Ha ha, sick burn Ann! Ann, did you by chance write the book <strong>In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!</strong>, with the following book description:
>Now Ann Coulter, with her unique insight, candor, and sense of humor, makes the definitive case for why we should all join his revolution.
There's a book on the topic that I've been meaning to read: https://www.amazon.com/Empire-Their-Own-Invented-Hollywood/dp/0385265573/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=empire+of+their+own&qid=1568575461&s=gateway&sr=8-1
The short answer is that the entertainment industry has historically been open to people who are marginalized from other career paths. So disproportionate representation of minorities in the performing arts is something that you often see across cultures and throughout history.
Yes, because when Gorman says "a xenomorph may be involved," he's not talking about the movie's aliens. He's using the word—correctly—to refer to an unknown non-terrestrial form of life. He's basically saying, "There may be non-humans of some sort down there."
(The fact that the marines had never before encountered the aliens and Gorman is using "xenomorph" as a generic term is easily provable, since the marines clearly have no fucking idea what the aliens are, how they reproduce, or how to fight them. If Xenomorph-with-a-capital-X actually referred to the movie's eponymous aliens, then none of the marines would be shocked and yelling "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING" etc etc when the Xenomorphs-with-a-capital-X actually show up.)
Nobody seems particularly surprised that "a xenomorph" is involved, so it seems pretty clear that they've encountered other xenomorphs (i.e., other alien life of some sort) before.
Also, they mention Arcturians in conversation ("It don't matter when it's Arcturian!"), and that seems likely to be another non-human race.
If you want to go slightly non-canonical, the Colonial Marines Technical Manual mentions several times that there are lots of non-human sentients in the galaxy.
She wrote this book. So whatever she is saying now is bullshit scam.
Literally published a book titled In Trump We Trust
This is a good, long book about the origins and discovery of some of the newer, more confusing diseases. The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance The title is more clickbait-y than the actual work.
If you edit the link to include the Smile part then charity also gets some proceeds and it doesn't cut into Anne's profits at all.
Happiness is an illusion. As someone who has depression and suicidal ideation, while I can't walk in your shoes, I have walked beside you. For me, read the Illuminatus Trilogy every few months helps me find my zone. Its just one thing among many.
The Dude Abides. That doesn't mean he thrives every day... Always remember, good or bad, this too shall pass
I was reprinted in 2012, so get you one!
Of course! It’s a book by Lin-Manuel Miranda (writer of the play and the guy who plays Hamilton). It’s basically the book of the play but with more info and facts.
I don’t know where you’re from so I went with the USA but you can most likely find it on the amazon of your country as well:
What's helped me is Hamilton the Podcast and LMM's book Hamilton the Revolution (which I now am seeing that I paid a lot more for at my local bookstore than it is on Amazon. Trying here!)
Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^performed ^^^automatically.
When I'm too lazy to dig out the "standard" CLRS Algorithms Book, I just look them up on Wikipedia, and they tend to have decent summaries with examples and pseudocode. The pseudocode won't be python, but it should be easy enough to follow.
For example, Depth First Search. If you look in the box on the right, you'll see links to many other search algorithms, including the ones you mentioned.
Okay, well I guess this entire book about Jews creating Hollywood is just bullshit, and all the scholarly articles about immigrant Jews creating and maintaining (aka running) Hollywood through the early years through the Golden age are nonsensical, in part because Walt Disney was also there, being not Jewish
Fourth Edition came out this year! https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Algorithms-fourth-Thomas-Cormen/dp/026204630X
It's a huge, expensive tome, though. Only a very small percentage will be relevant to Advent of Code.
Let’s not forget about Ann’s book, “In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!”
Her love affair with Trump ended when she realized he wasn’t going to actually “build the wall,” because he is full of shit, and she is a raging bigot.
Yup: https://www.amazon.com/Trump-We-Trust-Pluribus-Awesome/dp/0735214468
" But Ann Coulter isn't puzzled. She knows why Trump was the only one of seventeen GOP contenders who captured the spirit of our time. She gets the power of addressing the pain of the silent majority and saying things the "PC Thought Police" considers unspeakable.
She argues that a bull in the china shop is exactly what we need to make America great again. In this powerful book, Coulter explains why conservatives, moderates, and even disgruntled Democrats should set aside their doubts and embrace Trump"
So out of all of the "circumstances" you've considered, the only outcome you can conclude is that Kanye must 100% be bipolar. Good detective work Sherlock, I think you've cracked it. 🤦
Now, seeing as Kanye West is certainly not the only person in the public spotlight to claim that Jews run Hollywood. In your opinion, are all the others who made this claim bipolar too?
Maybe the author of this book from '89 was bipolar too... What do you think? 🤷
Why are you even here in this sub if you don't believe in conspiracy theories? What is your motive?
Maybe because Anti-Semites from a hero hurts.
But anyway read An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood if you actually care how Hollywood started.
I didn't switch universities but I did take equivalent courses at other schools. Unless it's a course specifically taught at that university 90% of the CS curriculum is the same for every university.
Almost every university in Canada will model there Discrete Math and Algorithm courses on how Algorithms are taught at MIT.
Heck I'm willing to bet every university that teaches Algorithms will use the Introduction To Algorithms book by LRS as either there primary or secondary.
I can't vouch for any course nor java specific book, but here's the book you should read for algorithms and data structures: Cormen 4th Edition https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Algorithms-fourth-Thomas-Cormen/dp/026204630X
There does seem to be enough new stuff that the cost might be worth it
New chapters on matchings in bipartite graphs, online algorithms, and machine learning New material on topics including solving recurrence equations, hash tables, potential functions, and suffix arrays 140 new exercises and 22 new problems Reader feedback–informed improvements to old problems Clearer, more personal, and gender-neutral writing style Color added to improve visual presentation Notes, bibliography, and index updated to reflect developments in the field Website with new supplementary material
Asterios Polyp is probably my favorite graphic novel. It deals with romance and love, but in a very real way. It includes all the ups and downs of relationships, and uses color, along with the style of the art, to beautifully portray both the unity and division that people face when part of a couple. I found it painful at times, but so moving.
This is the one I have and it's still retailing for $45-60 CAD. Worth every penny tho.
> the book is called "Hamilton the revolution" by Lin Manuel Miranda
The book is $23.69...
> i forgot too say we cant watch the play as i currently cant afford disney+. And even if we could, my daughter would still want the book
A month costs $8, can't your daughter get that with her birthday money if you can't?
Buddy. YTA. That book is 23.99 dollars on Amazon for a hard cover book.
The link is
Massive YTA. Persy jackson lighting thief is 20 dollars on Amazon.
"Expensive" give me a break.