currents thoughts about anti intellectualism are coming from this book I'm reading right now
surprsingly prescient for techniques and issues that we're plagued with from right wingers today
Overturning established ideas is desirable, it's flashy and gains you fame. The tricky part is you need evidence.
If you're talking about institutional policies, that isn't really what people in the hard sciences are trained to look at.
As for an informed public - you can show them things, but you can't make them read/watch/listen/absorb it. It was always this way. It was an old trend in the 60's when Hofstadter wrote about it.
If you're really interested in this topic I strongly recommend the book Lies My Teacher Told Me which covers a lot of things that are taught in High Schools that isn't actually true.
Pretty much everything high school kids are taught about pre-1776 America is a myth. Columbus did not uniquely think the world was round (he incorrectly thought it was small), he didn't keep two sets of records to keep his suspicious crew from knowing how far they'd sailed, and the "Just give me three more days" story is complete fiction. The Mayflower was never meant to land in modern Massachusetts and may have been hijacked by the pilgrims, who were a minority of passengers. Most Americans aren't even aware of the Philippine War or how much the Spanish-American War was built on lies.
Just generally, American textbooks are built to "instill patriotism", which is often "instill support for the American government".
Seriously. It is nearly impossible to list how many ABSOLUTE LIES I was told as a child.
Growing up in the United States is nearly 100% pure propaganda.
The sheer level of denial is so vast I literally cannot full talk about it. Growing up in the Deep South in the 1960's is now, to me, an almost entirely different universe to what I now know.
And not just Elementary School, either:
There's a semi-hidden paperback version but anyway, no, anti-intellectualism in America is as old as America.
I mean really they were burning people alive in Europe for translating the Bible so it's nothing new.
Hiya, welcome to homeschooling. I read this recently and found it very insightful
And I'm currently reading "free to learn" by Peter Gray, I will update you on that if you like, once I've finished.
I've also just written a blog post on my blog that talks about active learning, which you may or may not find interesting:
If you read the book For White People who Teach in the Hood Chris Emdin did this during his first class he taught at Harvard. Everyone in the class was doing the "10 minute countdown" until they could bail on the class. Hilarity.
I looked it up - I'm slow on mobile - and his last name is Emdin. Here's the book I will give it a shot!
Sehr richtig. Zu diesem Thema empfehle ich dieses Buch. Es erklärt die Wurzeln und Quellen des Phänomens in den USA umfassend und investigativ.