Little Logan passed away in October last year, aged 4, after a valiant battle with cancer. I wanted his little brother to have a special guardian - when I found this super hero outfit in Edward's Doll Emporium I knew it was perfect. I based Logan's entire outfit on a photo I found of him, where he was wearing navy/green Wellington boots. Super Logan now lives happily with his brother, sister, and parents, and hopefully gives comfort to such a wonderful family.
there was a class at firearts but with the pandemic everything is on hold.. the method of Elena Kunin is easy to follow and the book from Katherine Dewey is also really good
So the base figures were adapted from this, but I made loads of changes to the patterns
My Crochet Doll is a book I've used many, many times. The book includes the base doll plus every article of clothing you could want. I also recommend Beth Webber's blog, By Hook, By Hand She has many, many free patterns and her doll game is just amazing. A true talent.
I don’t have this book, but it’s been recommended in a Barbie sewing Facebook group I’m in several times. Sewing clothes for Barbie
This book. I adore these for cat toys. I just sew on eyes if it's for my cats
Their favorite toys are plain string though
Yes it's a really good book actually, it covers 4 different Barbie sizes 🙂 here's a link to it in case anyone wants it: Sewing Clothes For Barbie
AmigurME is a great book that teaches how to personalize amigurumi dolls including hair. It's been out of stock forever but it looks like Amazon just got more in!
Might I suggest the pattern designers other book? Dumpling Pups. There’s a corgi. I’m going to get it next time I order from Amazon, cause I love the Scotty.
The pattern comes with shoes indeed! Although I might opt to re-design them, I don't know yet. I'm actually really pleased with how flat the feet turned out, even after stuffing. I should have added that I slightly changed the arms and legs for the third doll, Abbi, and her feet will be a bit smaller.
I'll make hair out of yarn, in a similar style to what the author of the pattern does. I find it really pretty, and I love working with yarn. Sometimes with acrylic yarn, I even brush it out and flatten it with a flat iron so it effectively turns into actual faux hair. But with this old-timey look, I'll just keep it as is. If anyone is interested, I can share my hair-making process with you, I'll likely make Aggi's hair tomorrow.
And of course! A challenge would be delightful!
Here is the link to the book:
These are all made from this book: Hello Kitty Crochet: Supercute Amigurumi Patterns for Sanrio Friends
Patterns are from this book. I'm kind of in love with this book, and I'm definitely going to have to make another set for myself haha.
Thank you, it's from the book
I did have a lot of help from my girlfriend, that's her cat blanket is under mine. She got very fed up of counting to make sure I had done that row correctly.
Hi, I didn't forget to find the link, I promise! I just had the hardest time figuring out what it was. Turns out it wasn't a YouTube video at all, but this Craftsy link and the instructions from the book Creepy Cute Crochet. The patterns in that book are stupid adorable.