Kawhi's choice of foam roller , for anyone interested.
Not great for beginners or anyone looking for a full-body solution, but my go-to for anything related to the leg.
I would suggest getting a foam roller, it literally changed my life. From time to time I had bad upper back pain which usualy turned into head aches. I watched a you tube video on them and ordered a cheap one off Amazon. BEST $10 EVER SPENT, PERIOD.
I can literally feel every joint between my vertebrae stretching and cracking in my upper back, even those hard to reach ones between my shoulder blades. The first time I used it I laid on the ground for 10 minutes in total bliss from how well it stretched my back.
I used to crave getting firm massages because they would take care of the knots in my back. Now I can roll them out myself.
I need to print this out and frame it above my desk. I never remember until it's too late and I'm already sore.
Edit: if crack your back on stims often like I do, do yourself the biggest favor of your life and get a foam back roller like this. Seriously, thank me later.
You can search Amazon or wherever you shop for "foam roller" and it'll pull up something like: https://www.amazon.com/TriggerPoint-Roller-Instructional-Original-13-inch/dp/B0040EGNIU/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1475067270&sr=8-8&keywords=foam+roller.
So you want to roll your butt? Sit on and shift your weight to move the roll.
Here's another article with good visuals: http://greatist.com/fitness/how-foam-roll-pro.
2 random unrelated questions:
So I’ve only started following the pro/elite scene recently, and I’ve been wondering -- how come most professionals (BTC, NOP, NAZ elite, etc) don’t/are not allowed to (?) make their training public, while others (mainly in the trail/ultra world) do make their training public, at least Strava-wise. Surely it’s not the sponsor, right? -- Hoka for example sponsors NAZ elite and ultra runners like Sage Canaday, Tim Tollefson, Jim Walmsley etc.
You all made me really curious about the R8 from the overwhelming number of positive reviews. What does everyone like so much about it? What magical things can the R8 do that my cheapo Amazon Basics foam roller can’t do? Top 3 reasons you decided to upgrade to the R8?
I use this one from amazon- AmazonBasics High-Density Round Foam Roller | 18-inches, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XM2MXK8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_WrKtBbVZZ80AQ
And this video is a good place to start because there are definitely wrong ways to foam roll- https://youtu.be/t4A523-O5uk
For the chair.
But seriously, all the 50-200$ chairs on Amazon and whatnot are made for like the hypothetical average 5'8" 170 pound world citizen. You can either bite the bullet and get something solid from a quality furniture producer, or start doing exercises to help your neck and whatnot. This will actually help you a ton.
I don't really have any experience working out as a non-keto person, but as a keto person who was entirely new to working out, it took a while to really get used to working out and find what my body best responds to. So for me those electrolytes are paramount and I have them before and after the workout. Always hitting the protein every day. I also take a hydrolyzed collagen supplement daily and when I've stopped doing that, noticed a distinct difference in the recovery rate of my muscles.
Another thing I notice that makes a huge difference is proper warm ups and cool downs and stretching, never enough stretching for my body. After I started using a foam roller consistently I really noticed a lot of improvement in muscle recovery. I even got a set of massage balls to hit my calves, hamstrings, shoulders, neck and back better and they're fantastic. The spiky ball is good to brush your cats with so they feel included in your rolling around on the floor.
>Is this simply false?
In my very limited experience it is. My body does just fine running on ketones and fat. And of course, unless you're fat adapted already, athletic performance will suffer until you are.
I tried rucking for awhile. Then I realized it hurts my neck so I got rid of the weights I was strapping to my back like I was some kind of a mule and stopped rucking and that was a great upgrade for me. But really, when I started walking for fitness, I went to a local athletic store and got a gait assessment and then shoes that really helped my entire body immensely during walking. I had been wearing the wrong size shoe with the wrong configuration for my feet.
Two other things I don't know how or why I ever lived without are my foam roller and my massage balls. I use these things every day and would be totally lost without them now. I even take the big ball and the lacrosse ball to work to jam them behind my back if I have to sit at all. Feels like heaven.
This should help you with your back posture. Look up YouTube videos to help you how to use it.
Link: Amazon Basics High-Density Exercise, Massage, Muscle Recovery, Round Foam Roller, 12", 18", 24", 36" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XM2MRGI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HX38FP3A6XXWK618G00D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have the basic black roller I was given when I went to physical therapy, looks like this one from amazon. Works perfectly fine for me but maybe I just don't know what I'm missing? I've tried out the spikey ones but I don't feel they're worth the extra money. Heck, some people use PVC pipe. Any basic roller and a few lacrosse balls and you should be good, IMO.
There are a ton of fancy ones out there but I really love this simple foam roller on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XM2MRGI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2TyaBbRDJQF34
It’s high density and really durable so it gets all the spots I need worked and seems to last forever!
I am sorry you had such a difficult childhood, and am so proud of how far you've come. I know your mother wants the best for you and is proud that you are clean from drugs and healthy.
A foam roller may be helpful for your back
Have you considered speaking to a therapist about your past? Once you find one that you trust, they might be able to help you process and come to terms etc.
I was wallowing in my own self-pity and then I read your post and am humbled; you are much more resilient and stronger and I admire your drive. Know that I am rooting for you. Difficult things are difficult, and you are building towards your future while fighting demons. Take care, and remember to breathe.
