Thank you for the book recommendation.
Also, Hitler and the Nazis based many of their anti-Jewish laws (no Jews in parks, Jews not allowed in restaurants) on American Jim Crow Laws.
If you want to get a better idea on what goes through the mind of some individuals spend a day and read the Nuremberg Diary by G.M Gilbert. Gilbert was the psychologist assigned to the Nuremberg trials to analyze the Nazi leaders in the months leading up to their trials.
“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.”
Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trails
Oh Hitler absolutely took inspiration from US racism:
> Among recent books on Nazism, the one that may prove most disquieting for American readers is James Q. Whitman’s “Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law” (Princeton). On the cover, the inevitable swastika is flanked by two red stars. Whitman methodically explores how the Nazis took inspiration from American racism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He notes that, in “Mein Kampf,” Hitler praises America as the one state that has made progress toward a primarily racial conception of citizenship, by “excluding certain races from naturalization.”
“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.”
Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials
Great book "The Nuremberg Diary".
Yes god forbid the Nazis European honor be besmirched by false comparison with the mongrelized ideals of the Americans
Oh whoops looks like America’s institutionalized racial oppression was a significant influence on the Nazis own racial policies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Reminds me of a good book. Rec this, totally.
I never knew of the 50s military invasion of the US against Puerto Rico, even less of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. Here's Albizu Campos.
While Nazism is more about nationalism than socialism it still includes some parts of the latter. And also right-wingers in Italy used to argue that 'fascism wasn't that bad' by pointing out some welfare state features. But i guess we all know that these ideologies were awful not because of socialism bits in there. And i wouldn't associate modern racist dipshits with nazis from WW2 - ones ruling Germany 80 decades ago were quite intelligent people, they were just lacking empathy feeling and morale (Source - diary of psychologist observing nazi leaders at Nuremberg).
>Why are you linking to people's profiles
What profile? That is an article mate. You're acting suspicious. Are you part of the concerted misinformation campaign that reddit often talks about?
Where do you think this is illegal and please cite the law.
It is not even illegal in the US to BE a Nazi
The Nazis modeled themselves on the US
It is illegal in Germany
Bro, Nobody started going to the capitol with sign that say “gringos go home” out of the blue, or for racial issue. No one harasses and persecutes the gringos on the island. This is not a attack to gringo, but to gringo investor. Did you know that the US government imposed a fiscal board control in 2016(even tho its unconstitutional) 6 of 7 member are north Americans gringos and they are approving unconstitutional laws(stepping on our democratic process)in favor of their business(like ACT22); when they were put there in the first place to monitor that the payment of the debt P.R. owe to the United States will be carried out. The worst part is that these laws don’t contribute to the payment of the debt, but it helps to keep sinking the island. It helps investor like Logan Paul and Salil Zaveri to come here to keep buying our land, making us unable to pay the debt and/or to be a free country. Theres clearly so much political history you just simply not acknowledge or you’re either making a fool of yourself cuz you’re triggered and blind. Leer es gratis.Leer es gratis
That’s only because 38% of people who get arrested end up getting prosecuted.
According to Johnson, Japan’s conviction rate of all arrested cases (convicted cases/all arrested cases, prosecuted or not) is on par with global average.
Hey, OP, This is the one book you need. You might also want to read War Against All Puerto Ricans so you have a better understanding of that colonial relationship between the US and PR.
Yeah I know that one very well.
I have both Kelly's book called "22 cells at Nuremberg" and Gilbert's book "Nuremberg Diary". 22 Cells is very hard to get and if you find it expensive. I do recommend Nuremberg Diary. That one is still printed and on Amazon
“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.”
Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials
The main source for my thoughts are from a book by a sociology professor who cross-compared Japanese and American criminal justice systems.
You can find that here:
In it you can learn a lot about both the US and Japanese criminal justice systems as well as various aspects of society thoroughly supported by a 26 page long list of research articles & other academic sources.
You can not find a more thoroughly vetted objective source of information on the subject than this particular book.
By all means, I encourage you read it and point out the flaws you can find. Although, we both know you aren't willing to put in that kind of effort because you don't want to be objective and based in fact, you just want to angrily yell an opinion. Which, has purpose, venting is a valid form of stress relief. However, most people choose to vent with their therapist rather than put it on public display as the central driver of their political beliefs.
No one is above typos check your last comment, you’re included. How about you tell me how your sisters pussy tastes, you low life. I know your money is all tied up in your clandestine meth operation ,so DM me your address I’ll send you some reading material. Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law
I recommend the book National Security and Double Government by Michael J. Glennon. It goes into detail about why U.S. national security policy doesn't change regardless of who is President. The short version is because the President for the most part doesn't actually make national security policy decisions.
Operation Paperclip might indicate we were just better competition at being fascists. We framed the war as a good-vs-evil struggle and hanged some war criminals, but we've been telling the Hague we're exempt from the international law we used to prosecute Nazis ever since.
Also worth noting that the Nazis modeled their race laws after Jim Crow laws, but thought we were a little extreme about the "one drop of black blood means you're not white," and instead said 3/4 of you grandparents determined your race.
