Don't forget the Princeton textbook, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction
Yep, that’s the one: The Art of Currency Trading: A Professional′s Guide to the Foreign Exchange Market (Wiley Trading)
Devoid of the usual junk you get in books written by people with no institutional background. He blows apart a lot of the myths too.
Buy Brent Donnelly’s main text:
The Art of Currency Trading: A Professional′s Guide to the Foreign Exchange Market (Wiley Trading)
It’s the best out there. Written by an institutional trader and not a snake oil salesman. Don’t be tempted to steal it online; the guy put a huge amount of effort into what is the most sensible and informed introduction to retail forex. It’s a superb book.
The other text I recommend to all learners is Kathy Lien’s superb book:
Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market: Technical and Fundamental Strategies to Profit from Market Moves, 3rd Edition (Wiley Trading)
Lien is another institutional trader with a superb educational background and career.
Those two books will cover the lion’s share of what you need to understand when starting out.
More volatility which can impact growth rates. Speculation often has negative effects such as what we saw with food prices this year.
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency: A Comprehensive Introduction. This is an authoritative text on how Bitcoin works from a technical and economics perspective, and despite being very in-depth, it’s pretty easy reading.
I always recommend this book Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies because I feel that it is sufficiently technical for those who want to get into the weeds, without being overly intimidating.
This is a good book The Art of Currency Trading: A Professional's Guide to the Foreign Exchange Market (Wiley Trading)
I don't know how exactly you retain information, everyone's differe t, I for example don't absorb efficiently when listening, but I do great when reading. I recommend this book:
Just started reading a new book and so far, so good.
Title: The Rise of Carry: The Dangerous Consequences of Volatility Suppression and the New Financial Order of Decaying Growth and Recurring Crisis
Author: Tim Lee, Jamie Lee, & Kevin Coldiron
Amazon Link:
> A groundbreaking book sure to leave its mark in the canon of investing literature, The Rise of Carry explains how carry trading has virtually shaped the global economic picture―one of decaying economic growth, recurring crises, wealth disparity, and, in too many places, social and political upheaval. The authors explain how carry trades work―particularly in the currency and stock markets―and provide a compelling case for how carry trades have come to dominate the entire global business cycle. They provide thorough analyses of critical but often overlooked topics and issues, including:
>• The active role stock prices play in causing recessions―as opposed to the common belief that recessions cause price crashes
>• The real driving force behind financial asset prices
> • The ways that carry, volatility selling, leverage, liquidity, and profitability affect the business cycle
> • How positive returns to carry over time are related to market volatility―and how central bank policies have supercharged these returns
Yeah, initially I watched OM's youtube explanations of his process and though they were too high level. He doesn't explain the theory behind his process. I'm reading a book that explains what I believe is his methodology though:
It explains volume price analysis and touches on volume at price later in the book. VPA is basically how to interpret candles and constantly repeats how important looking at the volume is. The volume at price explanations can be summarized by my previous comment.
I'd start with Price Action Breakdown by Laurentiu Damir.
You could start getting materials and ideas from cheap kindle books. Here's an example. Yes, stay away from stocktwits, ads and such on the web, or even books that are just lead-in's to other web products and services. You can usually tell these days, if it's a famous or decent book from reviews (filter out fake testimonials for web scam authors of course). Also check out tradingschools dot org for more reviews in general.
I'm a fan of this book, but may be a bit advanced to jump directly into. Primarily targeted for forex, but I find the techniques equally effective for equity trading as well.
Everyone will develop their own style though, so hard to give recommendations. This might be a better start, depending on where you wish to go. Bulkowski is a good author IMO, and also has a pretty useful website.
There you go. For me the book is short and concise, to the point.
> I am just asking for your favourites book/blogs that are not listed there.
Anna Coulling's Books:
They are not without their problems, but everything in 'forex education' is flawed in one way or another.
Here is the post for archival purposes:
Author: Deep_Blue_69
>Is it possible to understand this book without coding experience besides very superficial stuff in VBA? I read his other book, The Internet of Money, which wasn't difficult at all, although also non technical. Perhaps you recommend a different source than this book? Already have a <em>basic</em> grasp of public/private key stuff, SHA-256, and such.
>For reference, I understood perhaps 80% of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction
>Thanks ahead
It's a long story. Read this book ( if you want a solid understanding. It'll be a great investment for your time and $
If you're suspicious that large numbers of Reddit users are shilling for Ethereum, then you can't trust any answer you receive to this question on Reddit. You'll have to turn to other sources, or develop your own knowledge of the functions and problems of cryptocurrencies and how they compare to each other and fiat. I'm reading this book which I'm finding really helpful. It focuses on bitcoin of course, but is a good primer on cryptocurrencies in general.
I am a big fan of Anna Coulling's book too.
The kindle version of VPA costs less than a visit to Starbuck's:
/u/capital55 is not a fan of Anna Coulling, and will have at least two other recommendations for you.
(see here, that discussion was more about Wyckoff/VSA, but that is ultimately where the price @ volume discussion leads. The volume @ price discussion leads elsewhere, Jigsaw Trading's material is a good entry point).
For me volume is the best signal for a breakout. True breakout has volume associated with it. Of course this is just a part of technical analysis, but volume is a very great indicator if you know when to use it and how to interpret it.
Good book I read some time ago:
You might like The Death of Money - Amazon Link. The first review explains each chapter in depth.
It kinda has a doomsday feel IMO, but lays out the current players involved in world economics and pushes some views on what can go wrong.
Econ is also one of my weaker topics. I'm interested in learning more about emerging markets and capital flows, but I'm not sure where to start aside from following the trail of amazon bestsellers and recommendations.
> To me, it reads more than anything else like the person is getting a commission from some company which sells gold to suckers.
What even remotely gives you that impression? Come on, accusing people of shilling just based on intuition without any factual source is bullshit. People here area accused of that all the time, surely you can be better than that.
I was totally sold on the "He's crazy" part. He has written many books like this one, it seems.
> Fortunately, it’s not too late to prepare for the coming death of money. Rickards explains the power of converting unreliable money into real wealth: gold, land, fine art, and other long-term stores of value. As he writes: “The coming collapse of the dollar and the international monetary system is entirely foreseeable. . . . Only nations and individuals who make provision today will survive the maelstrom to come.”
This one isnt bad but like Radeh has said there are probably better ways to learn than reading.
It looks like one of the thing you are looking for is intermarket analysis. For that tryCurrency trading and intermarket analysis
Another useful book would be Foreign exchange matrix
Fundamentals are good. The key to using them is figuring out which fundamental is the dominant price driver for your timeframe ie. what information are market participants fixated on if any.
I'm reading this right now. Starts from the beginning and is very clear. $5 on Kindle so it's not going to break the bank.
Forex For Beginners by Anna Coulling