Years ago I got my 2 year degree in electronics. Afterwards I ran across this book and it filled in ALOT of blanks with more layman explanations.
The Sound Reinforcement Handbook by Yamaha
Other great YouTube is Dave Rat
Depending on your current knowledge of course:
These cover ALOT of material. I have practical electronics. It gives some of the physics which is nice. You'll get circuit analysis, transistors, amplifier, op amps pretty much anything covered in your circuits courses. It even gets into some digital topics as well. I recommend it!
Edit: let me know current you're knowledge of EE and I can recommend more.
This book teaches you how to implement a 32-bits MIPS processor with single or multi-cycle design using verilog.
It's a fantastic book. No need to get all of them though, this is a pic of the third edition (2015), the second edition (1989), and the first edition (1980). You can skip the first and second.
Books. Start with your local library system and find every book they have on the subject. Scan them all, and read those that seem to speak to you. Ask for book recommendations here. The one that comes up most often for live sound is "Sound Reinforcement Handbook" ( https://www.amazon.com/Sound-Reinforcement-Handbook-Gary-Davis/dp/0881889008/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32D1J9UME9UQA&keywords=sound+reinforcement+handbook+2nd+edition&qid=1564110323&s=gateway&sprefix=sound+reinfo%2Caps%2C194&sr=8-1 )
There are used copies available on Amazon for less. Even though it's from 1989 most of the information is still applicable.
Tough read, you bet... but it covers so much, rather than youtube tutorials crammed into 20 minutes with 5 minutes worth of adds and shit...
Tells you the ins and outs and the whys of all the techniques, methods etc. I'm about to start my fourth read of this.
I'd even argue that I got more out of this book when it comes to mixing than I did at uni... but maybe its because I was older and already had a basic understanding of the bulk of the book.
Fair point.
I should also have posted a reference to the Black Magic book, which covers this in great detail.
Amazon link: High Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic
It might be good to know that as a lifetime EE, you’re ALWAYS learning and trying to understand more. Get the book titled The Art of Electronics, 3rd Edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521809266/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_R-8eFb73Z7TV8
This wouldn't surprise, they have the tech, but this pandemic is a hoax
A book called the Invisible Rainbow about the Spanish flu pandemic suggests it was caused by the new radio towers that were going up everywhere at the time. We're roughly 70% water, obviously radiation can have an adverse effect on us.
Alors, y'a deux bon bouquins, malheureusement je ne connais pas les titres en francais (si ils existent).
Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition, C'est juste une bible sur l'elec, ça couvre tous les trucs de base et un avec un certain niveau de profondeur. C'est un bon morceau à lire par contre, genre 5kg de papier bible.
How to Diagnose and Fix Everything Electronic, Second Edition, C'est beaucoup plus pratique sur le comment s'y prendre, les outils, la logique pour réparer des trucs. Après tu seras forcément limité par ce que tu comprends du 1er.
One of the better online resources for getting from zero to basic understanding is the Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series.
For something with more rigor and much more depth. one could do worse than "The Art of Electronics" by Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill. But that might not be basic enough for some.
I agree, particularly with the first paragraph.
Ben's CPU videos coupled with Harris and Harris https://www.amazon.co.uk/Digital-Design-Computer-Architecture-Harris/dp/0123944244 is a great way to get junior EEs started with FPGAs.
I would start from there (CPU), but you won't be missing or struggling with anything if you start from somewhere else, or jump around a bit.
You could have a PhD...doesn't mean you know the health implications!
And many PhDs, make that the vast majority - have zero clue.
but try that...
The Sound Reinforcement Handbook may be of interest to you. It is fairly technical and it's focused on live sound design, but I found it to be a valuable read.
To be fair, Ben Eater's 8-bit computer uses microcoded ROM for control of the processor, which is just one of many control schemes for a processor. Though, that's outside the scope of this comment.
OP, check out Digital Design and Computer Architecture for a good intro after you watch through some of Ben Eater's stuff. I'd HIGHLY recommend doing the questions at the end of each chapter to make sure you actually understand the stuff.
The book mostly covers question 3 (and I guess 4) above. 1 and 2 are, as others have stated, more VLSI questions.
