I don’t know where you live and I think it’s pretty different for location and what stores you have available — I did a quick search online though and there’s an amazon product that’s 5lbs pitted, 0.27 cents per oz, and free shipping if you have amazon prime. There’s probably cheaper somewhere but that’s pretty good I think
16.5g fructose and 4g of fiber in 46g of dates, two dates.
15.5g fructose and 3g fiber per 40g of dates, 5-6 smaller dates.
I also hate but have been eating dates. Easiest way I’ve found to hide them is in this smoothie:
Almond milk unsweetened
Dates ($14 huge bag from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mariani-Pitted-Dates-Natural-40-Ounce/dp/B0027YZBJC?pd_rd_w=YcOks&pf_rd_p=36d61c60-cdca-4e42-b656-127c2f922d8a&pf_rd_r=FTYX5D33K4CZM4QC7H9Q&pd_rd_r=d203282c-002c-4451-9729-3f3f23301a63&pd_rd_wg=c1CRg&pd_r...)
Frozen banana
Plain Greek yogurt
Almond butter
Optional: flaxseed meal, cinnamon, vanilla extract
Almond milk+dates in high power blender to get the dates super super tiny (I do this first because I add frozen ingredients later and the cold makes the dates seize up/unwilling to break into pieces small enough for my liking). Then I add half a frozen banana, plain Greek yogurt, and almond butter. I’ve also been adding in ground flax seed, cinnamon and a little vanilla extract.
It’s a lot of sugar so not a good option for everyone. Haven’t birthed baby yet so can’t report out on anecdotal helpfulness. Will say pooping has been a breeze.
Oh! Also I sometime trick myself into eating them with cherry pie larabars. Don’t even taste the dates.
Boom!: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XYV4IHS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fab_UGvDFbQ5SJ6J7
I like these ones because they aren't sprayed with oil as an anti-sticking agent. Doesn't matter so much for mead, but oil kills head retention in beer.
But they're just plain tasty either way
Carb + Fat can be nice combo for weight gain. If she’s breastfeeding, things like homemade oat and flax lactation cookies, using dates as sweetener, full fat dairy or coconut milk are all good. Savory wise, things like congee or Grain bowls are also great, like white or brown rice, some protein and steamed or roasted veggie with a nice sauce or dressing.
Plug that I get no perks from, just love the product: this company sells date paste and it’s Legit for pretty much every dessert. It’s straight up a soft block of just dates blended into a smooth paste. It’s become my sweetener of choice and it’s so versatile, plus it has fiber and nutrients that are lacking from plain sugar. You can pretty much use it 1:1 for sugar and they have a ton of recipes on their website:
100% All natural date paste/spread (2.2lbs) The whole food sweetener for baking, snacks, smoothies and more https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076DGH47Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6UTfCbJKEBJX8
I ordered these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001PB801Y/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I don't have a lot of experience with dates, but they were delicious. I didn't eat them fast enough and fear they are starting to go bad. I have kept them in the refrigerator and ate about 6 a day(I am trying to lose weight, so I can't binge out on them). I am currently drying the remaining ones in hope that it preserves them a little longer.
I know! My running has improved. I went on a fast paced 5k the other day and PRed. I just keep getting stronger, faster, and recovery is an hourly thing rather than a daily thing. Good work to you my friend!