If these were cheaper I'd keep a pair in my trunk for just such occasions.
Jack up the front wheels, swing the double-parker out perpendicular, and leave it that way. Cops will definitely take care of it then, and you are long gone.
When I worked at a hotel in high school, we used these to move cars in the garage that took up multiple spots. One person could move a car in 10 minutes.
Get some buddies and some car sliders. Then hide the car somewhere in the car park.
A Dolly and Moving Straps for going up stairs are 2 essential items I always bring to help people move.
Fuck breaking your back, I help people move so that they owe me a favor when I have to move and for free beer and Pizza.
Step 1: get any sort of safety toe non-slip boot or shoe. Make sure you find it comfortable while bending, squatting, walking, and generally being in all day. They even make hiking style boots nowadays that are really breathable. Just do some research and experiment at a store. Many of the suggestions here are excellent.
Step 2: make sure you have a good pair of non-slip and abrasion resistant gloves so you don't hurt your hands
Step 3: buy a set of Shoulder Dolly Moving Straps. Even if you can't expense them, it will be the best $40 you'll ever spend when it comes to efficiency in moving and maneuvering.
A couple of guys dropped off a washer and dryer for us a few years ago and had a set of these. We had a very narrow stairway with a terrible sharp angle at the top going down to a very cramped utility room/laundry room, and they were able to get the old set out and the new set in in about 20 minutes total. I was so impressed I bought a set the next day and it's been a lifesaver.
I've moved awkward and heavy furniture, appliances, entire households, even a 4'x5' granite countertop where we clamped the belt around the bottom so it wouldn't slip and lifted it right out of the house.
Best money you will ever spend if you move heavy things with any frequency.
People like this are why I'm considering keeping a set of Go Jacks in my trunk. If they block you in, move it out of the way.
Did a bit of searching. This looks like it might come close to what you're looking for.
I felt my fingers smashing into metal guard rails from reading that lol.
Next time I'm going to make sure to get a lifting strap, so it'll somewhat simulate deadlifts/farmer's-carry
Another solution. Position the car where it can’t be driven out. Fuck ‘em!
straps to lift and carry
to get it out of the hole, lift it onto cardboard so it will slide without damaging the floor
Es gibt noch Traghilfen für manche Sachen, die können euch bei sowas vielleicht helfen, sollte aber vorher kurz getestet werden das man versteht wie es funktioniert und es richtig benutzt ansonsten kann sowas sehr wehtun und eher stören als helfen.
get something like this and also strap the fridge shut. you and a friend should be able to use this to get a fridge downstairs without much issue. note that i've mostly dealt with smaller fridges - a big one could be 300 lbs, so check the weight before you commit
Ertu þá ekki að tala um svoleiðs strappa ?
Ef svo er hvað heitir þetta á íslensku eða hvar fæst þetta almennt?
( og takk :)
I have a decent sized office with plenty of storage and this is what I keep in it:
If I got snowed in, I figure I could shut my office door and stay comfortable-ish for a while.
I also carry a 65L hiking pack in my vehicle (I know you said you don't drive but maybe you could have a look at the Ultralight hiking group? I'm sure you could get plenty of ideas for a fairly small lightweight bag). I have everything I need in my hiking pack to walk home. Tent/sleeping bag & pad/food/water filtration/Jetboil/etc. I hope I never have to but I could.
If you're worried about weight, you could always get some sort of cart like this.
Just a "brainstorming" solution in case you can't solve it in a timely way with SPD or a tow company... call a mobile mechanic, have them come out with vehicle moving dollies for the wheels, they can jack it up and put it on those, and roll it out of the way. It may be expensive, but if it's urgent it might be an option at least.
At the place I work, we have very limited parking, and also provide free charging for electric vehicles. Some people in apartments nearby would quietly come and charge their electric vehicles all night - which we had no problem with. The problem is if their cars were blocking the spots for our employees when we started arriving in the morning.
So at first they would drop their cars off to be charged (on our electricity bill) at 10pm, and pick them up at 6am, and there was no problem. Then they started getting lazy/sloppy and would pick up their cars as they left for work at 8am or 9am, which then caused disruptions as our employees showed up and couldn't recharge their vehicles.
We eventually had a couple of them towed and the problem stopped. But it was difficult because we show up at 8:15am, call the tow truck, and by the time the tow truck arrived the person had departed anyway.
