Get some apple bitter spray and spray it on the cord for a week or so and the cat should stop. My cat would do the same thing and this worked wonders.
Get Apple Bitters from the pet store (or Amazon) and spray it on the cables. It tastes horrible (to people and cats) and may prevent future destruction.
It’s called a ssscat. I have one. Use it. Love it. It gets bonus points for occasionally scaring my wife even more than the cat.
Ssscat. Although the replacement canisters are kind of expensive, I recently found out that the top is fairly universal and apparently you can just use compressed air from Staples or something. We have gotten to the point that we don't even need it on our counters anymore, and mostly use it if we want to keep the kitties out of a room temporarily, we just set it outside, and they stay away without scratching at the door. We usually don't even turn it on anymore.
I've used this, SSSCat, to deter my girl from jumping to areas she's not supposed to. But she's a little devil, and if I remove it, she'll go back up. However, now I don't need to turn it on. It's presence is enough of a deterrent.
Check out this thing I used from Amazon! I have a climbing, chatty tortie who LOVED placing her ass directly on my dish towels/dishes and this fixed it.
Hilarious! Here's the product:
It's harder if you've left it later, but there are a few options.
Motion detecting repellent is probably the best way. They train cats that a location is off-limits because they'll get sprayed, even if you're not around. It happens every time, all the time, so they quickly learn. Best of all, it's never linked to you so it can't possibly harm your relationship with your cat. Alternatively tape down some aluminum foil on the area. Many cats hate the fact it russles as they walk on it and it will panic them.
If you're around when the cat gets scared though you then have to fuss over them to make them happy.
What's also important though is if your cats like the counters they likely like being high, in which case it will really help if there's an alternative. Shelving or a cat tree for example. These can be harder to simply implement but they can really help.
And finally, don't leave incentives for your cat to jump up if you do. Don't leave food out etc. Reduce the reasons they want to be up there.
Here ends my knowledge gained from watching My Cat From Hell
I’ve purchased these little things that sense motion and spray air to keep mine from jumping on a table where he was constantly knocking down a lamp! He jumped up maybe twice, was sprayed with air, and has never jumped up on the table again since! link
I actually do not think this is the right route here. Your dog is clearly agitated by the interaction, so introducing positive punishment (air horn) is more likely to increase your dog's agitation about oncoming dogs in the future.
Here's what I might try instead:
Teach a replacement behavior. The one that comes to mind and might work really well here is a "behind" cue. This is really easy to teach: Say the cue "behind!" and toss a small handful of cookies behind you. With practice, your dog will start associating the word with getting food behind you, making him more likely to get behind you to block oncoming dogs. You might also work on asking your dog for other behaviors (sit, lie down) while your dog is still behind you. Practice this at home and slowly increase distractions.
Ask other owners to call/leash their dogs. This is sometimes easier said than done, but IME 85% of the time the other owner is competent enough to understand that there might be some conflict.
If the dog approaches and you cannot get your dog behind you: What happens if you drop the leash? I know, I know, this sounds terrifying. But often with my leash-reactive guy who I almost always walk on leash, dropping the leash when a strange dog approaches and all else fails usually results in him being more able to greet the dog in a natural way and decrease any tension and frustration caused by the leash.
Finally: I know that sometimes EVERYTHING fails and all goes to shit. I recommend carrying spray shield for those circumstances, just so you can break up a fight if needed. This would be my last resort if everything fails and the dogs are going at it, though.
I believe Air Wick makes them you can buy them almost anywhere. Drug stores, grocery stores, Wal-mart, Target, etc.
EDIT: There is an actual item made for the sole purpose of repelling pets. It's called a Ssscat
PetSafe SprayShield Animal Deterrent with Clip, Citronella Spray up to 12 ft, Protect Yourself and Your Pets
You should carry that every time you are out walking client dogs IMO. I carry it on hikes, but I know a lot of people that carry it 24/7. Pretty effective at stopping a charging dog, and it won’t have any lasting damage (like a gun) or risk hurting yourself (like mace) so you won’t be hesitant to pull the trigger.
Maybe try this? It's overpriced on amazon for some reason, you should be able to get it half the price if you shop around.
It will startle you and your SO just as much, but it's hilarious.
