Pilgrim. https://smile.amazon.com/Pilgrim-Harmon-Cooper-ebook/dp/B08DH7WTNS?sa-no-redirect=1
Honestly the book kind of delivers on the premise of the cover, I just couldn't get into the MC and too much of the book was falling flat.
The Pilgrim series by Harmon Cooper. There are currently 6 books in there series and they're great.
>Pilgrim is a bestselling progression fantasy/cultivation series inspired by the Witcher books, John Wick films, the Inuyasha anime, the Preacher comics, and the movie Yojimbo.
That is absolutely going to happen. The depth and nuance on this show. Soon, it’ll be listed here for great minds to ponder:
If you have a kindle, you need this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Masters-Horror-Weird-Supernatural-Stories-ebook/dp/B07BKMW5YW
Includes lots of works by authors you list, and hundreds of others.
Otherwise, I would direct you towards...
Arthur Machen Clark Ashton Smith E F Benson Edgar Allen Poe
All of these are in the ebook I linked.
If you are a newbie and a fan of stuff, there's a series called "Pop Culture and Philosophy" that starts with some pretty famous properties and discusses some ideas related to those.
> Father I don't want this marriage (wasn't some other company going to be translating this?)
Wordexcerpt already did -> https://www.amazon.com/Daddy-Dont-Want-Marry-Marriage-ebook/dp/B08TWH4S8R
Same with A Villainess for the Tyrant
There is also the recent release of the novel version of Father, I don't want to get married, but can't speak for the quality either :-)
No worries! I write in LitRPG and Cultivation/progression fantasy. You may like my series Pilgrim - it's been really well-received.
Here's the US link -if that's where you are!
This book (if accurate) paints the nightmare scene of panzers in the East. https://www.amazon.com/Tiger-Tracks-Classic-Panzer-Memoir-ebook/dp/B00UASW4GK/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1492711632&sr=1-2&keywords=Panzer
Interesting... Thank you for that insight. Have you read Tiger Tracks by Wolfgang Faust?
>The general gist of this statement pretty much agrees that an immobile Abrams took some hostile fire and survived.
Which is the only thing that is true, the rest is made up flavour details straight from Tom Clancy's imagination. It reads a lot like that bogus Tiger Tank memoir.
>I've encountered it myself, reading about (non-military) events that I took part in. To expect anything else, or be surprised or outraged is naive.
I guess you have never encountered competently written history and have only ever read yellow journalism. Hence you have no familiarity with the means by which historical accuracy is pursued. Why else would someone seriously quote Tom Clancy for anything but his novels.
I tried to read The Girl in the Italian Bakery but gave up.