Funnily enough, the side of the brain we use to see things in our head is also the shittiest at drawing.
If you're interested in improving your skill I can't recommend Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain enough.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive, 4th Edition
Edit: I know the left vs right brain thing is fake, what I meant is being able to visualize something in your head doesn't correlate to drawing skills until you train your brain to do it
I personally think the opposite. Photo realism is not "advanced". Painting impressionistically is not beginner either. What you need for impressionist painting comes off the back of photorealism. Copying a photo does not make you advanced. Infusing a photo with emotion and meaning makes you advanced. This painting is just that. And I love it. I am honestly tired seeing a photorealistic drawing and then clicking the comments just to see "Wow! I thought it was a photo" over and over again. Not to knock it, but this sort of work takes a different kind of skill. You need a handle (hah) on your brushwork and how you react to what you see. Difficult as fuck. Im still learning how to do this myself.
Learning "how to see" is definitely the cornerstone in becoming a better artist, though. That I agree with. Don't equate impressionism with not being able to do this. In my opinion they do it the best. I recommend anyone learning to pick up "drawing on the right side of the brain". Thats what personally helped me with getting things right. I used to draw photorealistic but I felt that it was an empty sort of exercise. Where do you go from there? Here. You go here. You express yourself.
Love the painting
Added 5 new Therapist quests
Something smells fishy: 30 cans of Pacific Saury
Where did Prapor touch you?: 1 x Therapy doll
All my friends are dead: 5 copies of the book ‘All my friends are dead” (This book is in game already & also available on Amazon
All my friends are still dead: 5 copies of the book ‘All my friends are still dead”
Bitcoin Mining: 1 x power supply, 1x power cord, 1 x CPU, 1x CPU Fan, 1 x circuit board, 1x USB adapter, 12 x RAM, 50 x Graphics cards
It does, but you don't need to know all of that to draw from a still photo of a face. Instead of drawing a skull, muscles, skin, you break the picture down into shapes and lines and draw those instead. You don't need to know any of the anatomy because all the visual information you need to draw it is already there without any knowledge of how it works.
It's possible to go from not knowing how to draw to being able to draw a pretty good face in just a week if you can learn to do this, there are several books that teach it. This is the one most people will recommend you. From there you just practice getting more accurate and learn how to actually do it (physical techniques to shade, how to blend, etc.).
He's being a dick about it but what /u/curdledS8 is saying is 100% accurate -- knowing how to draw from a still photo really well doesn't mean shit if you don't know how to draw form, how perspective works, etc.. It's not that impressive if you think about it this way.
Animator here. I love this little animation! Your sister has a lot of natural talent! If you are looking to encourage and inspire her, THIS BOOK is the Bible for animators, and can help put her on a creative path that could include a future in animation! Tell her to keep at it; art as a career can be tough, but creativity is a lifelong companion that is always worth embracing.
If you read The Satanic Bible you quickly notice LaVey did indeed borrow a lot of his ideas from social darwinists and people like Ayn Rand. Which, after looking it up, is a major gripe the satanic temple (as opposed to church) has with him. And an understandable one.
LaVey was often going out of his way to be shocking, and more than anything he envisioned Satanism as a kind of nihilistic inversion of everything Christianity claims to preach. So if Christians claim you should be forgiving then Satanists claim you should treat people who hurt you with contempt, if Christianity says be charitable then Satanists say don't give anybody anything they don't deserve, etc etc.
Follow this attitude to its logical conclusion and you get a bunch of pseudo-authoritarian dickheads masquerading as libertarians. Which is one reason that, despite enjoying The Satanic Bible as a read, as an actual ethical system it's pretty fucking shallow. He makes some great points about religious hypocracy and the absurdity of treating normal human emotions as something dirty and evil. But that's really kind of it. It's one thing to criticize, if you can't come up with something better than who cares?
It's a damn sexy book though. Like, god damn, that cover...say what you will about LaVey that motherfucker had some style.
He recommends in the lessons to check out “how to draw” by Scott Robertson with Thomas Bertling
If you really want to draw, I'd suggest picking up How To Draw by Scott Robertson.
It leans more towards technical drawing, but one could apply the techniques learned to many types of creative drawing. There's an app you can download that scans certain pages that will link to video tutorials as well.
