I would suggest getting an actual pickup . I know it's more expensive, but it will help in the long run. Your ears will thank you.
Thanks for the idea - it certainly sounds promising.
I'm waaaay over my head when it comes to electronics. If I can impose on a bit more of your time, would something like a guitar pickup wiring kit with prewired amplifier be a good starting point?
Harley Benton Dc JR + Pickup Conversion Ring + Routing neck pickup cavity/holes for knobs + Experimenting a lot and you might actually get what you want.
Still a lot lot cheaper than getting a custom guitar lol
It's a cool little instrument, for sure. I bought some cheap set of pickups from Amazon. Pickup itself has a sticker that you press on to whatever you want to amplify and has a little breakaway cable for your 1/4''.
And I tried it with my ebow after I finished this and got some cool results as well. Gonna do some more experimenting with that, too. Haha.
Here's a link to what I bought:
I got this one from amazon that sounds decent. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KZKLYGB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
If you were in the US I'd recommend Reranch nitro lacquer spray cans, but I'm not sure what is available in Australia.
What color are you thinking of when you say "classic"? Sunburst? Cherryburst?
With the appropriate wood dyes, you can make that happen by hand rubbing the 'burst.
When that is done, find some quality automotive clear coat and follow the instructions. Mostly you'll be sanding/wet sanding to smooth each coat. Polish with a quality automotive polish and you're done.
You can wire up a humbucker so that only one coil is active. If you wire the pickup with coil splits it is non-humbucking like a true single coil. If you wire it for the coils to be in parallel instead of series, it retains humbucking.
There exists true single coil pup plate/rings are made that cover the neck route and will fit a single coil pup of your choice.
Sometime it would probably be good to get a better guitar. The used market will be a good friend of yours. If you aren’t quite ready to spend that much, even just upgrading some parts would probably help a lot. Maybe get a new pickup (I got these for my old first guitar, haven’t had the chance to hear them, but the reviews are great. All that it would take to replace the pickup is some soldering, un screwing, and restringing) and maybe get yourself better tuners and a better nut. Some new stings would probably help. Overall, it’s probably fine for learning though.
Does it happen to be this pickup?
Does the diagram with the pickup linked above coincide with the wiring color code of the pickup you purchased? Did you follow that color-code and the instructions? In the case of the pickup I linked, the white and green wires should be soldered together for full humbucking operation. if you were to, say, solder those together, but not insulate the joint, then one coil could easily short-out, giving a half-strength pickup.
Humbuckers are one option, but there are noiseless single-coil pickups which might alleviate your problem. Fender makes a set, that one is for Stratocasters.
Thanks a lot for your response! :) I genuinely thought this guitar would fit my genres though.. I thought it was the right sound especially for pop and skate punk. I also thought about putting humbuckers on it (but I guess that doesn't make any sense cause there doesn't seem to be enough space for a humbucker). I'll have a look at your suggested guitar, I guess I could stretch it cause birthday and Christmas are around the corner. I've been interested in this humbucker ..
I can use three pedals. But for some reason each position in chain has different pedals available. And noise gate uses the same position that is used by pedals I enlisted above. Playing with volume helps a bit, but not much.. Anyway thank you for you help, it's clear. I found that there are noiseless single coil pickups are exist. Like these ones https://www.amazon.com/Fender-Vintage-Noiseless-Stratocaster-Pickups/dp/B0002E3D44 Do you know any pros/cons about it?
Hi so pretty new to playing the guitar, its been about 3 months. I currently have a Epiphone LP Special II and a Peavy Vypyr 15w amp.
But basically was kinda looking through amazon and came across these 14$ Humbuckers, they seem to have pretty good reviews as do these 24$ humbuckers and was wondering if they are worth the upgrade?
I have basic experience with electronics and soldering but actually would like to make some effect pedals once I get some more time under my belt.
Maybe this is silly and selfish, and to me it's expensive...but if I installed this pickup in my guitar, I'd be able to get just a tiny bit closer to Prince's tone.