Try one of these https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-High-Density-Round-Roller-36-inches/dp/B00XM2MRGI/ to stretch, just lay with it up your spine from your butt to your neck and put your arms out.
Also what the guy said about bands and anti-inflammatories, look up the Throwers 10 program.
I love this one which is almost just like the one you mentioned. I love my foam roller and honestly do not know how I lived without one for so long. I also love this set of balls. The big ball and the lacrosse ball go with me to work to use if I have to sit in my chair. I lay on these things all the time and get the best massages in the world.
Used to get it bad in my lead forearm/just below my elbow. Hydration is also huge and when you’re playing drink Gatorade or stuff with electrolytes that keep you from cramping/building tension.
Using these two things regularly I haven’t had it since. knocks on wood
PS the FlexBars come in different tension/strengths
My holy grail are this foam roller and these massage balls particularly the big one.
I do not know how I managed to live my life without daily foam rolling but I will never put myself through that again!
You should get a high density foam roller. Cracks your back and gives you a massage at the same time. Easily one of the best ~$15 I've spent on health/fitness.
I have the Amazon Basics foam roller in both 18 inch and 36 inch lengths. It's inexpensive, simple, and it works. The 18 is probably all you need for your legs, and is good for using in limited space. The 36 is great for laying along your spine and doing a "snow angel" pose to stretch out all sorts of back and shoulder tightness.
Massage balls like a lacrosse ball (cheap work-around) or TriggerPoint (recognized brand) can also be really helpful, I have a couple off-brand I just haven't gotten into using them regularly. When I do use them, I really like the results.
I bought a cheapo one on Amazon about 4 years ago. Its held up well with fairly regular use under my 185 pounds. I'd probably go shorter if I ordered again, 36" can be unwieldy.
What do y'all do for foam rolling when you travel?
Mine is this 18" long one from Amazon, it works great at home, but is a bit big for a suit case. Should I just buy a smaller one for traveling or is there a better alternative?
/u/akthe_at posted some articles below that are probably more scientific... I'm not a doctor or physical therapist, but I definitely can feel the benefits afterwards - less soreness, more range of motion and quicker recovery.
I started out by buying a very spongy foam roller, but my body quickly adapted to it, and it didn't do much for me. I moved onto use the Grid (http://www.amazon.com/Trigger-Point-Performance-Revolutionary-Roller/dp/B0040EGNIU)
That works well for some areas, but still too soft on others. So I ended up getting a PVC pipe ($6 or so from Home Depot) as well as the MobilityWOD SuperNova (http://www.roguefitness.com/mobilitywod-super-nova).
If you start foam rolling, your body begin to adapt to it as well (or at least mine did).
That's the short one, get the longer one.
well I was in your shoes until last week, where there was stiffness in different areas internally and to be very honest anything related to hand is really complicated, so many fibers, tendons and joints running like wires.
Here is my theory, since it is already 4 months now, the healing might have already be in place but it might have not been happened well. What I recommend you is go for a deep tissue massage, it really really helps.
You will notice the difference right from day1, now I have spent $80 for 2 sessions and I almost had 80% improvement. I dig little deep there after and I stumbled on to this tool https://www.amazon.com/Rolflex-PRO-Leverage-Foam-Roller/dp/B07H14X98W/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=rolflex+arm+%26+leg+massager&qid=1668919214&sprefix=rolfl%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.08f69ac3-fd3d-4b88-bca2-8997e41410bb
trust me to try this tool out, you have nothing to lose, you have 2 months even to return it if you don't like it.
I have religiously massaged with good pressure every alternate day for 1 week straight, almost 3 sessions with rest every next day after session, I have seen now my hand is 98% better, I still have some discomfort (I am sure the tendon will gain strength in few more weeks) but then it is almost to nothing
I knew how tough it is to always feel pain, give it a try - Good luck
This doohickey is $80.. less than the cost of a professional massage. As a massage therapist who gets really sore forearms, it's lovely.
I have a handful of exercises that I'm supposed to be doing but I have mostly stopped.
I got a "fancy" foam roller thing that allows me to get enough force in the right spot which is pretty tricky otherwise, something like this https://www.amazon.com/Rolflex-PRO-Leverage-Foam-Roller/dp/B07H14X98W
The plan now is to wait until my health insurance kicks in and then see a doctor about it. Before I was only able to see kinda crummy workers comp doctors since I had shitty insurance before. They didn't know what the problem really was even after getting an MRI. Offered surgery but seemed to only give it about a 50% chance of working and I'd have like, a permanently really weak wrist or something.
Similar to Foam Roller for Trigger Point $22
I hate using Amazon, but donated to MJFF went I do. Hence "smile" on URL.
Foam roller, or the tiger tail
Also, watch your electrolytes. When you have an imbalance the calf muscle is one of the first to suffer
Roll your feet with a good roller like the one linked below, you can even roll your other muscles to get the blood flowing and healing them. Get good work boots from 5.11 Tactical. It's helped me have no foot pain. Take Ibuprofen when needed. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07B1HMDT3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_T4MKR7K506C2BSMC3A5V
like this. I like the longer one myself because my bf and I are both quite broad. But they're awesome! Also great for legs and other large muscle groups