Oh shit. Got a response from the real YamaGuccimane. That's pretty dope.
The topic I'm mostly interested in is the independence movement in the 1950's so when it comes to the economic situation I'm pretty ignorant and far too dumb to understand it.
From my basic understanding it's mostly been PR getting taken advantage of and fucked over time and time again. Tons of loopholes to cater to greedy corporations, lowering the minimum wage, being forced to prioritize paying back it's debt over basic necessities like hospitals. Then of course there's the Jones act too. The abusive relationship between PR & the US is long and complicated and I only understand about 15% of it. I recently started reading War Against All Puerto Ricans and I'd recommenced it to anyone interested in the topic.
I don't actually know Manuel-Miranda's stance and maybe it's super shitty. I do give him credit for trying to use his platform to try and get congress to pay attention. Now that he's made a name for himself I hope someday he'll make a musical about a Puerto Rican historical figure like Pedro Albizu Campos, he's basically the Puerto Rican Malcolm X. I'm rambling quiet a bit and apologize. I also wanna make it clear I'm a Nuyorican which my family on the island mocks me for endlessly so I'm not a great source on the topic. Anyway, thanks for reachin out.
The seeds go further back than that. '47 National Security Agency was the beginning of the end. From Korea to now...
Nazi = member/sympathizer of the NSDAP, I don't believe any of them cared for American republicans. Furthermore, the Nazis had the American Democrats as a model when coming up with their racial laws and I don't mean simply inspiration, but a conscious attempt at copying what the democrats were "doing right".
there are dozens of books written on this topic, and you can find plenty of info online as well. All based on hard evidence, documents and transcripts, it's not simple speculation.
Republicans are a cult, call them for what they are, cause cults are always gonna be culting.
Trump started the birther movement, tells you alot about how none of his base are racists, they just hated Obama's policeys.
The fascist roots run deep in America started around Andrew Jackson(Trumps fav) trail of tears.
Pre ww2 Nazi and American history is not so black and white.
Yes, they can be detained for 23 day periods, which can be renewed relatively easily if there is an ongoing investigation. I've read this book:
It talks about the Japanese justice system (comparing it to the US) and pros and cons.
I read it and it think very highly of what the Japanese justice system accomplishes, it's a very different approach than the US and I think the US could learn a lot from that system. At the same time, there are a lot of US culture virtues that'd really get in the way of implementation of some key features.
Refusal to acknowledge Ainu/Okinawan culture... not entirely sure I understand what you are talking about, but also pretty sure I don't care. Most conflict between the main gov't and Okinawa has centered on the US's poor manners as guests on the island and/or the forced occupation of the island under US law for quite a while. It's really not a whole lot different than what I understand of the US forcing it's way into control of Hawaii. Ultimately, from what I have followed of the matter, I get the impression that the main Japanese gov't does make an Ernest effort to rectify the situation, but the US is an ass and doesn't make a genuine effort to move.
Discrimination against Zainichi Koreans... this is a can of worms, but at the same time if the Koreans don't naturalize then I blame them for not naturalizing. If you embrace the culture and demonstrate genuine interest in their way of doing things most welcome you. Zainichi Koreans refusal to naturalize is kind of a big 'fuck you' in that regard.
I'm going to guess you're in the US/American. I don't know for a fact that you're in the US, but your comment history has US cultural references that strongly suggest (but don't confirm) this.
At any rate, if you'll notice (google it) the US has an extremely high incarceration rate and recidivism rate. Your attitude toward criminal behavior, the lack of empathy specifically, is one of the main cultural problems with the US that causes this.
By comparison, Japan has an extremely low crime rate & very low recidivism rate. Why? Because people forgive each other and don't look for every excuse to condemn those around them or think less of others in the interest of thinking of themselves as "#1".
Also of relevance, regulated BAC for Japan is 0.0125% vs. US ~0.08%. And significantly better public transportation, most people don't even need a car because they ride the train drunk. (I've actually done that on accident when I didn't realize some drink had alcohol in it).
For further information on why your attitude (the fact that it is zero empathy and not some empathy) is a poison to society:
You should take a look at THIS BOOK which takes the points made in the article in to far more detail, although keeps it easy to understand, and makes it a genuinely good read - a pretty hard task on a topic so complex as Brexit.
I don't know how gerrymandering causes the hyperpolarisation so I can't speak to that, but the first bullet point worries me a great deal.
I think it partially falls on the failure of the Fourth Estate. Lots of people talk about media bias, however, I think it's total media failure that is the bigger concern.
The other part is of course a government shrouded in secrecy. This book was a really interesting read. If it wasn't written by a political insider and didn't have glowing reviews by well respected professors and journalists you would call it crazy. The book has over 800 citations though and is a fascinating perspective.
It's funny, the US took Puerto Rico by force, spent a good part of the 20th century trying to extinguish any attempts at independence (I recommend reading , and now is being so nitpicky about making us a state. I'd say they had us exactly where they wanted us.
And for those reasons that Big Security apparatus that does not get voted in or not therefore does not care about your vote. But it does want to know everything about you. Because it can.
National Security and Double Government (2014), by Michael J. Glennon