I loose weight very quickly with cardio, however I'm already on my feet all day at work. It's not cardio vs weight training. It's more important to enjoy the workout and push yourself. If she doesn't enjoy weight training, that's okay. Maybe after doing cardio for a while she'll decide to ease into other activities. If she's already frustrated with the diet, how is adding exercises she doesn't enjoy going to help solve anything?
If she enjoys cardio, and has time for it, it might be beneficial to eat a little more, but also exercise a little more too. Is she pushing herself? Running a little more, or a little faster every week or two is one option, or maybe she should try HIIT?
If she spends a lot of time sitting down on the job, it would be a good idea to get up and walk a lap, or do whatever she can get away with in her work environment every hour.
Is this really something she wants? I understand there are plenty of good reasons why you might make a post on Reddit for her, maybe she doesn't have an account etc. I have to wonder since you made the post, is this something you want for her more than she actually wants herself? Not trying to judge anyone here.
As for yourself, there's a set of adjustable dumbbells that go from 5 to 52 lbs for about $100 on Amazon, and a set that goes up to 100 lbs (each) for around $200. I bought a pair and I'm very happy with them: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009GC76NW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Luo0CbMV8YTTD
I want to get some dumbbells and an exercise bike for my apartment.
Anyone have experience with these ones, how easy is it to change weight: https://www.amazon.com/Bowflex-SelectTech-Adjustable-Dumbbells-Pair/dp/B001ARYU58/ref=sr_1_13?dchild=1&keywords=dumbbells&qid=1615142586&sr=8-13&th=1
I once bought adjustable dumbbell set (amazon) for $100 off Kijiji, and the dude selling was an obvious crackhead... I was impressed, actually, because these things are heavy af and this dude somehow managed to steal two of em
Yes4All on Amazon are great! They are a bit more pricy, but it comes with a ton more weight so you'll be set for a while. It also has the connection part you're looking for. I would evaluate how long/how much progress you see yourself lifting at home for!
Good luck. :)
Even if you can’t lift the 200lbs set (100lbs each hand) get the 200lb set. Knurling won’t be the best (maybe wrap with hockey stick or tennis bracket tape) and it’ll take a minute to change weights but by far best bang for the buck.
Yes4All Adjustable Dumbbells 40, 50, 52.5, 60, 105 to 200 lbs with Connector Options for strength training https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D487TDA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Y8Z1MHY5SMWW4NGK1F72?psc=1
I had a similar problem a few months ago and decided to get adjustable dumbbells! So instead of buying individual pairs at each weight, you buy one set of dumbbells and you can adjust the weight using plates that come on and off. They are, of course, still expensive but less expensive than if you bought individual pairs. I bought a set that goes up to 25lbs but now I wish I'd bought one that goes up to 50! Here's an example - the pair I bought was much less expensive so take heart, there are more options!
looking through his comment history he doesn't actually own the elite exp 2020 base model. He has what appears to be a sport model instead www.amazon.com/dp/B07BDRWPXD/
so I don't think the sport expansions will fit our 2020 elite exp models
I would say some Fat Gripz, they are $40 on Amazon and if you have Prime you get free shipping. They are a good start for most people, pretty much you put them on dumbbells and the added thickness to hand handles make them much harder to hold when your working out, they are also small and light and easy to take with you if you go to a gym.
For training your forearms and increasing your grip strength I recommend doing farmer carriers as a "finisher" to your workouts either once or twice a week. You can use Dumbbells or farmer handles (if you have access to some).
Also, check out these Fat Gripz. I bought these off amazon a little while ago and have been taking them to the gym with me. They are killer on the forearms!! They add an extra inch to the diameter of the barbell/dumbbell so you really have to squeeze with your forearms to hold the weight. I use them on dumbbells for stuff like farmer carriers, hammer curls, etc..and even use them sometimes when deadlifting.
Lastly, deadlifting is also a great exercise to increase grip strength. So if you aren't doing that already, Id definitely give it a shot.
Those Bowflex adjustable dumbbells on Amazon.ca here are actually really good!
My girlfriend picked up a set on clearance somewhere (Sears?) and didn't pay nearly the $450 cost from Amazon though. Don't know if they'd be worth that much, but they are super convenient, take up next to no space, and the dial mechanism works well so switching between weights is quick and easy. They are also ideal for doing a lot of the home workout DVDs (Gillian Michaels, GSP Rushfit, etc...)
The only minor complaint that I have with them is that they become proportionally large when using the small weights, ie: if you have to use the weight on the 5 pound setting, what you have to hold in your hand becomes much larger than a standard 5-lb dumbbell.
However, with all that said, I think OPs money is better spent on a gym membership. While these home workouts are good for maintenance and for toning, you need to lift big weights if you want dem gainz, and you just can't do that at home unless you plan to spend a lot more money.
Canadian Amazon and Walmart sell these Bowflex Adjustable dumbbells @ 249$
Pull-up/Dip stand for sure and get a weighted vest as well if you can. I'd consider adjustable dumbbells instead of the curl bar, would give you more flexibility.
Unfortunately the ones you want are usually out of stock. /u/NoCenterKnurl is doing great work keeping track of Powerblock stock and letting people on his list know when they pop up.
Otherwise you'll need to set up a distill bot (Read the FAQ) and jump on it. Stage 1 5-50 pounds should run you about $330 from amazon
Edit: Oh wait you did link the Elite EXPs. Yeah so the way Amazon works is if they are out of stock, they offer third party sellers as an option and those people jack up the prices. So do not buy when it's $550. Buying on Offerup/Craiglist/Facebook $480 is middling... some people charge upwards of $600 but I've seen arounf $400 too
I've heard good things about powerblocks which are more expensive but higher quality and you can switch weights quicker.
