For the cost of 5 months of Netflix, you can buy it all on DVD.
But yeah, I still mainly use Netflix to watch the same shows over and over again, and among those shows are The Office and Parks and Recreation.
There was a DVD edition briefly in 2006 that had them.
Edit: This had the theatrical cut, there're also editions for Empire and Return
Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject. So you know you are getting the best possible information.
This is just plain wrong. I actually have DVDs from a limited release they did (I think in 08) of the original Theatrical versions. People act like they straight don't exist but they are just very rare. But you can bet if those DVDs exist then Lucalfilm/Disney has digital copies somewhere
In case someone doesn't believe me, here is it listed on Amazon:
Lucas did release the theatrical versions on DVD. Here's a box set that contains both versions, but I remember getting the single DVDs from Wal*mart for a lot cheaper.
The DVD collection of the series is pretty cheap. 20 at wal mart if I remember correctly. And at one point they were on Hulu and Netflix but I don't know for certain.
Edit:yep 20 on Amazon and you can find these at almost any wal mart I'm sure. Best buy might sell it for like 25.
Avatar - The Last Airbender: The Complete Series
Assuming you're in North America, there's really only one line of DVDs in print for the first Dragon Ball TV series: the five blue season bricks. These were released from 2009-2010. That's all there is right now, and they are readily available on sites like RightStuf and Amazon. There is no word on any future re-release of the series, remastered/HD or otherwise.
If you are exclusively watching the franchise in English and are for some reason or another incapable of being convinced otherwise, please watch the Kai version of the Dragon Ball Z portion for something resembling an accurate script and atmosphere.
Real talk: entire franchise, Japanese with English subtitles, beginning to end, no items, Final Destination.
What do you mean?
The Room can be seen in certain theater showings, the DVD and Blu Ray are available for purchase on Amazon, and there are non-legal ways to watch it too.
Just FYI they are on Amazon for cheap
They released a dvd set of the OG trilogy that has 6 disks, 3 are the "enhanced" ones and 3 are what I'm pretty sure are the original ones. So unless I'm mistaken, there are copies left that aren't VHS or whatnot.
Here's a link to that specific version (which costs a ton now) where the top review mentions that it does contain the original versions:
*Edit: What's sketchy is that the amazon listing merges several box sets together, and only the blue one with Luke & Vader clashing is the one that contains the OG versions.
Here is a link to Amazon currently offering the entire box set at a truly low price!
Trust me go all in while it’s on sale, I paid more than this (like 50 bucks not full price) and every disk provides added laughs. Especially if you’ve hit the point where you have memorized the lines and cadence of Netflix rewatches; the deleted scenes are refreshing and the commentary is pretty good. Like listening to conversations with some of the actors and writers ( it varies each episode) sometimes they stay on topic and sometimes it’s just funny and you get to see a little of the personalities of those involved with the show.
I believe this is the DVD set RLM had:
12 movies for $6.99. That's value!
If you do want to check out the films for yourself, start with A New Hope but I recommend to look for the so called "limited edition" on dvd. Like this one here, but don't order it off of Amazon. Just get it from a local movie trading store, you can call them and ask if they have a limited editon in stock. (My local store sold Empire Strikes Back limited for $17)
It's a long story but the director, George Lucas, messed with the original theatrical versions with crappy CGI edits. It's a nitpick with some scenes, but others are ruined by the updated scenes. That's why alot of people don't recommend watching any new version of the original trilogy until the un-edited version is finally released. (Disney, get to work on it!)
You'll have to get the office complete series DVD set. It's amazon page lists everything that's included:
There's also a dvd that has all of the digital shorts that the office did over the years. I think it's called "The Office: Overtime"
Oh mighty u/spidersam639, acknowledge the masterpiece that is Avatar The Last Airbender! Seeing you're an animation fan, I bet you've at least heard of it!
Make my next rewatch special with the DVD of the show! >!(I wish I had a bluray player) !<
It's my favorite show of all time, so it's the only show I want a physical copy of
OK maybe FMA too sometime later, but this takes priority!
Thank you!
when they re-released them in ~2007 as individual movies not just as the box set the first disc is the remaster BS and the second disc of "bonus features" are the untouched theatrical releases i have them and love them, if they would do that again for blu-ray would re buy but i dont want them damn recut shits
this is the version i am referring to
It’s currently not available online for streaming but it will return soon!
It’s available here on DVD for now.
Just an fyi that was done without permission. Here is the official link to support Cosmos Studios. Future upscaling could be done properly however it will require newer technology than what is offered in the blu ray version.
Only the 87 has a complete release. It’s on Amazon and Walmart usually for $25
I was able to find the series run that started in 1987. Not sure if magnet are permissible here. The complete collection can be had from Amazon as well.
A series of films by Andy Sidaris. They always featured copious amounts of Girls, Guns and G-Strings . Various Playmate, Wrestlers, Pat Morita, throughout the series you never know what's next. It's softcore porn with a heart. Joe Bob Briggs introduced me to it on his old Movie Channel Drive-In show. So thanks to him. Guilty pleasure. Give it a chance.
In 2006 the unaltered OT was released as a DVD bonus disc, here’s an Amazon link if your interested you could also find them on eBay, and I should be coming out with part 5 soon so keep a look out
Well do I have news for you, in 2006 the unaltered version of ANH, TESB, and ROTJ was released as a DVD bonus disc for each film here’s the Amazon link Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Yes, I got that one a few years back, this is the link:
Holy moly it's gotten expensive! Hopefully there are places you can get it cheaper than $180
The book is the companion piece to Sagan's (not Tyson's) show of the same name. Link:\_1\_28?dchild=1&keywords=cosmos&qid=1628711804&sr=8-28
You can get the complete Andy Sidaris collection here for less than $7. If you love bad B movies, you need this!
The original is available if you don’t have that one.
I haven’t seen anything on Possible Worlds but I will be sure to keep an eye out for it