I asked this in last week's thread, but it was several days in, so it didn't get a response. Asking again.
I got an Alesis DM7X electronic drum kit for Christmas. I want a double bass/kick drum solution. The official solution is the StealthKick 2, a legacy product that I can't find easily anywhere. Is there another solution? Or am I stuck with a single bass/kick drum?
I found this larger drum pad, will this work with any old double kick pedal? It's expensive, but if it works with my current drum set, and feels like a regular kick drum, it might be worth it.
Alesis Kick 8" Mesh Head Bass Pad with Acoustic Feel for Electronic Drum Modules (Stand and Cable Included), inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KPYBFOA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_TKK8J7X356GBEA17CAPJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
So, I'm actually pretty interested in this idea now. I don't really have room for a full electronic kit, but would something like this be a decent substitute? It's inexpensive at least, but maybe not great quality.
https://www.amazon.ca/Alesis-CompactKit-Electronic-Drumsticks-Footswitch/dp/B016KNIJG2/ref=mp_s_a_1_17?dchild=1&keywords=MIDI+Drum+Pad&qid=1627223038&sr=8-17 Maybe something to consider. It does have MIDI over USB.
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Any like the Alesis CompactKit 7 will do. If you search around you will notice there are other brands selling what looks like the same kit. You know what? It really is the same kit, they are all made by the same company and then re-branded to be sold for different prices. The only actual difference is the sound bank which makes no difference playing Clone Hero. I know this because I bought one such kit from Fame for 100€. Have been using it twice a week. I just came from another session with it, I really dig it. Would I prefer to have a proper e-kit? I would, if I had space for it and didn’t fear for my neighbours ears. So for me it’s just a perfect kit.
I mean, a DTXplorer isn't top of the line (that would probably be this) but it doesn't seem bad as far electronic drums go. There are always drum / cymbal mutes for acoustic sets: https://www.amazon.com/Vic-Firth-Prepack-Inches-Hi-hat/dp/B000SSMJG2/ although Silentstroke heads are probably even quieter. The best thing to convince your parents would be to get someone like a drum teacher to explain to them the benefits of learning on acoustic drums.
I know if you put acoustic drums in a basement, they won't be that loud throughout the rest of your house (although this can depend on the basement too, lol).
$600, and the snare is most of what you need to worry about, as the other drums will be hit a negligible amount of times in comparison
This is similar to the one I've got, obviously nothing compares to a real kit but the Roland kits are decent quality and sound fairly good too http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OZNYIQA/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00OZNYIQA&linkCode=as2&tag=drumlessbacki-20&linkId=B2DH4DMKC22RZE4E
I've thought about getting something like this and just hitting the pads with my feet.
I don't know if you can upload samples to this particular model though. You'd probably want to look at something more geared towards DJ's than drummers, would be my thought. At one point I saw a model that was basically the Roland Octapad without the ability to sequence for like, $150, but I'm having difficulty finding it.
Many kits don't even have a kick pedal, you need to buy one yourself. Some has one-kick pedal, but I don't think there's one with double kick.
Yes, real mesh heads. Like this one. Real drum kit will be too loud for apartments, I think.