If that’s the intake that I think it is, this should fit nearly perfectly:
Fluval Edge PreFilter Sponge https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002LL32RY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_Y1n.FbGK8Y0JZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I think you're doing all that can be done unfortunately.... intakes can be super dangerous. I've lost a few fish to my intake before, and started purchasing the fluval edge sponge to go over thw pipe to protect all of my fish and inverts. You can get them here from Amazon for a good price. I'm sorry about your Molly! I hope he/she pulls through!
I know it's not always ideal, but if you put co2 on this the grass and moss will go stupid. Fluval makes a nano co2 kit that's super easy and relatively inexpensive. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0049RL3H4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_XGJFT86ZAPX27SZ5MGV1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Sure, I just posted a pic to this sub. The mosses on the Buddha were originally painted on with the yogurt method. IIRC, I chopped the moss up on a cutting board instead of using a blender. They’re all semi-aquatic. Regarding the peat gravel, I used the product in the link below. You can get it in the aquarium section of petsmart or petco. It’s sold to go in a filter to soften water, promote acidity, and add tannins, but you can use it as a growing medium for moss.
I saw something about putting one of these over the outflow. I have not personally tried it though.
I may have the fluval version sitting around. If you would pay shipping I don't mind sending it.
Fluval Mini Pressurized 20g-CO2 Kit - 0.7 ounces https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0049RL3H4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Qu8RBbVNPRQVD
Some type of prefilter sponge like this has helped keep my shrimp from getting sucked in. Though this one is pretty fine so it can clog up quick if your filter is strong. Good thing is, shrimp love to eat off of it!
There are actually all kinds of intake sponges that are made for this you can also just use filter floss wrapped around but that will require much more frequent maintenance
Actually just seen your filter is bare and in a small tank it’s almost certain your betta’s fins are getting caught in it. What you need is a Pre-Filter Sponge it stops anything aside from water being sucked into the filter. Hope your betta does alright. Good luck.
Foam is the same as bio media, if you notice your filter seems clogged or gunked up or its been a while you can take it out and clean it off in tank or dechlorinated water. Never replace it as it's where almost all of your bacteria live.
Foam is the first line of defense and has a good amount of bacteria, it takes the big gross stuff out of the water, the next layer should be bio rings which hold A TON of bacteria.
Make sure to get a filter media bag to put them in.
You can usually fit a bag of them right over the sponge in your filter, if not I'd recommend swapping your filter for something that can be customized like the Aquaclear.
Id recommend swapping that filter anyway as it's way too weak.
Filters that say they're for a 20 gallon really mean 5-20 gallon, which really means 5 gallon. It's a marketing trick, it only works because that would be good for a 20 gallon if nothing was living in the tank lol. In reality especially for an axolotl you want at minimum a filter for a 50 gallon.
I'd recommend Aquaclear 50 or Aquaclear 70, it's what I use.
That one is definitely too small though.
Would be useful if you could link what filter you're using? Like others suggested it's likely cheaper and better to just add some sponges to slow down the flow. Other comments showed a outflow sponge, but with bettas I also use pre-filter sponges.
Example: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002LL32RY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_2-UcGbF7C1NFY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You definitely need to get a prefilter on that bad boy before your betta is introduced. Also, bettas don’t do well with strong water currents so make sure your filter is set to low flow if applicable. If it does not have the option to control the flow then you will need to add a filter baffle. Pretty easy to make, just google diy filter baffle and check out which option works best for you.
Fluval Edge PreFilter Sponge https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002LL32RY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_xwraGb8FGS6PJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Agree re the Betta and cherries. But there are people who do so it prob depends on if you happen to have an exceptionally chill Betta. No, those Aquaclears/Fluvals don't come with any prefilters but it's wierd, I have a whole bunch of diff sizes and other HOBs as well and usually this prefilter sponge fits on them all (except for I think it's my deep blue nanos (?) for some reason/with those I cut a square piece of foam instead). You can get it on Amazon and they sell multiples together or singles too, but I know my Petco has the single little box too. It even fits on my massive (well for me at least) Fluval/Aquaclear 70.
