True story, that's how it worked in the Robert Taylor homes. The gang leaders, building managers, and police had an uneasy truce.
If someone did some stupid shit that was out of line, the gang leaders would make sure to quietly rat out the perpetrator via the building crew.
I'm pretty sure that the recent rise in random street violence is directly related to the breakup/gentrification of the project homes. It's no different from the mafia or yakuza - once the central power is broken up, there are lots of low level thugs scrambling for money/power and nobody to keep them in line.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, very interesting story about human cell research, the woman whose cells made it possible, and her daughter. It is a compelling true story and describing it makes me want to read it again! And I second (or third) the Mary Roach books; they are sometimes LOL funny.
>The Immortal Life of Hennrietta
Based on the book by the same name by Rebecca Skloot
I can't tell you what tribe the declaration of independence was referring to, but Empire of the Summer Moon does a good job of describing the atrocities of the Comanche.
In addition to the many rape stories as well as the killing of children, there were others like how they would cut your eyelids off and tie you down on your back staring into the summer sun until you baked to death.
What Taison says here is almost a pretty direct quote from the beginning of the latest book by Ibram Kendi. The book, called How to Be an Antiracist does a pretty nice job of clearly describing some of the issues with structural racism that we see today.
If you think Antiracism is a topic that is really interesting to you, I would recommend that book and also White Fragility by Robin Diangelo.
(Source: I work on a Structural Racism task force in my city in America and have done a lot of work in the field of Antiracism for the last 5 years or so.)
If you haven’t read the book, Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington , please do! It’s an excellent and easy to follow chronological explanation of the medical experimentation on Black people ����
They claimed it. The Comanches fought back. There were a few points in which American settlement was actually pushed back by a hundred miles or so due to how savagely the Comanche fought. For a long time, the United States was unable to truly connect its two halves. The mounted Plains Indians were far too fast and mobile to effectively fight with then-modern technology and doctrine, much like trying to fight Steppe Nomads at the time in Russia.
What changed was the invention of a new, stronger rifle and an interest in buffalo hides to market. White men could now shoot further than the Mongol-like, always-mounted Comanches, and more importantly the White men utterly annihilated the buffalo herds the Comanche survived off of. Basically, the American free market starved the Comanche and other Plains Indians out of the thing they needed to survive by lucky happenstance, which let White men truly conquest the Great Plains. And in 1874 the Red River War happened, which saw most of the last free Com ache tribes surrender to the Americans and go onto reservations because they had no other choice and would otherwise starve to death. This finally made the southern Great Plains save for permanent White colonization.
I highly recommend the book Empire of the Summer Moon by S.C. Gwynne . There's also an Audible audiobook version which is quite good. It's a book about the rise and fall of the Comanche nation[s] and it's super fascinating to hear about that period of frontier warring ad tragedy.
Congrats on finding relief for your painful feet and freeing yourself of expensive conventional treatments that may or may not actually work.
Please keep in mind that sufficient strengthening of your lower legs (muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones) for successful long term transition to zero drop shoes can take a long time. For some it can take several months. For some it can take years.
So be careful not to push yourself too hard too fast. Because if the usual pattern holds true, the next step in your evolution could be metatarsal stress fractures and chronic Achilles pain.
Edit: You might also check out Born to Run by Christopher McDougall is you haven't yet.
Currently reading this. Basically his mom ruined him for life starting at a young age, destroyed any semblance of a family to chase after dangerous dudes. Man grows up with deep hatred to punish women and manipulates them for his stable of hoes, furthering the cycle of ruined families.
Another rabbit hole I didn't know I hadn't been down...
I grew up in Provo and went to Timpanogos Elementary. Home of the Indians! (Not anymore - they're the Tigers now, and the Timpanogos Indians have gone down the memory hole). The school sits across the street from North Park, where they moved the actual Fort Utah (the structure). We used to have activities in that park all the time, including a huge "Mountain Man Rendezvous" every year). They built a water park there.
Reading the story of how the native people were treated when the Mormon settlers arrived was horrible, and sad, and completely unsurprising. And we damn sure weren't taught the actual history.
Side note: read Ibram X. Kendi's Stamped from the Beginning, the part that covers the genocide of native peoples as the U.S. swept westward. Lots of similar tactics were employed - "we promise we'll never ask you to leave your land!", "think of how much better your life will be if you give us your land, and let us trade with you!", etc.
White supremacy and white innocence run DEEP in TSCC...
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. A poor black tobacco farmer to whom we owe a debt of gratitude, because without her we wouldn't have half the cures to diseases we have today - including the polio vaccine.
Most native tribes were horrific savages.
Here's an excellent book to read, which goes into great detail about Comanche history and cites the firsthand accounts of the people who encountered Comanches and many Comanches themselves.
Sorry, but people who live in a culture that tortures infants to death have it coming when they get wiped out. This was not limited to the Comanches, either. Firsthand accounts from all over the Americas by even completely barbaric Europeans confirm this.
The funny thing is one of our closest allies in the wars against the Comanches were fucking cannibals.
If you want to get started on Central America, we can always talk about the Aztecs.
This guy's story is really interesting. Parker's Fort, where his mother was captured and the rest of his family slaughtered, is a well kept state park. There was a book written about him, Empire of the Summer Moon, that was a Pulitzer finalist and great read. You can't imagine the violence and turbulence in his world as the Comanche fought the Anglos and Spanish/Mexicans.