On that front (again, briefly): the chip designers use hardware description languages (like Verilog and VHDL) to describe the functionality of the chip. They then use programs to convert it to an intermediary language called RTL (register transfer logic). They then "lay out" the chip - describe how they want things positioned with respect to one another) and the chip fabricator then uses libraries that they have to transfer the RTL to a series of photolithography masks… you know what. This process is too damned complex to go through right now. Sam Zeloof has a great series of videos on this. He built a chip fabrication set up in his folks' garage when he was in high school. He's insane.
Start here: https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/
Follow up with YouTube videos on particular topics that are confusing/interesting.
As for a great book, check out Practical Electronics for Inventors. Get the book, not the kindle version, which apparently has some formatting issues and stuff missing.
Practical Electronics for Inventors. Get the book, not the kindle version, which apparently has some formatting issues and stuff missing.
If you've got a chunk of money (~90 USD) to drop on it:
Valuable resource for anyone at any stage of electronics learning. Covers many different types of components (ranging from simple passives on up to complex integrated circuits) and their characteristics, common circuits/ applications, etc.
As a student, I can recommend "Practical Electronics For Inventors, Fourth Edition" by Paul Scherz, accompanied by the occasional youtube video and reddit question :) You can buy it from Amazon here
I havent read any others, so I cant compare the quality, but you can go through it like a book and be able to understand everything. You may run into some problems in the real world that requires some fairly advanced calculus, which the book doesn't cover. (It does cover where to apply it, just not how). It is really extensive (1256 pages on my desktop e-reader), so if you have an idea for something specific you want to build, there might be something more efficient out there :)
I would think that not a lot of electronics books, if any, explain the math in full, so I would suggest that you find an online source for whatever specific piece of math you've run into. I can recommend Kahn academy.
Good luck :)
This is an awesome intro book to electronics. Covers all the basics, including how to read diagrams and identify components. Which is beyond important.
Find it here on Amazon. It's actually a pretty good textbook and worth reading even if you're mostly a software developer.
I also wouldn't hesitate to recommend Pong Chu's Verilog/VHDL books, which are very practical.
Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Second Edition is another book I recommend because it takes primitives and then successively builds components that are finally integrated to produce a RISC processor (bottom-up).
Other links you may want to check out:
If you plan on doing more of this, here is one of the better textbooks on the subject. It takes a very practical approach rather than pure theory. It is geared towards higher speeds than what you are working with, but the design techniques still apply.
You don't need architecture perse unless you want high performance. If you want high performance, you pretty much want to learn the equivalent of a class in computer organization and computer architecture. So if you aren't dealing with raw pointers directly, advanced multithreading, vector/simd math, HPC, 3d graphics, gpu cards, etc, you really don't need computer architecture. If any of those things interest you, you should probably learn it, and you can definitely learn it as you learn C++. If you are mainly dealing with C++ standard library and gui stuff, you will rarely encounter computer architecture topics.
The standard texts (and my favorites) are
http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Organization-Design-Fifth-Edition/dp/0124077269/ (Patterson and Hennesey).
http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Architecture-Fifth-Edition-Quantitative/dp/012383872X ( Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition: A Quantitative Approach, Hennesey)
Those are not referral links, and I recommend they be read in that order.
Some people might say those books are a bit rough for a beginner, so try to get a sample or borrow one to see if you like them. There are some other easier computer org /arch books out there but I'm not aware of any really good legally free ones off the top of my head.
Do yourself a favor and read the Yamaha Sound Reinforcement Handbook. It's old (doesn't cover anything digital) but still really useful for understanding the fundamentals.
The Art of Electronics will take you from Ohm's Law to modern computer circuits in one volume. It has a wealth of information, and almost anyone worth their salt as a circuit designer will have a copy of this on hand for reference.
Well, depending on how you look at it, it's either Boolean algebra or black magic.
TL;DR: You can click through to play with it and see what happens ;)
The idea is that you set one of the A/B/C inputs and one of the X/Y/Z inputs.
There are 9 outputs corresponding to 9 different score values for a specific game.
Once you set the inputs, one of those outputs will be set to 1, denoting the score.
The circuit uses fairly basic logic gates - AND and OR, plus one NOT.