Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn. It's where I started, and in my opinion some of the best published. What it did better than anything else was capture the adventure and excitement of the star wars movies. It also introduces a good number of characters that you will end up reading about later if you continue to read the books. After that you can read Kevin J. Anderson's trilogy, and then start picking up the singles, like Truce at Bakura, Courtship of Princess Leia, the one with the jedi hutt and luke has a girlfriend ghost. If you decide to skip all those and only read the Thrawn books also read the Thrawn duology which ties up a lot of the stuff from the trilogy that is left open. It isn't left open in a bad way, there is just more stuff that could happen. You will eventually get to the New Jedi Order stuff and then everything else that happened after that, but that is beyond the scope of my recommendations. Also, the links are for the first books, I figure you can figure out the sequels if you end up buying the first books. Also, you can get them for like a dollar at your used book store so don't get them from amazon.
edit: Also, if you have any questions feel free to ask, I read all of the books published by bantam as a child and half the new jedi order series before I gave up and started reading "real" science fiction. Don't take that the wrong way, I enjoyed the star wars books, sometimes one just needs to diversify! I should re-read the thrawn trilogy. :-D
If anyones looking for a fun Sci-Fi book and has an ereader
"Old Man's War" is on sale on amazon for $2.99
I think its also on sale at googles store
Okay is it turns out there's probably not physical copies, but I'm sure I could download it if we raided a warehouse. Amazon's (the character type) aren't normally my thing but I like science fiction.
It's not litrpg, but would a sci-fi anti-harem work? I feel it's anti-harem because the MC is having lots of sex, but there's a lot of gender reversal in it. It's called Between Worlds Between Worlds (The Occupation Saga Book 1) eBook: Williams, J.L.: Kindle Store . Set up is that Earth has been invaded by humanoid aliens who have an eight to one female/male ratio.
They're shorter and definitely lighter fare, but the other series I always pick up as soon as they are released are the Starship's Mage books by Glynn Stewart (
Stewart has a bunch of fairly boilerplate sci-fi series in terms of character and plot with excellent fleet combat scenes and a lot of creativity when it comes to coming up with different sets of technologies/features of the setting that enable, say, FTL travel, or prioritize fighter combat vs capital ship combat, and extrapolating out interesting uses for that technology that fit in-universe.
Starship's Mage is his series where the MacGuffin isn't some sort of special technology, but instead that 200 years from now a very illegal eugenics operation is undertaken to discover and activate latent genes that let its bearers use magic. FTL travel then becomes feeding the energy to perform a teleportation spell into a specialized rune matrix that causes an entire ship to jump 1 light-year instead of one person to jump 1 mile.
The series follows a young mage who joins a merchant ship as a jump mage but quickly realizes that his abilities in magic are far beyond that of normal mages and is eventually recruited by the government to become, in effect, a one-man peacekeeping force. In the background, a set of anti-mage systems are slowly moving towards open rebellion against the rest of the empire through the technological development of FTL travel and communications.
One nice thing is that the guy writes as fast as Brandon does. A new book every year in that series, and if you branch out to his other series, he puts out like 3-4 books a year on a rotating schedule.
Its not crucial, but even though most people like it a little bit less, I'd say its worth reading the Empyrean Age before Templar One, just so you fully understand the Amarr connection.
> for at least a week after release of anything
The book doesn't come out for another week.
"Echoes of Eternity (7) Hardcover – September 13, 2022"
Well technically the HH books are finished, the story is carrying on in the Siege of Terra novels which as the name suggests is all about the traitor assault on Terra. Eventually they will get to the showdown between Horus and big E.
The next book in the series comes out near the end of September and is book 7 in the series.
Oh and prepare for more heartbreak September 13th:
Siege of Tera, Echoes of Eternity (Volume 7).
We’ll finally read exactly how the angel fell. Damn man…just damn.
> Echoes of Eternity (7) Hardcover – September 13, 2022 by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
I seem to recall every single HH ebook release coming out several weeks before the official release date of the hardcover book version. Is this tracked or announced anywhere? As is, I guess I'm just setting a reminder to start checking Amz and BL every few days sometime in August?
Book seven coming out in September according to Amazon.
Damn that’s a wait☹️
Amazon’s showing book 7 being released in September 2022. I’ll have entirely forgotten what’s going on by then.
