.
Yikes! 2 weeks is a long time to be in that cone. This would really be more comfy for her. I got it for my dog and she really enjoys it.
Try using “The Comfy Cone” and remove the collar stays. I’m currently using this with my dog and even without the collar stays it has enough structure to stay up in a cone shape. It’s lightly padded and soft around the neck. I also recommend Trazadone to help take the edge off. The Original Comfy Cone, Soft Pet Recovery Collar with Removable Stays,Large 25 cm
Hi, there are other types of cones besides those hard plastic ones you usually see. A quick search brought up these and others: Kong EZ soft and Kong Cloud E-collar Perhaps those would be less of a problem.
It's also possible he has an allergy. My cat licked all the fur off his right hind paw and a spot on his stomach. It turned out that he was allergic to all poultry products. It cleared up with medication and avoiding poultry (not easy).
Get a doughnut instead of an e-collar! These are so much better for Newfs!
My corgi did not like the cone but is totally ok with wearing the donut! In fact he kind of likes it and uses it as a pillow when it's on.
We got a version from Amazon that's half the price of the one from Chewy.
You can try putting a donut on her with the washable diapers. Something like this: Cozier than a cone.
Don’t know if you’ve looked it up but our pup was spayed a few weeks ago and we didn’t use a cone. We got a inflatable neck donut thing on Amazon. It was great. She was able to function pretty much as normal without reaching the stitches. She didn’t mind it at all since it was basically a pillow for anywhere she wanted to nap. She was never antsy about it or wanting it off.
I've seen the plush ones shaped like flowers and toast and stuff - apparently cats hate them less than the normal Cone of Shame you get from the vet? They definitely seem like they'd be easier to eat in.
We use the donut collar for our tzu's when they have bad skin allergies and they don't mind it too much.
Something similar to this:
I suggest going to your local pet store if you can to see which one would fit well.
I was so worried the first time with my babies as well, and it went smoothly as can be. He’ll be groggy and sleepy probably but as long as he doesn’t lick at his stitches he’ll be right as rain in no time. Get him a soft cone, mine didn’t keep the hard cone on at all. This one might be small for your guy but something like this works like a charm and will keep him more comfortable.
You could try a soft collar. That’s what I use on my cat.
Amakunft Adjustable Cat Cone Collar Soft, Cat Recovery Collar, Cute E Collar for Cats After Surgery, Cat Neck Cones to Stop Licking for Cat/Kitten/Small Dog