Before we towed them enough to make a point, I toyed with the idea of getting "wheel dollies" and just moving their car out of our spots ourselves, immediately, when we needed the spots. The "wheel dollies" are these little skateboards that clamp to each wheel so you can just push the car out of the spot. For example: https://www.amazon.com/STKUSA-Truck-Wheel-Moving-Ratchet/dp/B07C3X75YZ/
You can see a YouTube video of wheel dollies here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HazOPM42bTs
Nazoveš frenda, potplatiš ga sa pivom, podignete ga i odgurate negdje od kuda ga neće tako lako izvuć.
I would think so. I would be clear on the stairs though, and how much clearance (on both sides) you have going down the stairs. And if there's any bends or anything that would make it more tricky. Also ask about height clearance down the stairs as well.
I did only moving/heavy lifting for years on this platform. These moving straps were literally the most important tool in my toolbox for moving. Makes big pieces like this so much easier with way less strain.
You're not getting a fridge up multiple stairs with that though. This is the type of strap they moved mine with, with ease.
May I suggest a wheel dolly, or a set of four to move those vehicles whose owners seem to chronically misunderstand common decency or road laws?
I'd immediately call/video chat with my boss to show them the problem, Live, with me in the video... that would cover me for work.
After that, I'd call a mechanic buddy I know who has a decent jack and some car dollies, and then we'd reposition the vehicle somewhere legal to park, but out of view of the original spot at the end of my driveway.
This is when you find a friend with car skates (aka wheel dollies). Put one under each wheel, jack the car up, and reposition the car somewhere very difficult to get out of, like behind a concrete pillar.
these work great, i know people that have them JUST for this reason and will move cars to other parking spots, somtimes to other spots far down a lot AND or just out in the middle of the parking lot so they end up getting towed . i have also been told it was the best invenstment they ever made https://www.amazon.com/Sunex-Tools-1500-Pound-Hydraulic-Wheel/dp/B019MJFQJO/ref=sr\_1\_4?crid=3UFYGOSFOPDKM&keywords=car+dolly&qid=1649686487&sprefix=car+dolly%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-4
These work for me.
SPACECARE Mobile Roller with 4 Locking Wheels - Adjustable Furniture Dolly Washing Machine Stand Refrigerator Base Moving Cart- Mini Fridge Stand Accessories Appliance Roller Laundry Pedestal -White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZW9P6BW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_VQYAVYEBD8DNP2HDH9B0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
IF….the driveway and warehouse floor is very flat, could you remove the tires/wheels and use car dollies to slide it into the warehouse?
LIBRA Set of 4 Heavy Duty Tire Wheel Dolly Vechicle Moving Dolly -27018 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017YK2KMY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_3NEEXY9T6EN10FVA9Z3S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Or fabricate something similar that would have directional casters so the trailer couldn’t move sideways, only front to back.
Good luck—
I've thought about doing that with a car that parked in my assigned spot last week. There are some adjustable tire dolly skates that you can use and just... Push the car around however you want. (Like these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QY2RSYH/)
But I opted for a note and letting management know.
> Buy a $500 beater to park in your driveway and use it to push them out of the way.
There are these cool devices called "car dollies" that clamp around somebody's tires that gently lift the car up and allow you to push the car around effortlessly and do not damage the car at all. You can see one example in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTN6YaG75tA
The one pictured in the video is $178 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sunex-Tools-1500-Pound-Hydraulic-Wheel/dp/B019MJFQJO/
I've never bought these, but at our work office we were near a bunch of retail businesses and had this very bad problem where people thought they could "just park for 15 minutes" in our designated spots. We had several people towed, and I kept eyeing these devices to just do it ourselves. The issue was we needed deliveries, that is what the spots were reserved for, and waiting around an hour for a tow truck was painful sometimes.
There exists (these)[Shoulder Dolly Moving Straps - Lifting Strap for 2 Movers - Move, Lift, Carry, And Secure Furniture, Appliances, Heavy, Bulky Objects Safely, Efficiently, More Easily Like The Pros - Essential Moving Supplies - LD1000 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00022749Q/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_NNBGTDY2XH3WYHD11JDY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1] stupid things. That's what they were using.
Shoulder dolly And slider pads Add a 6 pack of local brew or a couple highballs of Basil Hayden's, depending on how many buddies are needed, I can usually move about anything. Pro tip: on hard surfaces like laminate and linoleum make sure the floor is clean and spray some windex in front of those pads and they glide like butter. On hardwood floors double over a oiled up microfiber under them and you won't scratch your floors.