Tough-1 leather saddlebags from amazon. A little on the small side but fit nicely on the back fender without any extra hardware. And cheap in comparison to anything yamaha is selling.
Tough 1 Soft LTH T1 Saddle Bag
It's definitely one of those things you may have to try on a bunch of different styles to find what fits you well. I have some Equine Cotoure that I love, and GHM. I'm also only 5'1, 120lb ish so I have a REALLY difficult time finding them short ebough. I would say if you're in America order several pair from State Line Tack, including their Piper breeches if you're taller than me, and try a bunch on. They offer free returns on all sized items. I'm not sure about other countries. As far as cheaper brands that I like for summer riding and schooling... Tuffrider schooling tights can be found on Amazon For something like $40. I literally have these, which are great for spring/summer/fall and literally can't imagine them riding up with the ankle. TuffRider Ladies Marathon Tight | Women Horse Riding Equestrian Breeches - Charcoal/NeonBlue - Medium
George H Morris GHM Ladies Derby Knee Patch Breech 36 Duck Green
I got some leather saddle bags on Amazon ( and just throw them over the rear of the seat when I need them. I also tie a piece of leather shoelace through the holes and around the sissy bar.
My only things are give Ruby pants(bell bottoms or boot cut) and give Yang an actual Duster. Like not the modified one but like what you see on Amazon and stuff. And yes more bell bottoms and boot cuts(you can see what kind of clothes I like). The only other thing is give these two each a cowboy hat and boots when we get to Vacuo. It fits with Yang so we'll and Ruby is the kind of person who's get a cowboy hat and boots
And that’s for brand new never even fired a round, or even mounted for more than 5 minutes pricing?
I purchased this setup brand spanking new from Opticsplanet, the mount was straight from Scalarworks ($399), and only had it mounted for not even 5 minutes. But thanks for the enlightenment; best case scenario I could recalculate my shipping prices or just cover them myself entirely. Also, I did purchase my scope from Opticsplanet and if you actually look through the different models available, you’ll see the one I’m trying to sell going for at least $798, not including the Trijicon Throw Lever ($70 and some change at the time I purchased it) and shipping+tax that I paid.
Like I mentioned in the post, just trying to recoup as much as I can from my purchase. If not, then I could wait the 3+ weeks it takes Opticsplanet to process a return and just be short of $25+15% restocking fee, would net me back possibly $650ish. And that’s a ($220-ish) loss I’m hesitant to take.
Not sure what Scalarworks return policy is but probably the similar.
Just thought I’d take my chances on here.
One of these is recommended.
Horse Supply 18 inch Riding Crop for Horses, Horse Whip with Double Slapper, Leather Equestrian Jump Bat, Black