If you’re more interested in the post-original trilogy (IV,V,VI) the Thrawn trilogy, starting with Heir to the Empire is the most recommended place to start. Some would argue it is the rightful successor trilogy to the original movies
If you’re more interested in early history, I think the Bane trilogy, starting with Path of Destruction is absolutely fantastic and later ties in with fan favorites such as Darth Plagueis.
You really can not go wrong here but these two seem to be the most popular trilogies that serve as a great jumping off point to the universe and it’s tens of thousands of year old history.
Feel free to send me a pm if you have any questions!
This is just the book series Life Reset in a nutshell. The character the owner of the biggest guild in a server gets their race changed and they have to build up a goblin empire from scratch.
Ah yes, let me go to the library and read about the intricacies of Star Wars continuity, let me ask the professors at my college, are there any peer-reviewed studies I can see? Where the fuck did you get YOUR information lmao. Did you make it up yourself? Did you hear by word of mouth? Because it's wrong. It is so easily provably wrong. My dude, look at the book cover of ANY Star Wars book released before 2014. Editions printed after that have a big banner that says "STAR WARS LEGENDS" on them. OH SHIT sorry that's the internet too. I shouldn't have cited anything, like you.
Legends and EU are the same thing. Any non-movie media made before 2014. Novels, comics, games, etc. Before the canon reset there was only one continuity so it was called "The Expanded Universe". Disney wanted a clean slate so they established a new canon on a clean slate and rebranded the old EU as "Star Wars Legends". I know you were like 6 years old when this happened in 2014 but if you google these terms you will see you are wrong.
Most of the same themes and interests you're looking for are present in Between Worlds if you haven't read it yet. Not 100% on the harem aspect, as the MC mostly just sleeps with a number of girls before deciding to start a relationship with one of them. It may develop in the next book, or it could take a crazy left turn.
Sexy space babes is a story by u/BlueFishcake that is on r/HFY and even got released on Amazon yesterday!
The basic premise is that a matriarchal empire with a vastly superior military has conquered earth in a matter of hours. They see human men as we see women, with the added complication that their males are only a fraction of their population so human dudes are the sexy space babes of the galaxy.
There are several authors working on the SSB universe as I listed above.
Oh great! Lol no one I know has that subscription so I can never recommend books to them.
Well if thats the case I hope you dont mind if I slide another recommendation your way. Starship Mage by Glynn Stewart
Hmm, the premise is a little harder to explain without spoiling anything. But the gist is that in the future a Eugenics program results in magic being bred back into humanity. With magic the stars themselves became within humanities reach. Hundreds of years later mages are an integral part of humanity since they are the only means by which ships can travel between the stars. The main character is a mage. I dont want to say anything more for fear of spoiling anything. The first book might have a more spoiler free synopsis.
Yes, the mass market paperback has the "new" cover done by Rick Kelly. Those began regular printing after 2016 and the Legends banner version of the original cover was in print before.
No way to guarantee which cover Amazon will give you though.
You're in luck then. Amazon (US) still has new first edition TFA novelization hardcovers in stock and selling below listed value.
I recommend Old Man's War
The beginning line is awesome: John Perry did two things on his 75th birthday. First he visited his wife's grave. Then he joined the army.
It's part of an amazing series and they are all excellent books.
What is that 6th format "Digital"? Not Kindle, hardcover, paperback, audiobook, mass market paperback, but Digital. I've never seen that at Amazon before. What do you get for the $1.29?
Life reset is the first
book in what looks like it will
be a revenge story:
Try starship mage
The first book is an "omnibus" of all the chapters the author originally published online. so there's a lot of repetition (reexplaining things at the beginning of chapters), so don't let that bias you against the series.
It's the best sci-fi of its kind ("space opera") I've ever read. It's amazing. I wish they made an epic movie series of it - it could rival the lord of the rings / harry potter movies if done right.
I can't recommend it enough. It's so good.
Both your links go to the same page, but this is the one I was recommending
I highly recommend reading the Lore Survival Guide linked from the site. It covers a great deal of lore information.
The EVE Fiction link on the site is the new portal CCP has put up and contains the old lore articles, Chronicles and short stories. The bulk of the theories are derived from information across the various Chronicles and the novels "The Empyrean Age" and "Templar One" which can be found on Amazon. I also spent several week re-reading the news articles found on the EVE World News pages.