For wall charts I usually snag them free at trade shows, but Here is one on Amazon:
Of course you can always use anything that inspires you. Have some fun.
I strongly recommend this one:
It can raise your tablet to whichever height you want, tilt it and even has space for the keyboard below. It is super sturdy, so it won't fall on itself or wobble. Can place it away in a drawer in two seconds.
I found the brand Scott mentioned on ebay (, which will take like 10 days to arrive.
I also found this brand on Amazon:
It has good reviews, but it's not clear to me whether there's a difference between Silexan and "Lavender Essential Oil Capsules". As far as I understand it, Silexan is the same thing but standardized in a certain way, but I'm not sure
You could drill the hole deeper, but you'll probably want to have an end-mill bit rather than a standard drill bit, since you'll want the bottom of the hole to be flat instead of cone-shaped. Something like this would work if you have access to a drill press or something that can hold a tool like that.
It’s the worst. First of all I was really afraid of lying on my front or tilted toward my front for the first half of my pregnancy and I shouldn’t have been. I know you said it’s sore, but if it stops being sore I don’t think you need to worry about it until midway through really!
That aside because one way or another you will absolutely need to sleep on your side at some point and it sucks - I had a knee pillow like this. I thought it was dumb to begin with but I ended up using it pretty much every day. I also got loads of mileage out of this pregnancy v pillow. You used to be able to buy it on Amazon pretty cheap but looks like no more? Something similar will do the trick anyway. I used that sucker everywhere by the end and it got prioritised for bed space over my partner. Loved it. I still use it now as a back rest for night feeds.
Definitely try some test runs with the thickness wood you are using. You can kinda use the regular kerf bending calculator if you use the width of the bit at its widest point (at the depth you will use). I saw someone else use regular table saw with angled splines to get the right curve. The problem with my method is if you adjust the depth of cut you have to recalculate. I used this bit on amazon:
JERRAY CNC Carving 4.82 Deg Tapered Angle Ball Tip Radius=0.5mm X 1/4" Shank Tungsten Solid Carbide HRC55 with TiAIN Coated Router Bits
But beware i did get some tearout with the baltic birch. I did one pass for each line at almost 3/4 depth and suprisingly didn’t break the bit
I got this one. It was cheaper when I bought it. I have the same laptop as OP and it does cover a bit of the intake but not all of it. It's very sturdy and you can adjust it as you want.
I'm a side-sleeper. My partner got me a knee pillow to help keep pressure off of things during the night, I've used it every night since getting home.
I also have a Fybogel drink every day to keep things moving in the bowel department. X
I've had good success with this one:
but I always still get fuzzies and lines, his looks smooth as heck.
That cutting length is too long I think. 80% arms $30+SH makes theirs with a .75 CL. I've grabbed this one from Amazon $21+Prime, but it is a 4 flute and is still 1.0 in CL.
I guess I'll have to buy from 80% Arms . Or try Amazon Morse Heavy Duty Large Plastic Wall Chart - Decimal Equivalents, Recommended Drill Sizes for Taps, and Useful Formulas
is the one i used after breaking my first one too. It has 4 flutes instead of 3 like the one from the kit. That just means it will cut smoother, but you will need to go slower. If you are using a router and this kit it can look semi-professional.
Would these work? I bought that set a while back. If not, what would you recommend for a quality endmill? I'm not trying to skimp on quality, but I also don't need industrial precision or anything.
Ok, I looked for about an hour and I honestly could not find a video. Here's the best I can do to give you instructions.
(I'll try to skim over the obvious)
First, you're using this edge finder or similar
Offset the edge in the y-direction such that it is towards the part. Bring it in to the part until it touches and keep moving at a lower rate (about .01 should be efficient) until the cylinder looks all but solid. Now moving at about 0.001, keep moving while rubbing your thumb up and down the side inline with the y-axis until you no longer feel a lip. Mark the position and then continue in the same direction by 0.001 (or smaller) until you feel a lip again. At the point that you feel a lip again, you are about .0985 (+- .0005) off from the edge of the part assuming you did this right.
Do the exact same thing on the x-axis.
Let me know how this works out for you. It should be the next best thing to buying a dial edge finder for like $470+