It's a hefty tome, but don't let that scare you off. A beginner with a willingness to practice will find their skills improve significantly, but you gotta put the time into practicing, no two ways about it.
Once you find you can handle the basics, I'd suggest taking a figure drawing class, or drawing from life in general. Community colleges are great for this sort of thing, since it would be very inexpensive compared to art school or private lessons. Anyway, good luck!
The best resource I have found for learning how to draw/ progress in your skills is the book "drawing on the right side of the brain" here is an amazon link to the BOOK
But it's very easy to find this book online for free as well.
Other resources were weren't actually drawing books, but more of anatomy books. They are really helpful to teach you proportions, and shows you how the body is built up from bones to muscles, to skin etc...
I would avoid those "how to draw ___" books. They only teach you how to draw that one specific thing and its hard to transition that into drawing your own thing. The book I linked above does a good job of teaching you how to "see" what your drawing. So when you are drawing an eye, or an ear, it teaches you how to break down the subject into shapes and lines. A couple angled lines and squiggles are a lot easier to understand and draw than a full image of an eye/ ear.
Gonna share an older comment I wrote about this. This is just a guide; everyone learns differently so don't feel like you need to follow this exactly!
>Here's a rough outline of the basic steps to getting into animation:
>1. Research the animation basics. Specifically, study the 12 principles of animation. Buy/borrow a copy of the Animator's survival kit. This book was pretty much my only textbook at uni and is something industry professionals still reference today. (Don't worry, there are lots of pictures).
>2. Pick a type of animation you want to do. 2D (drawing on computer or paper), 3D (CG, like Pixar), or stop motion (real life objects/puppets). Look up what materials, software, and skills you need to start doing that type of animation.
>3. Obtain your materials/software and learn the basics of how to use them. (for example, flipping frames and onion skin for 2D, or manipulating a rig and the graph editor for 3D).
>4. Try your hand at simple, basic animation exercises. Otherwise you'll be trying to run before you can crawl. I recommend starting with the pendulum, then the bouncing ball, waving flag then the flour sack. Look up tutorials and ask for help/critique if you need it!
>5. Once you've got the hang of that, move onto stuff like head turns, walk cycles, object interaction, and weight shift. Keep looking for ways to improve your skills and get critique, if possible. Don't forget to have fun! Hope this helps!
I read somewhere that the reason that most adults draw like eleven-year-olds is that we are very self-critical during that age, and just stop drawing. Which means no practice and therefore no skill improvement.
If you really want to learn, there's a book which claims that anyone can learn to draw at least decently using their method.
(Sorry for imposing if you're not actually interested in drawing, I just thought I should mention it)
It's a lot more about skill than it is about talent. Practice practice practice.
The old book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain has extremely useful exercises that will help you learn to do the most important thing when learning to draw : draw what you see, not what you think you see.
For example, if you look closely at an eye there aren't many sharp lines, it's bumpy and folded and there's crazy texture to the irises. But when you draw what you think instead of what you see you get a very hieroglyphic looking almond shape with a colored circle inside it, and a black dot in the middle of that.
Anyway, that book can teach even beginners how to break away from that and net huge progress. But you have to practice, that's the part where it all falls down for most people.
You can do it. You can absolutely do it!
learn to use 3d tools and stick to the fundamentals
don't bother learning art or how to draw. focus on technique and draftsmanship.
you're looking at 10 years though if your gonna do it solo. you need your drawing skills, then comic skills, plus writing comic scripts, plus plot skills, character design, and marketing/sales skill.
i gave up. now i just draw hentai and furry porn. life is good.
Check this book out. You will be able to draw really well before you are half way through the book.
I don't think it's what qcumbers think it is, though.
1: Amazon or call your local bookstore to see if they have one in stock. My Barnes and Nobles only carries one at a time to prevent people from vandalizing it.
2: You can say Hail Satan to anything. I said it multiple times today, my wife and I say it when something cool happens or something works out in our favor. Essentially it is the vocal equivalent of "praise god", but since we don't believe in god or Satan and we praise ourselves, saying Hail Satan is like "yay me" or an affirmation.
As far as Lucifer, one of the titles for Satan, no we(LaVeyan) do not worship Lucifer. Luciferians on the other hand revere Lucifer as a liberator character but also a deity who they do not worship.
