> just as ignorant as the people you’re criticizing
never once did i criticize anywhere or claim it as “the way out” (idk why you quouted that, its nowhere in my comment) but okay pal. this might help you in the future. highly recommend you utilize it.
I used this book to study for the English CSETs: https://www.amazon.com/English-Subtests-Online-Teacher-Certification/dp/0738612022
Ive only taken subtest II so far and i passed so I’d say it prepared me well. It mostly goes over grammar, the history/development of the English language, and strategies to teach English
I used REA's "CSET English Subtests I-IV" book to study for mine and passed all but Test 2 on my first try and passed test 2 on my second try so over all it worked well for me.
Punctuate much? We're going to have you start at the bottom: https://www.amazon.com/Grammar-Punctuation-Grade-Evan-Moor/dp/1557998469/ref=sr\_1\_29?crid=34XJOXIZ58N2S&keywords=punctuation&qid=1659680621&sprefix=punctuation%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-29
Wow. That's insane. You need to send copies of Kelly Gallagher's Readicide to your admin. Readicide/Kelly Gallagher
I used this cset book and it helped me a lot I passed all the tests on my first attempt. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0738612022/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Calligrapher's Bible, as mentioned in the other comment.
Mastering Copperplate if you want a book dedicated to Copperplate.
For Spencerian, this plus the workbooks: https://www.amazon.ca/Spencerian-Penmanship-Theory-Mott-Media/dp/088062082X/
And I used this one for the practice tests (i found a pdf online): https://www.amazon.com/CliffsTestPrep-CSET-English-Emily-Hutchinson/dp/0470139692
I still need to take the first multiple choice test and didn’t get my written portions scores back yet but I passed the other multiple choice with these. Good luck! I think the practice tests prepared me the most
CSET English Subtests I-IV Book + Online (CSET Teacher Certification Test Prep) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0738612022/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ORhNFbJZXW20W
I used this test prep guide to help me with mine and I didn’t have to retake any of the sections. My best advice is to pace yourself appropriately and not try to do the entire thing in one day.
To help you learn the first principles of a human’s growth and development, I recommend this book:
Developmental Profiles: Pre-Birth Through Adolescence https://www.amazon.com/dp/1111830959/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Z-4FFb9D9T7KH
It will tell you what to expect and the milestones they need to hit and when. It talks about all areas of development from infancy to ~18 years. Knowing the underlying theory might help- it did for me! Best of luck!
>>Possession of an illegal firearm alone is a felony
No it is not.
wisconsin 948.60 Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18:
>a) Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
You wanna try again? Also, not a fat ass, just a normal person. Funny how you fucks claim to be all for fat acceptance but when tides turn against you you go all fat-phobic.
So let's do a bit of research before we open our dumb mouths, eh, tophercook? Why don't you take your own advice?
Here is the source: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/948/60/2/a
Here is a first grade reading book just in case you're having trouble reading the above document
https://www.amazon.com/English-Subtests-Online-Teacher-Certification/dp/0738612022 this was the brand of the study book I used when I took the test a few years ago. I also passed the multiple choice portions of the test on my first try. It was the writing portions that I actually had to retake a few times.
You are busy projecting Hulk on everyone.
> There's a reason the person removed the post
Yeah, and it's not because he was at 0 LP. He didn't even have a choice to keep it or not (hm issue with making up facts along the way too eh?). Yet again you try to tie something in despite not having any relation to what you said. To be fair though I think you would really have some use in this as you seem to have some difficulty in making coherent sense. What a shame you didn't take my advice and refrain from making another comment :(
PS I'm here for you if you need to talk. Just PM me and we can talk it through. Sounds like you know quite a lot about depression and have dealt with a lot through life. I know it can be a tough world out there but hey man we all got a purpose in this world.
I've been working with a similar student in the 7th grade and I have been using 180 Days of Reading for 5th Grade. I like it! It's very manageable for a daily assignment and the questions are varied enough to cover pretty much everything. [I teach SpEd so it's understood that we don't work on grade level. I don't know if you have the same liberty in your class.]
I found 180 Books of Reading for Third Grade on Amazon. I recommend this one personally.
Spencerian Theory, they also sell copy books for practice, if you want to pick those up also.
I have this book on my wishlist because I thought it was a cool little book. Perhaps your boyfriend would be into it too!
If you're looking for nonfiction, I thought Readicide by Kelly Gallagher was fantastic. It's about the death of reading in American schools. It's a quick read, but it's fascinating. It will change the way you think about reading, your own education, and your perception of what reading and education should be.