You can fit an intake sponge over the output nozzle to calm the flow. I did that in my tank and it worked very well. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fluval-A1387-Edge-Prefilter-Sponge/dp/B002LL32RY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1W4WTBN4E3EPA&dchild=1&keywords=intake+filter+sponge&qid=1597787045&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=intak%2Cpets%2C274&sr=1-1
https://www.amazon.com/Fluval-A1387-EDGE-Pre-Filter-Sponge/dp/B002LL32RY I use this kind of thing. This particular sponge I know fits the filters built in to MiniBow 5 tanks, the Tetra Whisper 3i and the Aquaclear 20
This one or one like this.
You don't need to cut them, they just slide straight over the outtake spout.
Are you talking about water output? Maybe you can baffle it with a sponge where the water comes out.
Some filters allows you to adjust the flow.
If its the intake, you can use a prefilter sponge.
I have this exact tank, you’ll definitely need to put a sponge over the outtake to slow the flow. This fits snugly over the triangular outtake valve. You might still need something to plug the intake, though. My betta does not struggle with your problem because it is a plakat
Don't worry, I have a pre-filter sponge over the intake so shrimp and fish fry can't get sucked in. I think he's either climbing up the intake tube or fighting the outflow current.
Sintered glass biomedia, for example Fluval BioMax.
Not really, just a sponge with a hole in the center. You can find them pretty cheap on Amazon, just look for aquarium intake sponge or something. A pack of 6 is like $5
Here are some: Fluval 1pack
Personally I wouldn’t get one with any additional “filtration” like carbon. Also just check and make sure the hole isn’t too big. But with Amazon they should do free returns if it doesn’t fit.
Just make sure you replace the inlet filter sponge on that with something better. The hole on that sponge goes all the way through and leaves a space where shrimplets will get sucked into the filter.
I used this. It's a little oversized so I just stuck the original sponge inside of this one and used that to fill the gap between it an the pipe. I also had to cut a bit of one side off to let it sit flat on the glass.
It's a big sponge so the flow through it with this filter is slow and peaceful.
Congrats on the new family member, I love his coloration and your scape. I've had one of these tanks, they're pretty solid overall but a couple of (hopefully) helpful tips for you.
Bettas can jump out of tanks if they're open top, not all but it still doesn't hurt to minimize the chance. Covering the hole in the top is the sure fire solution but keeping the water level a bit lower (still partially covering the grate) will at least minimize the chance.
The other issue I had with mine was that the stock pump it comes with had a pretty high flow rate even at it's lowest setting which my little guy had some trouble with. I ended up putting a Fluval Edge Pre-Filter Sponge over the outlet nozzle to disperse the flow out in all directions rather than being a jet of water. Makes the tank much more comfortable for bettas.
Get some of this:
Every few water changes just sort of shake it out in some of the water you take out of the tank to get some gunk off, but never under faucet water. Should last a really really long time.
I ended up using this it's just a little bit too large and I ended up cutting a small piece off of the original sponge to stuff the gap between the intake pipe and this sponge.
If you use this sponge you may also want to cut a bit off of the side that will face the glass so it doesn't push on it so much.
Though it's oversized I like it. I just consider it that much more surface area for bacteria to develop on. Like having a small bubble filter as well as a hang on back.
So you need to buy something called a 'pre filter sponge', place this over the water outake spout, with the hose on top, cut a section out of the sponge so it slides right to the back then you can use a zip-tie to secure it on there. I'll give you a link to a pre-filter sponge but you can find them many places. I use one myself on my tank.
I would highly recommend this prefilter
If that's a 5-10 gallon topfin filter it fits perfectly over the intake, it won't get clogged as often and adds an extra space for beneficial bacteria to grow!
Great upgrades btw !
I put this on my canister filter outflows and it does a really good job slowing the flow down. Fluval Edge Pre-Filter Sponge, Replacement Aquarium Filter Media, A1387 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002LL32RY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_ZRT42S74M5ATP1HXY441?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1