If you have more questions I would be glad to answer them through PM at any time. :)
From the Church of Satan FAQ:
Can I get a free copy of The Satanic Bible? Where can I download it?
>No, we don’t proselytize so we don’t send out free books or pamphlets as do other religions. The publisher of this book, HarperCollins/Avon, has not released an eBook version, so if you do find an electronic file of this book it is not authorized and is violating the copyright.
The book is for sale on Amazon and is inexpensive.
I've never read this book, but sometimes I think I should (Amazon non-referral normal link)
You can also buy it from which has other books you can look into.
Hi! here's a rough outline of the basic steps to getting into animation:
Research the animation basics. Specifically, study the 12 principles of animation. Buy/borrow a copy of the Animator's survival kit. This book was pretty much my only textbook at uni and is something industry professionals still reference today. (Don't worry, there are lots of pictures).
Pick a type of animation you want to do. 2D (drawing on computer or paper), 3D (CG, like Pixar), or stop motion (real life objects/puppets). Look up what materials, software, and skills you need to start doing that type of animation.
Obtain your materials/software and learn the basics of how to use them. (for example, flipping frames and onion skin for 2D, or manipulating a rig and the graph editor for 3D).
Try your hand at simple, basic animation exercises. Otherwise you'll be trying to run before you can crawl. I recommend starting with the pendulum, then the bouncing ball, waving flag then the flour sack. Look up tutorials and ask for help/critique if you need it!
Once you've got the hang of that, move onto stuff like head turns, walk cycles, object interaction, and weight shift. Keep looking for ways to improve your skills and get critique, if possible.
Don't forget to have fun! Hope this helps!
This book is fucking amazing for people new to drawing the human form. it goes over heads, perspectives, dynamic poses, etc.
If you don't mind spending a little money: How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way (Amazon Link) is an excellent resource. It suffers slightly from being "a little about a lot" but there is plenty to learn from it and it's entertaining & easy to read.
There also appears to be a Youtube video narrated by Stan Lee and John Buscema. I haven't seen this before today, but the drawings in the video are straight out of the book.
Man, that's laziness. Typing your request literally takes more effort than going to Amazon and searching for "Satanic Bible". Not to mention you have to wait around for your request to be filled, IF it's filled.
In Chrome (assuming you're already an Amazon user, since you requested the link):
Click New Tab button or CTRL+T
Type "am" and pops up (because it was already in my browsing history)
Hit TAB and search for "Satanic Bible"
Hit Enter
****** Lo and behold, SEARCH RESULTS! ******
That was 17 key presses and a couple mouse clicks.
Edited for late night spelling this is the book that every course suggests to read. It's pretty much got all the principles you'll need . Other than that, there's some good tutorials on using blender 2D at the moment. Opentoonz tutorials are pretty good as well. Just set yourself a project . Like a storyboard, drawings and plans for a 2 minute music video . And then do it like a school project. No pressure to show it then do another one. It's all they did at my uni, and it was cheaper to stay home and learn online
Learn how to construct and combine simple 3D shapes in space. Once you add the details onto these basic forms, you have your vehicle. It's important to study the common components found on vehicles, so you know what details to add. Learning freehand perspective would also be helpful for what you want to do. Basically, get this book (if you don't want to buy it, try your local library) and read it cover to cover.
first of all, you are insanely talented. animating characters with realistic proportions like these is super hard so great job!!
I do think some of your walkcycles still look a little rough though. If you would like to learn to improve them, consider buying the Animator's Survival Kit:
Good luck with future projects!!
recommend reading this
How To Draw: Drawing And Sketching Objects And Environments From Your Imagination
His videos are also very informative. He also helped design the perspective tools in Autodesk Sketchbook
I read it many years ago, but it helped me to see differently, and so to draw better. It helps retrain your eyes to draw what you see, and to think about the spaces between things.
Now there are various versions of it. If you feel like checking it out, here it is.
My missus gets stressed af and loses the plot every time she has an interview, and as a result she's been at the same level for about 10 years. However, she's been encouraged to apply for a number of roles 2 levels above hers, not only by her direct supervisor but by the director as well, AND the fact that there are some real wankers in the department that will apply as well (and probably get in), so she's thinking that she pretty much HAS to apply otherwise she'll be pissed off at the wankers being above her.
So she's starting to freak out about the potential interview. I'm very tempted to get her this book for xmas.