You can try a ssscat device, you can buy it online and possibly at a local pet store. It is motion sensored so when it cat comes near it will put out a puff of air and it won't go into your room. We use it to keep the cats away from our door at night or they will lick our faces when we sleep.
Here is a link to amazon and reviews
There is a bitter apple spray I have used on plants and cords to make them taste gross to my cats. You should probably reapply it every few days but it should help. Here is a link to the one I have used before:
Hahaha this reminded me of this old thing my mom used to have for our cats. It’s motion activated canned air and it is the funniest thing I have ever seen. You just stick it on your counter facing the part where your cats would jump up and then when they do, it’ll just spray a quick, loud burst of air that sounds like a hiss. Your cats will indubitably flip their shit and get off the counter.
Oh man, thanks for the memories. Here it is on Amazon.
If your cats counter surf and you don't want them to, that's your own fault.
I've had 6 cats through my life and I've just bought this thing that sprays air when it detects motion in front of it (years ago it was aluminum foil instead), left it on the counter while I slept or went to school/work and all of mine have stopped jumping up within a week or two of coming home.
"The cat's gonna do whatever they want" is just code for "I'm a lazy owner who won't make any attempt to train them" imo.
Ssssscat can works for us
Or spiked plastic mats
I use this stuff and its worked well so far. They will do a nibble and spit it out and never nibble again.
I do re-up the application every so often just incase lol
Its just some crazy bitter stuff (i tasted it.. BLECK) mixed with isopropyl alcohol, the alcohol evaporates and leaves this stuff on the leaves. Bottle says plant safe and I haven’t noticed any harm to my various types of plants so far.
HAVE YOU TRIED SSSCAT?!?! Our kitten is very frisky at night, so we bought this product off Amazon called Ssscat—essentially a canister of compressed air that has a motion detector on it and releases a puff of air if kitty walks by. Not enough to really scare him, but enough to deter the behavior! We use it outside our bedroom and it has HONESTLY been a lifesaver because kitty doesn’t bug us every night!!! He doesn’t even really try to get inside anymore. Just bought one for the guest room for when people sleep over. Can’t recommend highly enough! You’re $30 away from better sleep.
We use Ssscat motion activated air sprayers to keep our critters away from places they're not supposed to be. You don't need to buy the proprietary refills, just get canned air from the office store. The cans are universal fit.
We've been using these things for years. There is also another version by a different company we found on Amazon that also beeps so you can use it even when the canned air runs out. I couldn't find the link for it at the moment though, but it is worth seeking out.
This is the original Ssscat. They are worth it.
PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent, Motion Activated Pet Proofing Repellent for Cats and Dogs, Environmentally Friendly
That's exactly why we got them. We got them off of Amazon. Here's exactly what we bought
PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent, Motion Activated Pet Proofing Repellent for Cats and Dogs, Environmentally Friendly
Try Ssscat, it’s a motion sensor attached to a compressed can of air. My cats did not give two shits about the tin foil but this thing really works. Plus you can refill them with a bike pump so you don’t have to keep buying more
PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Deterrent
SSSCAT is a motion-activated spray system that protects indoor areas and objects from cats and dogs within a radius of 3 feet (1 meter).
Ssscat is a humane remote deterrent to keep pets away from certain areas.
Here is how it looks like. Link:
Yes. I also think you should try the other stuff if you do not currently do those other things. You are welcome!
PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Dog and Cat Deterrent, Motion Activated Pet Repellent Keeps Areas Pet Proof, Battery-Operated and Environmentally Friendly Training Sprayer – Protect Your Pets and Furniture
This has saved my plants so far. We have 5 of them to keep the cats off counters, away from baked goods, and plants. The spray cans from the company are really good but don't last long and expensive. We just snap the cap off normal dusters use them as replacements. A fraction of the cost and just as effective.
This is the one I mentioned before. There may be more outdoor suitable options based on your specific needs. Good luck!
PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Dog and Cat Deterrent, Motion Activated Pet Repellent Keeps Areas Pet Proof, Battery-Operated and Environmentally Friendly Training Sprayer – Protect Your Pets and Furniture
I usually get this one. It hasn’t killed any plants yet haha.
Grannicks Bitter Apple Liquid 1, 8 oz Chewing Deterrent Spray, Anti Chew Behavior Training Aid for Dogs and Cats; Stops Destructive Chewing Licking of Bandages, Paws, Shoes, Fur