>Anti-racism is a talking point invented by the right recently
That's not true. Ibram X Kendi released a book on anti racism in 2019, and who knows how long the concept had been making its academic rounds prior to that?
I haven't read that one, but I loved Sam Gwynne's book "Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History."
I'm also told that "War of a Thousand Deserts: Indian Raids and the U.S.-Mexican War" by Brian DeLay is a good one. It is part of the Lamar Series and looks not only at the Comanche, but also the Apache, Kiowa, and Navajo peoples.
From now until April 2022, you are a black male. Don't even mention being white at all, T10's will be bowing down to you. You think I am joking, but this is truly for your own good.
Check out: Gang Leader for a Day: -- the dealers don't make much money at all. They are kickin' the money to people up the food chain.
If you are into learning about different cultures, Born to Run by Christopher McDougall is an great choice for you. It's the #1 Best Seller in Track & Field on Amazon, so it has quite the reputation. I actually encountered the Tarahumara in an anthropology course during undergrad, as they are pretty heavily studied by sociocultural and physical anthropologists. Here's a section from the Tarahumara Wikipedia: > The Tarahumara word for themselves, Rarámuri, means "runners on foot" or "those who run fast" in their native tongue according to some early ethnographers like Norwegian Carl Lumholtz, though this interpretation has not been fully agreed upon. With widely dispersed settlements, these people developed a tradition of long-distance running up to 200 miles (320 km) in one session, over a period of two days through their homeland of rough canyon country, for inter-village communication and transportation and hunting. Their running in sandals are described in the book Born to Run.
You know what, you're right! Edited and fixed in the post. According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica entry on Comanche they descended from the Wyoming Shoshone tribe and as they gradually migrated southward they displaced the Apache. I guess that latter fact is why I thought they came from the Apache. I know I've read a few second hand sources in the 1800s that said this but the Comanche themselves ought to know more than anyone else. I read a book a while back called Empire of the Summer Moon which talks about how the Comanche language has many similarities to that of the Ute tribe in Utah and that should have been a clue.
Black people are less likely to be truscum because even if they jump through all the medical hoops, their doctors will often make up bullshit reasons to gate keep just because they hate black people. Black folks are often shy of medicine, psychiatry, and medical doctors due to medical racism. I am not black, but I've spent enough time around black folks to notice this.
That could be why you're not noticing a lot of black people in truscum spaces, as truscum tend to adhere to a strict medical standard unaware that medicine often discriminates against black people, forcing black people to purchase mediciations illegally or look for 'holistic' methods.
Again I am not black, I don't know that much about this, you might want to try reading Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington. She is kind of homo/trans phobic due to her religion I think, and there is a lot of stuff about black trans people she specifically didn't mention because of this, but it will still give a general understanding of this topic.
There is a book called ‘Medical Apartheid’ that was published in 2008. I own it but tbh I only skimmed through it. This post makes me want to read it.
My wife's focus in her undergrad was pre-Civil War era, so I really should have been reading more of her books. I think she owns American Apartheid, I'll have to double check. She also got me <em>Stamped from the Beginning</em> by Ibram X. Kendi to read after I'm done with Foner.
Not sure how accurate it is but the book "Born to Run" is actually all about this. I really enjoyed it.
In it it explains that humans, when properly conditioned and with good running form, can run hundreds of miles at a time. Not faster than, but longer than any other land animal.
Early American protestants had at least three ideas on how/why most Africans are so dark:
1]they were a separate creation [polygenetic]
2]They became that way from the curse after Noah/Adam
3]The hot environment changed their skin and if they stay in northern latitudes they will lighten up automatically [a non religious explanation for "scientific" racists].
All this is in the book Stamped From the Beginning. It is really emotionally hard reading.
the people seem wonderful and I’m on my 3rd book about wales…
its a very very interesting country…
reminds me of texas…an historically badass, sovereign country subsumed by a larger amalgamation of principalities into a great union…
i look forward to one day buying a pint for everyone at the pub for the happiness their awesome town, people and football team has given my wife, daughter and I…
long live wrexham and the republic of texas…and florida :)
for any wrexham friends who want to learn about my beloved homeland who shares so many sensibilities with wales, I would recommend sg Gwynne s definitive treatise on our formation at the hands of the Spanish, Mexicans, and, most impactfully, the Horse Lords of the Southern Plains….the mighty comanche
hope y’all win tomorrow…I’ll be rooting while eating a Kristy Kreme donut and drinking a diet Dr Pepper.
We have no way of knowing. OU athletics keeps a lot of things quiet.
Yes, white people don't get to abuse the n word for their own satisfaction. Black people get to make their own decisions about the use of the word that has a violent history for their ancestors. I would suggest you read some books on this to educate yourself, as it borders uncomfortably close to you making racist comments. Here is one that might help you. It opened my eyes a bit.
> I don't see black people talking about qualities that make a good white person. Or a gay person talking about qualities makes a good straight person.
You aren't paying a lot of attention then, I'm guessing. Obviously these things are difficult to bring into common parlance, but on an academic, social, and political level they are constant topics. Books like this for instance. Articles like this for instance.
I highly recommend the book Empire Of The Summer Moon that details this and Quannah Parker's rise to become the last Comanche chief.
If you want to read a book that makes perfect sense of this whole scene read Ice Berg Slim's Autobiography.
Dave Chapelle calls him the coldest mother fucker in history.
If you're interested into the details of the story, there's a great book that documents this time period in the American history
amazon link