Don't know that I have seen this here yet. Amazon has Powerblock Elite EXP for 305.99
There is also the stage 2 expansion for $169.99
Can someone help me understand the difference between these two PowerBlocks?
PowerBlock PRO Exp on the PowerBlock website.
Is it just the urethane coating on the plates, and some minor aesthetic differences?
The urethane coating is a "nice to have" but the difference in cost between the two with shipping is about $200. That's a decent chunk of change!
I don't know how accurate it is, but a quick google tells me the average annual gym cost is about $500.
It looks like Powerblock elites (expandable 5-50 at base) are about $350
One could start off there, and add the +20lbs expansions at $160 as you gain.
And unlock a gym membership, you can resell those and recoup most (if not all -- people were flipping these for a profit at times) of your costs if you fall off the fitness train like so many people do.
I'm not a fan of kettle bells personally, I feel like you can do the same sorts of things, plus way more with a set of dumbbells. I found weighted vests to be pricy and difficult to tune what you load too, so I went with a dip belt and just use plates for dips and pullups.
But whatever one does, I think starting with anything is better than nothing. I got started with pure body weight, doing dips between two tables, inverted rows by grabbing the underside of a table, and a cheap $20 door frame pullup bar that I still use, 7 years later.
Have you considered lifting weights? There are a ton of free resources and how-to videos online. YouTube is useful, and you could check out /r/Fitness , /r/bodybuilding , /r/weightlifting , /r/weightroom , /r/powerlifting and I'm sure I'm forgetting others.
Maybe your parents would buy you something like this to help you get started? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071WSFSGC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title
Hey all
Looking to pick up a pair of Powerblock Elite EXP dumbbells and wanted some thoughts on the different versions.
I was leaning toward the USA versions since people suggested the quality is a bit better, but it looks like the price difference will be pretty substantial.
China (Amazon) is $380 (with additional 5% cash back from Prime credit card) and USA (Powerblock direct) is $550.
I second what u/cheryleb recommended! I bought this set for my hubby for his birthday last August, and he uses them every day. They are pricy but worth it! You could always try the single instead of the double. OR...this is the set I have 😂 It's a much different price point! Though, I don't know if they would be heavy enough for you since you do farm girl fitness.
I used something similar like these https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-Adjustable-Barbell-Dumbells/dp/B071WSFSGC/ref=mp_s_a_1_7_sspa?keywords=adjustable+dumbbell&qid=1649859035&sr=8-7-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFBQlpDQ0NYTTBJM1UmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA2...
Got most of them secondhand for free or basically for free. Welded them to the handle and the plates so they sret loose and painted them with metall paint.
Yes, you keep adding weight. You can choose a different variation of an exercise to get more use out of a small dumbbell, but no you wouldn't just curl 20 pounds forever.
Try barbell curls and barbell skullcrushers, since you have a barbell. You can also hold weight plates as if they were dumbbells. And there are also dumbbell handles that can hold Olympic-size plates.
If you aren't hard on your stuff Bowflex aren't bad. I had a pair for about a decade and they had plenty of life left when I got rid of them. They even do some things better than my PowerBlocks. They're quicker to adjust and they have more granular adjustments.
I would go with PowerBlocks though. They're cheaper and expandable to 70 and 90 when you're ready.
You shouldn't just buy one type of weight for dumbbells. You will limit the exercises you can do, your strength for each exercise, and your total efficiency in progress.
I have these dumbbells from Bowflex that adjust from 5 to 52.5 pounds. I recommend these.
If I didn’t have powerblocks I’d probably have these. Just be aware:
Honestly I really like my powerblocks and so do my roommates. But cheapest loads le dumbbells are the yes4all ones. They are normally ~350. The knurling sucks however you can buy these and get baadass or pepin handles and it should work fine.
Yes4All Adjustable Dumbbells 40, 50, 52.5, 60, 105 to 200 lbs with Connector Options for strength training https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01D487TDA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_YS9EF35FY26GEHRY1C4G?psc=1
Additionally you can get powerblocks up to 50 or 70 and then actuall dumbbells for the heavy ones you’ll use. Might be able to swing some used deals going this route but ymmv.
I see they are on sale on Amazon right now for about the same price you paid!
POWERBLOCK Elite EXP Adjustable Dumbbell (2020 Model) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A21NRNO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_4K2MDJQT3ZBR3VRZYTXM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I'm doing GZCLP but I've been taking a break since I'm out of school for winter break. The break was originally going to be 3 weeks, but because of the recent omicron wave my school has delayed the return to in-person classes for an extra 3 weeks for a total of 6 weeks/1.5 months. Because of that, I ended up buying a set of adjustable dumbbells (specifically these) so I can do a bit of weightlifting while I'm stuck at home.
My question is, how do I map GZCLP exercises onto dumbbell exercises (note: I don't have a bench)? Also, since those dumbbells only go up to 52.5lbs, what do I do for exercises where I can do more than 105 lbs for T1/T2? Or should I not bother trying to retrofit dumbbells to GZCLP and do one of the dumbbell stopgap routines from the r/fitness wiki instead?
When covid started, I bought a set like this with longer screws. it can fit 50kg (~100lbs) on each dumbbell (100kg / 200lb in total) . A set like that with 100kg of plates is about 200-300$ . I dont need a bench, I have a chair, and chin ups I can do in the park (I have a bar for one of the doors lying around somewhere).
You can of course build a proper home gym. But you can also do a whole lot with cheap and minimal equipment